Wednesday, August 29 @ 10:22 PM
woo~~today wednessday!!!..whahaha!!~:) 2more day can holiday le..hahas!!~:) tml badminton le..!!haiz.!!the nagging not good for children under 13 to learn!!:(canno see) today go see the aloy!!!scold scold only noe how to scold scold!!!NAGGY MAN!!~..we only wanna rest one times..!!!PAIN LAH!!!..jux one time man!!!then call call call le..!!!siao!!! man!!!...come lah!!!...F**K !!!...siao!! lor..!!!mc mc mc!!!U WANNA MC GO BUY LAH!!! LAZY TO QUARREL WITH U!!! then i rush to HAC LOR..!!!...siao!!!siao siao siao siao!!!... nothing lor.!!same same lor..hahas!!!beside the stupid old women!!!.hahas!!!.. after sch take the test...darm it..sure fail de lah!!!..never study!!and not very sure too..alots never do!!!haiz!!~:( FAIL FAIL FAIL... come home after that lor...with ah ma jocelyn huimin lor.!!..nice lah!!! we tok alots like *** and ******...canno said lah!!!...piravte!!!hahas!!~.. come home online awhile to check if audi can play le ma??but the BAD news is that CANNO!!omg..!!!plz.!! then study science lor.!!haha!!!hope science can pass lor..dunnoe..haiz!!~ Ssinyi 'BUBBLEworld' Tuesday, August 28 @ 10:58 PM
woo~~~...hahas!! tuesday!!!...have eng...but miss koh NEVER air-con..hahas :( hahas!!!so hotty!! hahas!!! woo~~ then sciende..hahas!!!...nothing to lor..nomal.class!!... then same... then cme..but change to HOMEecon...i never bring textbook..omg...hahas!!~stand behind the boring to stand..i wonder how i spent my times behind..hahas!!!...yeah..remember le..i now then remmber that need to bring textbook tml...hahas!!~ lalalala~~math!!!nothng..same same..hahas!!!...hw...2 set of exam paper for my holiday!!!..hahas!!!.haiz!!..:(...hope no more hw...plz...i still wanna go malaysia...too much hw canno go..haiz.!!! chinese...! woo~~ funny..lor..nothng...same same...funny de class!!:) love ya!! :) today got badminton right..i never go lor...LEG PAINS...:( but aloy dun believe...wht to do..still wana me to pay back..haiz.!!..she can take my money ma???hahas...i will not pay lor...i go almost all the time lor...other also got never go..why until me like that!!!1 day never go only!!!she *****...dunnoe lah!!!~then go buy food that time saw the boy coach!!!so scary....hahas!!!funny lah!!!~hahas!!~....and today like only 3 ppl ba...not more then 5...hahas!!~ audi cannno PLAY!!!.omg ...i fainting i can play better le tell me cano play!!!siao de lor..i download more than 5 times today!!!siaoS!!!! so angry le. still got this thingy make me more anngry!!!! SsinyiI 'BUBBLEworld' Monday, August 27 @ 11:58 PM
woo~~today first day of week!!! 5 words...'I WANNA TO SLP SOMEMORE'..hahas!!! like i slp until so nice but only 2 night...this time round times pass fast man!!! fast going to be end of the year le.. :) and have already plan for christmas...hahas!!!how nice to be having HOLIDAY..!!..and i got 1 WEEK HOLIDAY..!!..hahas!!..but first day got ENG ORAL!!..omg!!..i okok lah!!!but the problem is that i am the last mean i have to wait for very very long..i hope start from behind..:) faster finish!! faster relax!!!~ yeah!!~ today got hac...but got the lit drama!!!DANCE!!!OMG!!!...I LIKE SIAOS DE like crazy!! de...!!!.. go around eveyone ALONE!! but nice man!!..first try!!..hahas!!.and one very very FUNNY thingy about this is...I 'KISS' WITH HUIMIN IN THE DANCE!!..hahas!!!~and huimin first time kiss me very soft and so she kiss second..and so loud man!!! so darm FUNNY..hahas!!!and so sad man!!! last day of the drama le..i prefer the drama then the real lit lor..i said lah!! real lit class abit boring man!!~..hahas!!~.. after that is PE...same lor..nothing to said lah!!! the teacher will said 'CLASS U CAN HAVE FREE GAME' ...i from FREE GAME play until NO GAME...hahas!!!.. then is my fav EATING TIME!!! it..hahas!!!...but somethingy happen!!!..AH MA MONEY DISAPPEAR!!!...hahas!!!.nvm..dun toks le..hahas!!!.. then is eng..hahas!!!.nothing to do lor..boring..MISS KOH..never come..i wanna go AVA!!!...AIR-CON..!!hahahas!!!