Friday, September 30 @ 11:00 PM
Went out today with Mum. Haircut today. Mum suggest us go for a little shopping lookout. Mum wanted to buy some skirt. She got her skirts. 2 from cotton on. HAHA! But I also brought some shirts. LOL. How can I never buy anything!!
Can you find out the different in my hair? LOL?
All my clothes that is brought today. Very little only.
Good girl never buy much.
Brought from cotton on. $1 for one.
I going back to buy more different colours!!!
[After I get my salary]
So many things that I see today and feel like buying. And I cant stop saying 'After i get my salary'. But my salary cant let me buy so many things as I want to buy. Say say only!! Cant wait for my salary to arrive!! How much is my salary !! Hopefully, my salary is over $650~
And please Iphone4 white's price please go down before oct 7 !!
Now welcome to OCTOBER!
Hopefully, October would be a new start. New Month, New Class !
p.s cherish every moment of the new start. you never know when you get the chance again.
Wednesday, September 28 @ 4:18 PM
@ 2:55 AM
Mostly chinese song. but also english. Other language too, if i think is nice. Tuesday, September 27 @ 10:25 PM
New class is out. That the reason why I'm here.My modules for this sem. Web Application Development = PROGRAMMING?? Computer Animation = Hmmm... not bad. Digital Media Technologies = somehow the word 'Technologies' always make it not that fun. Fundamentals of Design = Design?? Fundamentals?? Please let the modules be fun. At least, I would feel better. Sometimes, i just wonder why my not-that-really-that-I-want-But-Say-For-Fun wishes just come so true?? But got 2 classmates from year2sem1. :) That something to be grateful for. :) Only can get my salary after school start. Cant wait for oct 7 to come. But i don't want school to start. That confusing. UGH. Forget it. Enjoy my holiday first. Bye, people. SsinyiI @ 2:16 PM
Ask me anything, September 25 @ 4:14 PM
lazy, smile, blur! @ 1:42 AM
WORK FINALLY END!!!!13 days of work!!! Like FINALLY~~ Although 13 days might not be a long one, but the kind of pressure is more than any job that I got. There was a temporary staff survey form. We totally spam the Others Comment!! Okay, fine. I'm the one that wrote the MOST~ I wrote mostly about the attitude of the staff. Most frequent asked question on the last day: Would you be joining the company again? My answer: NO~~~ !!! LOL.
是你演的逼真 還是我天生遲鈍
何時多了個角色 換了劇本
手牽著 也只是牽著
再見 說得很慎重
愛情要離開的聲音 我聽懂了
我沒有你要的快樂 你的愛情不住在我這
我沒有你要的快樂 就請讓我幫你做選擇
是你演的逼真 還是我天生遲鈍
何時多了個角色 換了劇本
手牽著 也只是牽著
再見 說得很慎重
愛情要離開的聲音 我聽懂了
我沒有你要的快樂 你的愛情不住在我這
我沒有你要的快樂 就請讓我幫你做選擇
我沒有你要的快樂 你的愛情不住在我這
我沒有你要的快樂 就請讓我幫你做選擇
請原諒我既然决定离开,就要学会割舍,学会遗忘。 要懂得你的爱情不在我这,不是我能给的,不是你要的。 请原谅没能留下祝福而先行离开的我。 请原谅我先为你做了决定。 离开你的我,终究找到我的快乐。 你会一直快乐。 SsinyiI Saturday, September 24 @ 2:44 AM
NIGAHIGA ! Tuesday, September 20 @ 10:31 PM
(回眸一笑?) > LOL
My supervisor just told us that he would like the project to end by 23 Sept. 23 SEPT = THIS COMING FRIDAY. This job totally just need us to sit down and make calls. But why do I feel so FREAKING tired??? I want money, but I want to rest?? Where got job can fulfill this 2 ridiculous conditions of mine?? Planned to work till the end of the month. But since the project ending early, I shall go with the flow. I freaking going to sleep my days from 26 Sept till school reopen. This 3 weeks of working totally KILL MY BEAUTY SLEEP. Bro pierce his ear. Not the normal place, is the top of the ear[bone area]. Isn't that my DREAM LOCATION?? Painful !!! And of course, my mum nag at first and eventually accept it. I kinda agree he should pierce. [Am I a bad sister?] 忙碌的生活,我尝试遗忘。 疲累的身躯,我尝到绝望。 为何我的心,还是不会忘? SsinyiI @ 8:17 PM
monopoly deal and uno! Sunday, September 18 @ 12:50 AM
I don't read books. LMAO @ 12:47 AM
Counting down the days...
2 more weeks and the work will end.
I like to eat nutella this way. Biscuits!
Just taking my cam around my house.
This rabbit is given by my Bro to me. HAHA
How sweet is him?
