Monday, August 27 @ 11:58 PM
woo~~today first day of week!!! 5 words...'I WANNA TO SLP SOMEMORE'..hahas!!! like i slp until so nice but only 2 night...this time round times pass fast man!!! fast going to be end of the year le.. :) and have already plan for christmas...hahas!!!how nice to be having HOLIDAY..!!..and i got 1 WEEK HOLIDAY..!!..hahas!!..but first day got ENG ORAL!!..omg!!..i okok lah!!!but the problem is that i am the last mean i have to wait for very very long..i hope start from behind..:) faster finish!! faster relax!!!~ yeah!!~ today got hac...but got the lit drama!!!DANCE!!!OMG!!!...I LIKE SIAOS DE like crazy!! de...!!!.. go around eveyone ALONE!! but nice man!!..first try!!..hahas!!.and one very very FUNNY thingy about this is...I 'KISS' WITH HUIMIN IN THE DANCE!!..hahas!!!~and huimin first time kiss me very soft and so she kiss second..and so loud man!!! so darm FUNNY..hahas!!!and so sad man!!! last day of the drama le..i prefer the drama then the real lit lor..i said lah!! real lit class abit boring man!!~..hahas!!~.. after that is PE...same lor..nothing to said lah!!! the teacher will said 'CLASS U CAN HAVE FREE GAME' ...i from FREE GAME play until NO GAME...hahas!!!.. then is my fav EATING TIME!!! it..hahas!!!...but somethingy happen!!!..AH MA MONEY DISAPPEAR!!!...hahas!!!.nvm..dun toks le..hahas!!!.. then is eng..hahas!!!.nothing to do lor..boring..MISS KOH..never come..i wanna go AVA!!!...AIR-CON..!!hahahas!!!~so i nothing to and pui yu and huimin and jovin so called sing like hell!!..hahas!!!.we sing more then 5 song..i can said!!PROMISE.!!! NEXT....WOO~~~...IT IS math!!!...woo~~~good news man!!!I PASSED MY MATH...15.5/25..i noe not very very good lah!!!...but i PASSED..passing for me not easy man!!!.hahas!!!..yeah man!!!..happy!!!:) next chinese...chinese do a so called composition then nothing le lor....mdm gu leave us at 2nd period..hahas!!!freedom!!!WOO~~~... and after sch le...WOO~~~...go library with xinyi huimin ah ma...nothing to do..then go home..OH XIN YI come my hse lor..nothing but maple..hahas!!!.but i 'steal' her time and play audi!!!..hahas!!~...then later she go home le..whahaha!!!~... next hang whole day...nothing to do AUDI-1/2 H...STUDYING & DO HW-the rest of the time..!!! hahas!!! haiz..!!.. at the end of everythingy write blog..!!hahas!!! GOOD NEWS TODAY~~~passed math!!! BAD NEWS TODAY~~~~no more drama!!! SsinyiI 'BUBBLEworld' |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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