Sunday, August 31 @ 9:10 PM
sleep until 12.went out with parent. use com. buy alot of food. nice day. making blog. changing blogskins. blogskins is siao! SsinyiI Saturday, August 30 @ 11:47 PM
PIC-S on 29/08 playground pic wif amanda ahma kaifeng ryan jingzhi @ 8:45 PM
cut hair with ahma huimin and lan wif amanda and kf. went home happily. bro frenz come at 7+ without telling me. never tell me still nvm never tell my brother also. then suddenly come. i dun really like people to come at night. then i very angry. stay until 8+ still throw my water bottle on the floor. then i dun wanna say anything or chase them away cuz i know if i do that, my bro will maybe get left out by the frenz. then i decide to tell my brother after they go. that if next time they really wanna come at this time, can say earlier. if not will be abit not so fang bian. then my bro say i act big and so scared so usless. if wanna say why dun dare to say in front of them. i mean wad.! if someone come so sudden to ur hse, u think very fang bian meh!? somemore they still like throw ur thingy around? and in the end what i get.!? my bro thinking i act BIG? wat the hell!> wtf. to save face for my bro and in the end i get this.!? sometimes i really think what i have do for him, do he really like or understand. why he think that friends is much more important than me? i know what come to him first is parent then friend. i am even more not worthly for his friends. i am even less important then friends? i always wanna to stop doing anythingy for him. but i jux can't see he continue to rot. !? he say sorry to me. he say he is abit over jux now. i forgive my bro. i still can't make myself to hate him even through he say so many hateful words to me. maybe that is what sister and brother relationship is... [post edited] SsinyiI Friday, August 29 @ 11:37 PM
Happy Tearchers' Day to all the teachers.Today Teachers' Day Celebratio is a sucess. Fearbox is a sucess. Huimin is so worry about it. i blindfold Miss Ang, Miss Kim and Mr Tan. Miss Ang's HEAD too Big. use a clip to support it. hahas. mr goh is like so funny. anyway very fun. after that went home and meet huimin jocelyn yow ryan jingzhi amanda zhengyi kaifeng nick&hisfrenz. at first wanna go lan. then amanda call me and ask if i wanna go bishan play. then somehow after some commnication, we decide to all come to thoasom then decide what to do. as we can't find any basketball, we have to go to lan. then huimin and zhengyi leave us as they dun wanna go lan. then when go to CC lan, but dun have CS. so never play and somemore 2.70!! and not enough seats for all of us. when to another lan in thoasom, not enough seat too. then we decide to go to thoasom plaza to settle our dinner first. nick&hisfrenz leave as they only wanna play lan!? then left me jocelynYow amanda ryan jingzhi and kaifeng. eat and play the spot the difference game. some 'under 18below people cannnot see' pic come out. then we went to the playground. that is is the most fun part of the whole outing. on the way there, we walk behind the flat. amanda walk in front of me, and i saw a dead"'xiaoqiang' and i shout, amanda shout. next i saw another 'xiaoqiang' and it is alive, then i shout,amanda shout. then i say a half-dead 'xiaoqiang, i shout and amanda shout. like this ahh, ahh, ahh,ahh. continue. everyone get high there. everyone try to climb all the way to the top. me and ryan jux cannnot get to the top. cuz i am scared of height ryan like also same. amanda trying her best to go to the top. but when the ice-cream man come she come down abit lower. i buy ice-cream for amanda and jingzhi and of cuz me!! ryan and kaifeng went to play the spin spin. and ryan discovered something that make everyone laugh like siao specially me, and amanda. ryan and kaifeng are sitting facing each other. ryan found out the kaifeng's pants got a HOLE. and it is at the sensitive place. so it really make everyone laugh like siao if u are there. ryan ask jingzhi to come down and try the spin spin as he say that it can really make people high without any side effect. (kaifeng agree) jingzhi have his ice-cream cup in his hand and he jump. the whole ice-cream pour on his head. so funny. and he is shouting " water!ice-cream" amamda follow behind(i mean at the top,trying to jump down) say " u dun go away i can't jump later fall on you" then jingzhi