~so i nothing to and pui yu and huimin and jovin so called sing like hell!!..hahas!!!.we sing more then 5 song..i can said!!PROMISE.!!! NEXT....WOO~~~...IT IS math!!!...woo~~~good news man!!!I PASSED MY MATH...15.5/25..i noe not very very good lah!!!...but i PASSED..passing for me not easy man!!!.hahas!!!..yeah man!!!..happy!!!:) next chinese...chinese do a so called composition then nothing le lor....mdm gu leave us at 2nd period..hahas!!!freedom!!!WOO~~~... and after sch le...WOO~~~...go library with xinyi huimin ah ma...nothing to do..then go home..OH XIN YI come my hse lor..nothing but maple..hahas!!!.but i 'steal' her time and play audi!!!..hahas!!~...then later she go home le..whahaha!!!~... next hang whole day...nothing to do AUDI-1/2 H...STUDYING & DO HW-the rest of the time..!!! hahas!!! haiz..!!.. at the end of everythingy write blog..!!hahas!!! GOOD NEWS TODAY~~~passed math!!! BAD NEWS TODAY~~~~no more drama!!! SsinyiI 'BUBBLEworld' Sunday, August 26 @ 10:22 PM
woo~today wake up and nobody at home..papa go work...mama and bro go macket...and i play games lor...maple and audi lor..hahas!!~play maple halfway...i got to go le..left cs and huimin only...hahas!!~i go macket with my chicken rice halfway eaten...hahas!!~and went with my mama back to macket again..and buy a hotdog bread..nice man!!!yummy...and go to seng siong..hahas!!~ i ask my mama buy a lot of thingy man!! mushroom with sefood soup..cracker...potato chips..yummy... so many thngy lor..then go home that time..the sky like going to rain le..i beg the sky not to rain man..!!!and hands so PAIN!!~..THE THINGY we buy is so HEAVY..!!.. reach home finally..cook the soup...nice man!!...yummy..!!!..finish my chicken rice..:) then play...until night i help my mama to cook dinner...guess wht i cook?? the menu for today is: 1)tofu with fry meat 2)black bean fry fish(not sure real name) 3)vegetable with prawn 4)and yesterday leftover..!! this is today menu!!!all i cook myself..hahas!!!~this is my 3nd time cooking for my family le...i love cooking for my is soon nice to see them enjoying themselves with the food i cook!!!but i think i will learn more man!!!and be NOT SCARED OF OIL!!!~hahas!!~ today mummy not feeling well..i must slp early tonight and tml drama dance..!!!...hahas!!!>dunnnoe wht to do lor..i jinda!!!omg...i siao le lah!!!~ SsinyiI 'BUBBLEworld' Saturday, August 25 @ 10:46 PM
yoyoyo!!!1now watching campus...the campus superstar is SHAWN!!!WOO!!!`SO HAPPY!!!HAHAS!!.but both also i like de..hahas!!~good is the F1 is out!!!~hahas!!~ and today going to upload pic..which i promise!!hahas..and... it is the badminton medal and poster..!!~ ![]() ![]() ![]() today wake up very very late lor..coz tired!!hahas!!~one whole week of 'fighting'hahas!!~but i will work hards and do all my hw!!~promise.!!..and... today the same lor..bro dun wanna go study lor..scold me lor..eveytime like de...but later ok le..who ask me to be his sis..hahas..i am already became so pro in handing him le..hahas!!~who ask me to noe him from young!!! and hor he is so sad for gonna scolding in the maple..i help him scold back!!hahas..!! and i cook a big big big bowl of wonderful nice with vege(carrots cabbage yang cong) hotdog and egg!!!so nice...hahas!!! today going to slp early too!!!hahas!!~... SsinyiI BUBBLEworld!!~ Monday, August 20 @ 10:01 PM
