Monday, September 5 @ 10:11 PM
Another week of work start.Time passed quite fast today. Finally finish all the Philippines[New]. Until today then I realize I actually got 244 number to call while the other only got at most 170++ Darm, shouldn't have choose Philippines. From what I know, David would like me to call Malaysia too. I still got around 200 call back to do. UGH. TIRED! Hopefully time pass fast tmr too. Hopefully everyday the time pass fast. This job doesn't make me fall in love with office work at all. I guess I just not the stay-at-office type. Totally not a office-lady type. Office-lady [Not applicable for all office lady]: - Selfish! - Think proudly for themselves - Think that as long as they are the permanent staff, they should have the right to use the pantry's table as long as they want. - Don't think for the others. - Look down on Part-Time Staff. I shall call her Selfish-Lady. For your information, our pantry only got one small table that only allows 3 person to sit and eat. And when this Selfish-Lady came into the pantry and she saw all 3 seat taken, she totally slam her water bottle loudly and walk out. I'm like WTH? Any meaning for that?? We came first, of course we got to eat first. What the meaning of that?? There's actually no rules that we should give up the seat to you. Anyway, my friends decided to give up our seat and the 3 of us squeeze on that 2-person-sofa. If I'm there alone, I wont even get up and give a damn to you. So be grateful. And guess what? When she saw we give up the seat, she totally 'diao' us and give us the face like is a RULE that we should give up our seat. And she just squeeze though us and grab her 'Slamed' water bottle that is left on top of the water cooler. I'm like 'What the hell she actually want??' We did nothing wrong? No rules stating that we, part timer, have no right to sit on tables of pantry to have our lunch. Cant understand why are there so unreasonable lady? And they took their own sweet time to munch on their food. They wouldn't even give up their seat to us even if that HAD FINISHED their food. How selfish can they be?? And while they are chatting on the pantry's table, my friend have to eat her soup noodle without a table? Cant them be more 'auto' ?? Seriously, her stupid-sickening face just ruin my mood every single time I saw her. Seriously, so what if you are permanent staff? Stuck there forever? Having no life? I cant be so sure ever that I wouldn't even thinking of getting in this industry. That for sure. And you can have the whole pantry to yourself when we are gone. Before that, I will show you, LOVE SHOULD BE SHARE. P.S STUPID-SICKENING ASSHOLE! SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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