clean up. then he play the spin spin. he get really high with his mouth open all the way. hahas. and then we went home cuz kaifeng say he wanna vomit shiting and drinking at the same time and it is really time to go home. my dad tell me that if i agreee to use hi-card, i can change a better phone. if i continue to use contract, i will get no phone. and he mke me choose. of cuz i choose hi-card. when i am writing this blog. a real'highi "xiaoqiang" wake through my left foot. and i scream~~ my dad came to recuse. he spray catch and that real'high' "xiaoqiang" become real'dead' "xiaoqiang". sleep until late late tml is my plan my rule. SsinyiI Thursday, August 28 @ 10:54 PM
busy for this few days. so sleepy. today still can't sleep waiting for egg to boil. tml reach sch at 6. so sad. so long never use com. hahas now i find out the com's games is like getting lesser and lesser. anyone got nice vid or nice game plz tell me. tyty. Logo drawing must be send to the web by tml. last day. i haven even scan it into the com. darm busy that i dun even have time to care for the logo. hahas. logo is not that important to me. it seem. that make me forget about it. hahas. writing my essay when waiting for egg to boil.(maybe) holiday coming. but it does not seem to be like a holiday to me. it seem to be like a more shot study normal days. it jux that wake up later. go home earlier. lesser subject per day. i seriously nid a long long good sleep. maybe sleep all the way to the next day afteroon. and continue for 2 days. jux like that can le. hahas. brother exam finally finish. but it is only his term 3 exam. term 4 exam is not over yet. this mean more nagging from me he is going to get. he jux dun like nagging from me. DO him think i like nagging on him or me hearing my mum nagging. but he is in a more worst pilght than me. cuz for me only my mum and dad nag me. for he is same but add ME. hahas. Result. Bad. Working hard.But really feel like sacking. but haiz. but i will still find time for me to slack(eg.sleep) i am a HUMAN not a SUPERMAN. and i dun wanna be a superman. a NORMAL person will make me happy le. SsinyiI Saturday, August 23 @ 12:37 PM
this post will be about pic. finally got time to upload the pic. but my hand is really tired. !! ![]() ![]() ![]() Saturday, August 16 @ 12:11 PM
CUTEST EVIL look U ever SEEEEEEE.... @ 12:11 PM
DUN LEARN THIS CHILD. he got special training.... @ 12:10 PM
Christmas is coming!!!! COLD!!! @ 12:10 PM
i like u when i have $$$... (kidding) @ 12:10 PM
@ 12:04 PM
@ 12:04 PM
listen to this... no one teach him that!!1 @ 12:04 PM
he dun like his mummy unless cookies is given!!! @ 12:04 PM
smart girl @ 12:04 PM
pro guy @ 12:04 PM
darm pro this 2 guy!! @ 11:28 AM
the most best part. @ 11:04 AM
@ 10:57 AM
love it @ 10:20 AM
love ti Thursday, August 14 @ 11:07 PM
Today... P.E: play volleyball for 2 period. not as tired as next week. haha. then phy. test next week. feel sleepy for that lesson. so p.s for miss lim. next math. MATH TEST !!! i must pass at least if i still wanna pass my CA2 !!! Hope I Will. Without 10 Year Series, very troublesome. haha. I wanna practice also cannnot practice !!! I must buy a new 1 soon. Recessss>EAT CHICKEN RICE. finally i manage to quece for it. hahas. I say i will blog mean i will !!! then POA. at first thought mr kok never come de. In the end, he got come.But he waste around 1 period. hahas. I am like running around at that 1 period. Then Eng. Mr lim went to Cat. High for oral. Yeah!!! I am like drawing rubbish for the whole 2 lesson. And i play the so-called Soccer with Kaining, Amanda and Kelly using Kelly's pens and tape. The newest game !!! can be change into other game as long as u are creative enough... After sch : went to canteen with Jos and Amanda to eat. Then went to chem lab to look and play. Huimin, Cheekuan and me are like running around the lab. PHOTOs will be UPLOAD soon(wait for huimin to send me). Then went to choir with Amanda, Cheekuan and Huimin. But Amanda and me have to leave at 4. Before they even start to sing, we have to go le. Hahas. Went to chem lab to wait for Miss Chew. But the lab is closing by that time. Thus in the end we never do. So Diao LOR. Back to sing... Sing with the prefect and choir. And have alot of fun. HAHAS. sing LAAAAAA~~~~~~~~ hahas=) went to BBT with some of them. and wait for bus with AhMa, Huimin, CheeKuan. Chisun and Qinhui come later.We are playing the finger game. And there are punishment if u lose. The punishment cannnot be seen by people not there.(P.S). Reach home. bath rest study online. blog. gaming. sleep !!! SsinyiI Wednesday, August 13 @ 10:55 PM