This always happen to me like all the time. Salary Plan: 1. Get a Iphone. 2. Buffet date with my babes&hunks. 3. Get few more shorts and shirts. 4. Maybe 1 long pants? [Mum want me get one] That all for the time being. That already like money fly away~~ Goodbye my money. All these plan still depending on how much I would be getting at the end of the day. Hopefully not lesser than 800 after the CPF deduction. SsinyiI Saturday, September 17 @ 11:19 PM
give a dumb answer. and roll my eye. LOL @ 11:18 PM
trying to make him disappear? counted? @ 11:18 PM
after 25 Friday, September 16 @ 2:54 AM
原来你真的可以。原来我真的可以。 看来真的结束了。 是我笨,是我蠢,是我还希望。 这次后,以后,还有【以后】吗? 有人说那是喜欢。可是那是假的吧。 我不值得你。就连一句问候也不值得。 看着你和她,幸福的样子,好幸福哦。幸福的好残忍。 她漂亮,可爱,会撒娇。我?简单的可被遗忘,脾气坏。 我并不是真的想那么的不是我。我不想试探,我也想像她。 可是你不可能问她那样问我过的是否好。 你不可能和我像她那样和我合照。 你不可能对我的生活有兴趣。 你们像在空中飞翔的海鸥。可以飞的那么高,那么的远。 而我是海里的小鱼。永远都不可能傲翔在你们共同拥有的天空。 至少你们的天空是彼此的,而我唯有眺望。眺望永远不能到达的碧海蓝天。 我累了。 谢谢你让我明白。 你永远也不可能,也不曾为我先开口。 我不会再浮出海面,我会永远沉在海底。不再希望有一天,你有可能为我把头伸进海里。 小鱼 @ 1:14 AM
I would like to go to Egypt. That always a secret place for me. @ 1:10 AM
CHALET !!! 12/09 ~ 14/09
After I start working, I haven been a day that I'm not looking forward for this 3 days. These 3 days seriously pass so fast~ So much faster than those working days that I had.
I went over to LMT's house on 11/09. Her dad fetching LMT to chalet. So, Cherie and I hop on together. HAHA.
12/09: Got the room. Start preparing for BBQ. Hop over to Sec's Chalet for like an hour? Trolley back to chalet. Water Bomb Match between the Girls and Boys. That my favorite part of the chalet. Bathed. Changed into pajamas. Some really unrated happen in our chalet. LOL. Alcohol, another MUST for chalet. I didn't drink much as I didnt bring my medi with me.
13/09: Everyone simply woke up late. Order Mac. That like the most easy to get meal if you are lazy to make during chalet. Delivery man ! And gambling start. Poker! :) 2nd round of BBQ start. Depit left first. 2nd round of alcohol. I didn't join the 2nd round. Tired. In the room chatting with Lmt, Cherie and Ricky. But saw David jumping around killing a bee? LOL. Eileen was drunk. Taking the Air conditional's controller and point to the fan? LOL
14/09: Woke the girls up. They bathed. I'm too lazy to bathe. Anw, getting home straight. I took around 2hours to reach home. LMAO. Don't ask me how I get home, I don't know too.
These photos are taken from my cam. Not much photos taken. But all these are enough for the memories to stay.
The girls!
Twin that left early. He always miss the exciting part.
The boys~
Back from chalet and went to work the next day. I totally fall asleep every single second. First time, falling asleep in the toliet, when calling, when standing. I even snatch for seat in MRT. I'm just too freaking tired. I'm so going to sleep late for every single day till the next working day. I SWEAR. From today onward, I going to switch off my phone whenever I'm resting for the night. No more sms and calls can disturb me from my precious sleep! SsinyiI p.s Sleep is important because dream only come true there. Wednesday, September 14 @ 3:06 PM
Ask me anything @ 3:06 PM
music. so basic but cant be without. Thursday, September 8 @ 10:43 PM
I was planning to sleep. But thank to my sore throat, Mum want me to drink down one whole big cup of sweet potato drink. So, I got some times to spare.The week pass kinda fast. Everyday work work work. Back home just blackshot blackshot. I kinda fall in love with playing knife. I know I wont score good in using those gun. So the second chance I have is using the knife. Now I feel that I'm kinda pro? [so bhb!!]. All this gaming will stop once my passion is over. But this time round, I last quite long. At least longer than I thought I will. Tmr will be the last day of work for this week. Cant wait for this week to be over. And next upcoming event is CHALET!!! I'm so freaking miss the fun of us gathering together. Since school end, I haven been seeing anyone of them. Some of them out of town, some working like me, some stay at home and rot [because no one is free] and some busy dating?? LOL Whenever I mention them to my other friends, I just like a spolit tap. Never ever seem to stop mentioning about the fun. I guess Amanda got the taste of it. Luckily, she seem very able to 'endure' me in sharing my life with her. That the very basic thing I look out for being a friend. Some of the friends I used to call friends just didn't show me they are willing to listen to any little bits of my life. Beside me saying stuff that have them in it. Still the same old word for this month. ENDURE! Eventually, all these enduring would come to an good end. SsinyiI Monday, September 5 @ 10:11 PM