hoo~~hoo~~i have been not caring about my BLOG.!!! WAD THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME MAN!!~ hahas!!~i will try to write my blog more often as i am able to write my feeling out!!!hahas!!i love blog man!!~ today nothing bad or good happen..oh yar...never bring home my pe...gonna scold by mama!!~haiz..!!said wht she may not be able to wash it by the time..hahas!!!!!!!!!~never mind lor..dun care..hahas!!~atmost wed i dun wear pants!!or hse pants lor..!!nothing is impossion!!~haiz!!~ today got the math retest!!not sure can do it anot...i will pull up my sock!!!for sure...i have been doing math le...the newest graph i do le...but today mrs quah never take from bad lor...y i do teacher dun wanna take up i never do they wanna it..haiz!!~today so got no hw..hahahas!!~ today so hurgry man!!!.hahas!!~but i do eat alots today..maybe i got so many thingy to do ba!!~hahas!!~then tonight eat a big bowl of rice.!!.with my fav fish veg and prawn!!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH.!!.love man!!so nice...hahas!!yummy.!i love my mama cooking!!~fav!!~:) and have a fight with my bro lor...i tell him to stop playing com coz 1 more weeks exam for him le...FOR HIS OWN GOOD MAN!!~...y can't him understand!!!hahas!!~but later he listen....good i let he play awhile he jux bath finish!!hahas!!~~~ SsinyiI Sunday, August 12 @ 10:36 PM
o...yestday is my mama birthday!!.i am so sorry lor...coz i forget my mama birthday!!!how unfirgiven child am i!!!i actually need my mama tell me herseld..omg...i am going to tell her now..SORRY MAMA!!!REALLY SORRY..BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY...(i hug her)hahas!!this wht i do when she tell me...hahas!!funny family i have...all this make the whole day happy again!!~ today have fight with my bro...later forgive le lor..hahas!!play again!!nothing happen!!! SsinyiI~ Thursday, August 9 @ 11:55 PM went malaysia..!!hahas!!~actually wanna stay over night de..but forget my bro got class!!haiz!!~it is so fun man.!!but actualy all start wiht a bad morning..hahas!~i got no slp...tired..!!and next is angry for my bro laughing over my baby pic..hahas...and later we start to geet ok..but my laopa is angry for no bus for us to take and also the time is getting late man!!!!!!!but later we are happy man!!!joking all the ways home..hahas!!and we tok and tok!!now we are all doing our own thingy like blogging me...watching me and my laopa....slping my bro and mama!!hahas!~today got watch the national day is really nice man...but there is something being left our is the kalang wave....where is it???omg...if it is gone it is no longer very very singapore de singapore national day celebrate that my own opinion lah!!~hahas!!!!!!!!~as kalang wave is quite singapore as when i am born that wht all singapore national celebrate is doing almost evey ear ba..!!~hahas!!i love the feeling of doing kalang make me feel very very singapore...hahas!~ and i also find why i must work hard for my studies le..!!! 1)for myself 2)for my parent 3)for the future i wanna 4)dun wanna go amy!! hahas!!~good 4 reason!!~ and today my mama tae out all the last time pic..!!there is some pic which i love the most!!~one is take with my grand parent...i think that is the only pic so far i take with my grandparent ba.!!and specially with my grandpa!~another one is with my 5th uncle...said the truth he is dead!!that is also so far i see the only pic i take with him...i regect for no taking any with him when he is alive...i miss him...i am also very very sure that eveyone who noe him miss he is someone i noe very very good de...he is kind good friendly...eveything good can be find on him...but dun mess with him if u are naughty!!hahas!!another one is with my 3nd aunt...and again i said the truth she is also dead...i dun really noe her well but i kind of rememeber she giving me spelling when i am at malaysia for new year...learning spelling during new year ....poor me!!~hahas!! this 3 pic is very very important to me..i really hope to take pic with them one more time...jux one more time...that all i ask for....i noe it is impossible for me to take pic with the 2 of them...haiz..but got chance i will take with my grandpa...really!!