Thursday, August 9 @ 11:55 PM went malaysia..!!hahas!!~actually wanna stay over night de..but forget my bro got class!!haiz!!~it is so fun man.!!but actualy all start wiht a bad morning..hahas!~i got no slp...tired..!!and next is angry for my bro laughing over my baby pic..hahas...and later we start to geet ok..but my laopa is angry for no bus for us to take and also the time is getting late man!!!!!!!but later we are happy man!!!joking all the ways home..hahas!!and we tok and tok!!now we are all doing our own thingy like blogging me...watching me and my laopa....slping my bro and mama!!hahas!~today got watch the national day is really nice man...but there is something being left our is the kalang wave....where is it???omg...if it is gone it is no longer very very singapore de singapore national day celebrate that my own opinion lah!!~hahas!!!!!!!!~as kalang wave is quite singapore as when i am born that wht all singapore national celebrate is doing almost evey ear ba..!!~hahas!!i love the feeling of doing kalang make me feel very very singapore...hahas!~ and i also find why i must work hard for my studies le..!!! 1)for myself 2)for my parent 3)for the future i wanna 4)dun wanna go amy!! hahas!!~good 4 reason!!~ and today my mama tae out all the last time pic..!!there is some pic which i love the most!!~one is take with my grand parent...i think that is the only pic so far i take with my grandparent ba.!!and specially with my grandpa!~another one is with my 5th uncle...said the truth he is dead!!that is also so far i see the only pic i take with him...i regect for no taking any with him when he is alive...i miss him...i am also very very sure that eveyone who noe him miss he is someone i noe very very good de...he is kind good friendly...eveything good can be find on him...but dun mess with him if u are naughty!!hahas!!another one is with my 3nd aunt...and again i said the truth she is also dead...i dun really noe her well but i kind of rememeber she giving me spelling when i am at malaysia for new year...learning spelling during new year ....poor me!!~hahas!! this 3 pic is very very important to me..i really hope to take pic with them one more time...jux one more time...that all i ask for....i noe it is impossible for me to take pic with the 2 of them...haiz..but got chance i will take with my grandpa...really!!~jux one more hope it is not very greedy... wow...wht a happy and saddy night for me..and i also find pic of my big uncle...that one the only zi yi is his dead!!!i only rememeber eveyone is crying for him...the first kneeing of me...start thaere from the time i got zi yi....the first time i can rememeber thingy is kneeing in font of him lying in the confin....everyone beside me iis crying so badly...but from wht i noe...he is also someone very very good too!!!my mama always said that he is very very good and always give my mama money..!!evey month!!that the only zi yi i have for him....haiz!!~ SsinyiI lovesangel!~ |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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