Wednesday, August 8 @ 10:54 PM
yoyo.>!!AUGUST 8!!hahas!!tml is SINGAPORE BIRTHDAY..!!but today is celebrate TRICIA and someone de birthday..!!hahas!!today me rachel and xinyi went to pasir park about 2 something...and we play until 4 something as tricia tell me that she will be at her place about 4...i call her...she is not here yet...felling giddy!!abit feeling well...and feel like going home!!~~but until 5 something we saw tricia cycling and come to us...jux den rachel stomah ache.!!~worried.!!~~so we walk very very slowly!!~hahas!!~and finally reach..but we feel so out..!!as we dunnoe them and never tok to them!! we go out lor..until eileen call me..!!and we go buy thingy to drink and eat and slowly go back..!!later..after eating we go upstair and play heart attack!!~nice playing using cards.!!hahas!~nice lor..later use hands...laugh until i siao!~!later we are ask to go down!! and so we do..continue to have our eating period.!!nice chicken!!~nice fishball with lots of oil but nice lor..still ok...the one i love best is hotdog and ota...hahas!!~~it is really very very nice..hahas!!yummy but i got no chance to eat the cake as i have to go home le...xinyi de sis come le..she wanna go home le...actually i also wanna go home veryvery tired lor..!!hahas!!~so this is the whole day thingy of going TRICIA de birthday party let see wht is for the singapore BIRTHDAY!!! I AM SURE IT IS A WONDERFULL DAY TML..I HOPE SO~~~ NOW MY MAMA IS TOKING CRAP FOR ME LE LAH!!SAYING ABOUT TEST DE LOR..I TELL HER LE...SHE ASK ME WHT I THINK ABOUT SCIENCE AND MATH TEST...I TELL HER I DUNNOE SHE ALSO NAG I SAID I NOE SHE ALSO NAG SAID THAT I EVEYTIME SAID I NOE THEN AT THE END I DUNNOE...ALMAK!!~WHT SHE WANNA ME DO MAN..!!~ haiyo>!!~ i must have a good slp man...!!tonight man!!i really can not stand too many day not having a very very good slp man!!!so sleepy now...i wonder eileen y can so long i dunnoe wether she slp le ma??or maybe she haven go home....hahas!!~she sure can stand o...!! very very pros..!~i now very very boring..! lor..!!~hahas!~ okok.>!!i wanna go slp slp le..!!hahas!!~!!!!!!!!!!!good night.!!man!!~ SsinyiI!! loves angel!!~ |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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