Wed 13.08 No F&N test today... postpond to Next Monday. hahas. Hope i will do better. 10 YEAR SERIES is NOT for sale for TPY & BISHAN POPULAR. where can i find it... i find F&N textbook & workbook for sale is TPY popular. YEAH !? Amanda, Tricia and me bought Chem and Phy(Amanda) Notesbook !? I wonder why am i buying it? Hope it really help in my Chem. I jux can't remember the formular. I will try my best to remember it... Went to Youth Olympic Logo Workshop. brief. draw. phototalking. rot over there. wondering wad 2 draw.No IDEA! but in the end still able to draw 1 which is NOT very nice de logo out. I think i am the worst. Cuz i am like laughing too much that i can't even draw. Because of Carina. She keep making me laugh. And i really dun like people keep staring at u and trying to figure what u tring to draw. HAHAS. Maybe i am jux too over sensitive. But no choice, i am SENSITIVE. HAHAS!. Went late for tuition for today. Because of the workshop. Do circle. Circle is really making my head become even more circle> giddy HAHAS. went home after buying the Chem book lor. HAHAS. I need a 10 year series BADLY. plz someone tell ME where got SELL it... THANK! SsinyiI Sunday, August 10 @ 9:41 PM
today!: it have been along time i even blog. aiyo. i wanna blog everytime but it seem something will happen and make me unable to blog. haiz. but today i will blog. whenever i am free. too long never torch the keyboard. went to hu bao villa. there have so many status.(lame) went there with tricia and eileen. we eat the sandwhiches in the bus that we make. after that went to eat steamboat. at first is wanna eat bbq steamboat but hor is CLOES. then have steamboat buffect. it is darm full lor. i am full until i am going to vomit. can't continue to stay because eileen loke nid to go home before 8.30.! reach home: i decide on pranking my family.when reach home, after bathing,i am going to close all the light and lock back the lock that is when no one is at home then will lock de lock. and when my parent reach home they will thought that i am still not home. hahas wonder what will happen. tell u next time. hahas! i think my father will scold. but hack care. hahas. FRIDAY: on 8.8 we have our celebration. hahas. CELEBRATION cosist of : CCA awada winner , Sport day winner , band , choir and next is the HAND in HAND. i draw on my hands , and 1 which AMANDAwongkaixin have her drawing on my hse tee. next went home. night" went out to the dayofhispower. it is so high there. and actually is regina birthday. i am so sorrry then i am unable to go. cuz my mum wanna me go home and help her and only able to come out after 4pm. SO SORRY. went home after that. tml: sleep until i happy. do my math hw. i lose my 10 year series and my F&N textbook and workbook. if anyone saw it plz return to me. i really nid them, A BIG THANK YOU...=) TML 11.8 MUMMMY BIRHTDAY... SsinyiI Sunday, August 3 @ 11:57 PM
wake up!>3 sleeping rox. debate is on tue. abit exited, abit dunnnoe wad to do. busy day. SsinyiI @ 1:13 AM
so many thingy to say!>3 it have been a long time ever seen i blog. miss blogging. relay , church , sat night. photo first...: church photo... more to come next time. road relay!!! gratz the badminton girls. and thank for medal !!! hahas! psps not running and get a medal! but anyway well down girls!!! badminton girls U ALL ROXXX MY WORLD EVERYDAY. sat NIGHT !!!! hahas! have fun! My days, My life can't go without U. HAPPY BIRTHDAY B.K you roxxx. today have a long talk with nicole. nicole is a very very nice girl !!! hahas hope to know everyone more and more in church! and so sorry jocelyn and huimin that i am unable to go out with u all. promise i will go out with U all! best besties.! YESTERDAY. i went downstair with my mun to help her to burn thingy. and suddenly got 1 xiao qiang run over m leg!!! i scream !!! so scary! i can't help screamming. and got a scolding from my mum. and got 1 auntie come to me and say ' dun kill it, it jux finding it way home...' it is scary!? happy * month !!! God bless You SsinyiI |
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