Another week of work start.Time passed quite fast today. Finally finish all the Philippines[New]. Until today then I realize I actually got 244 number to call while the other only got at most 170++ Darm, shouldn't have choose Philippines. From what I know, David would like me to call Malaysia too. I still got around 200 call back to do. UGH. TIRED! Hopefully time pass fast tmr too. Hopefully everyday the time pass fast. This job doesn't make me fall in love with office work at all. I guess I just not the stay-at-office type. Totally not a office-lady type. Office-lady [Not applicable for all office lady]: - Selfish! - Think proudly for themselves - Think that as long as they are the permanent staff, they should have the right to use the pantry's table as long as they want. - Don't think for the others. - Look down on Part-Time Staff. I shall call her Selfish-Lady. For your information, our pantry only got one small table that only allows 3 person to sit and eat. And when this Selfish-Lady came into the pantry and she saw all 3 seat taken, she totally slam her water bottle loudly and walk out. I'm like WTH? Any meaning for that?? We came first, of course we got to eat first. What the meaning of that?? There's actually no rules that we should give up the seat to you. Anyway, my friends decided to give up our seat and the 3 of us squeeze on that 2-person-sofa. If I'm there alone, I wont even get up and give a damn to you. So be grateful. And guess what? When she saw we give up the seat, she totally 'diao' us and give us the face like is a RULE that we should give up our seat. And she just squeeze though us and grab her 'Slamed' water bottle that is left on top of the water cooler. I'm like 'What the hell she actually want??' We did nothing wrong? No rules stating that we, part timer, have no right to sit on tables of pantry to have our lunch. Cant understand why are there so unreasonable lady? And they took their own sweet time to munch on their food. They wouldn't even give up their seat to us even if that HAD FINISHED their food. How selfish can they be?? And while they are chatting on the pantry's table, my friend have to eat her soup noodle without a table? Cant them be more 'auto' ?? Seriously, her stupid-sickening face just ruin my mood every single time I saw her. Seriously, so what if you are permanent staff? Stuck there forever? Having no life? I cant be so sure ever that I wouldn't even thinking of getting in this industry. That for sure. And you can have the whole pantry to yourself when we are gone. Before that, I will show you, LOVE SHOULD BE SHARE. P.S STUPID-SICKENING ASSHOLE! SsinyiI Sunday, September 4 @ 9:31 PM
What if you woke up as the person you hate most and he/she is naked? Saturday, September 3 @ 9:27 PM
Started work on 31 Aug. Already worked for 3 days. 1st day start work at 10am and end at 5.45pm. 2nd day start work at 8.45am and end early. Due to server break down. 3rd day - FULL DAY WORK with only 1 time server break down. =.= Is only 3 days of work! Not only me, but all of us are already so tired. 4 more weeks to go. - Working week, Chalet Week, Working Week, Working Week. This job is rather relaxing for me. At least it doesn't require me to stand the whole day promoting and looking at customer's faces. My supervisor is quite a good guy. But here still really that 101 thing that I couldn't understand about this company. Basically, our job is to sit down and call up the customer/client and talk to them about the upcoming project/promotion. But why cant we wear 3/4 pants ?? I can understand that slipper wouldn't be appropriate for the 'office' job. But what's wrong with shorts or 3/4 pants? We are not actually 'facing' the customer/client. We are just going to sit down on the chair and make calls. Why should we actually wear smart formal? Maybe shorts are too revealing for 'office' job but 3/4 pants should be alright? And guess what, you can allow skirts/dresses but you don't allows shorts or 3/4 pants? From what I see in the office, there's girls wearing skirts that are so short that I could see their panties !! But you don't allow shorts that YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE NOTHING ! I don't know that just doing call up job, we need to be that formal. :) And yeah, there always a bitch in almost every job that I got in. Maybe you call that a rule[attire] for the company. I have and must accept it since I'm eyeing on your company's money. I endure! But this bitch just simply have to like stare at us ?? Are you in love with one of us? The server is down, we cant continue with work. That doesn't mean we are like trying not to do work. Do you have to stare/look at us like we are trying to get away from work? Whenever we walk pass you or just going to the toliet or just trying to refill our water bottle, you simply have to stare at us?? And do you need to 'SHHHH' us?? No one is asking us to quiet down beside you. C'mon is break time. Or are you jealous about you not having friends that can have fun with?? That why you can only have fun talking to people in the phone?? All would be over on 30 Sept. I cant wait for the day to come. Get my money, Get my IPHONE. And I will get lost myself out of there. :) ENDURE, MY WORD FOR THIS MONTH. SsinyiI |
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