Saturday, September 3 @ 9:27 PM
Started work on 31 Aug. Already worked for 3 days. 1st day start work at 10am and end at 5.45pm. 2nd day start work at 8.45am and end early. Due to server break down. 3rd day - FULL DAY WORK with only 1 time server break down. =.= Is only 3 days of work! Not only me, but all of us are already so tired. 4 more weeks to go. - Working week, Chalet Week, Working Week, Working Week. This job is rather relaxing for me. At least it doesn't require me to stand the whole day promoting and looking at customer's faces. My supervisor is quite a good guy. But here still really that 101 thing that I couldn't understand about this company. Basically, our job is to sit down and call up the customer/client and talk to them about the upcoming project/promotion. But why cant we wear 3/4 pants ?? I can understand that slipper wouldn't be appropriate for the 'office' job. But what's wrong with shorts or 3/4 pants? We are not actually 'facing' the customer/client. We are just going to sit down on the chair and make calls. Why should we actually wear smart formal? Maybe shorts are too revealing for 'office' job but 3/4 pants should be alright? And guess what, you can allow skirts/dresses but you don't allows shorts or 3/4 pants? From what I see in the office, there's girls wearing skirts that are so short that I could see their panties !! But you don't allow shorts that YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE NOTHING ! I don't know that just doing call up job, we need to be that formal. :) And yeah, there always a bitch in almost every job that I got in. Maybe you call that a rule[attire] for the company. I have and must accept it since I'm eyeing on your company's money. I endure! But this bitch just simply have to like stare at us ?? Are you in love with one of us? The server is down, we cant continue with work. That doesn't mean we are like trying not to do work. Do you have to stare/look at us like we are trying to get away from work? Whenever we walk pass you or just going to the toliet or just trying to refill our water bottle, you simply have to stare at us?? And do you need to 'SHHHH' us?? No one is asking us to quiet down beside you. C'mon is break time. Or are you jealous about you not having friends that can have fun with?? That why you can only have fun talking to people in the phone?? All would be over on 30 Sept. I cant wait for the day to come. Get my money, Get my IPHONE. And I will get lost myself out of there. :) ENDURE, MY WORD FOR THIS MONTH. SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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