~jux one more hope it is not very greedy... wow...wht a happy and saddy night for me..and i also find pic of my big uncle...that one the only zi yi is his dead!!!i only rememeber eveyone is crying for him...the first kneeing of me...start thaere from the time i got zi yi....the first time i can rememeber thingy is kneeing in font of him lying in the confin....everyone beside me iis crying so badly...but from wht i noe...he is also someone very very good too!!!my mama always said that he is very very good and always give my mama money..!!evey month!!that the only zi yi i have for him....haiz!!~ SsinyiI lovesangel!~ Wednesday, August 8 @ 10:54 PM
yoyo.>!!AUGUST 8!!hahas!!tml is SINGAPORE BIRTHDAY..!!but today is celebrate TRICIA and someone de birthday..!!hahas!!today me rachel and xinyi went to pasir park about 2 something...and we play until 4 something as tricia tell me that she will be at her place about 4...i call her...she is not here yet...felling giddy!!abit feeling well...and feel like going home!!~~but until 5 something we saw tricia cycling and come to us...jux den rachel stomah ache.!!~worried.!!~~so we walk very very slowly!!~hahas!!~and finally reach..but we feel so out..!!as we dunnoe them and never tok to them!! we go out lor..until eileen call me..!!and we go buy thingy to drink and eat and slowly go back..!!later..after eating we go upstair and play heart attack!!~nice playing using cards.!!hahas!~nice lor..later use hands...laugh until i siao!~!later we are ask to go down!! and so we do..continue to have our eating period.!!nice chicken!!~nice fishball with lots of oil but nice lor..still ok...the one i love best is hotdog and ota...hahas!!~~it is really very very nice..hahas!!yummy but i got no chance to eat the cake as i have to go home le...xinyi de sis come le..she wanna go home le...actually i also wanna go home veryvery tired lor..!!hahas!!~so this is the whole day thingy of going TRICIA de birthday party let see wht is for the singapore BIRTHDAY!!! I AM SURE IT IS A WONDERFULL DAY TML..I HOPE SO~~~ NOW MY MAMA IS TOKING CRAP FOR ME LE LAH!!SAYING ABOUT TEST DE LOR..I TELL HER LE...SHE ASK ME WHT I THINK ABOUT SCIENCE AND MATH TEST...I TELL HER I DUNNOE SHE ALSO NAG I SAID I NOE SHE ALSO NAG SAID THAT I EVEYTIME SAID I NOE THEN AT THE END I DUNNOE...ALMAK!!~WHT SHE WANNA ME DO MAN..!!~ haiyo>!!~ i must have a good slp man...!!tonight man!!i really can not stand too many day not having a very very good slp man!!!so sleepy now...i wonder eileen y can so long i dunnoe wether she slp le ma??or maybe she haven go home....hahas!!~she sure can stand o...!! very very pros..!~i now very very boring..! lor..!!~hahas!~ okok.>!!i wanna go slp slp le..!!hahas!!~!!!!!!!!!!!good night.!!man!!~ SsinyiI!! loves angel!!~ Monday, August 6 @ 8:28 PM
so long never post le..actually i do wanna post de..but i jux went slping instead of bloging..!!hahas!~last sun went escape..hahas!!fun...but at the start wait untila bit angry le..later i am quite high le..!!hahas!!and got one more good...yeah!!~ hahas!!~today mrs quah make me stay back..but good lah!!let me finish all the!!but zhixin and ray and mrs quah have a 'fight' man...using mouth lah!!..hahas!!~ but beside this nothing happen le... oh ya.. i have been slping in the living room for 4 day le..i miss my bed man..!!coz my grand ma come... i like lah!!but i dun feel like slping in the living for so long..i think this is the longer she stay here..hahas!~ and feilunhai like going to have their ablum le...i must start to save money!!maybe buying lor..hahas!!~
i wanna share this cute pic here..!!~~ and china students come le... 3 of them..!! SsinyiI~ |
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