Friday, August 29 @ 11:37 PM
Happy Tearchers' Day to all the teachers.Today Teachers' Day Celebratio is a sucess. Fearbox is a sucess. Huimin is so worry about it. i blindfold Miss Ang, Miss Kim and Mr Tan. Miss Ang's HEAD too Big. use a clip to support it. hahas. mr goh is like so funny. anyway very fun. after that went home and meet huimin jocelyn yow ryan jingzhi amanda zhengyi kaifeng nick&hisfrenz. at first wanna go lan. then amanda call me and ask if i wanna go bishan play. then somehow after some commnication, we decide to all come to thoasom then decide what to do. as we can't find any basketball, we have to go to lan. then huimin and zhengyi leave us as they dun wanna go lan. then when go to CC lan, but dun have CS. so never play and somemore 2.70!! and not enough seats for all of us. when to another lan in thoasom, not enough seat too. then we decide to go to thoasom plaza to settle our dinner first. nick&hisfrenz leave as they only wanna play lan!? then left me jocelynYow amanda ryan jingzhi and kaifeng. eat and play the spot the difference game. some 'under 18below people cannnot see' pic come out. then we went to the playground. that is is the most fun part of the whole outing. on the way there, we walk behind the flat. amanda walk in front of me, and i saw a dead"'xiaoqiang' and i shout, amanda shout. next i saw another 'xiaoqiang' and it is alive, then i shout,amanda shout. then i say a half-dead 'xiaoqiang, i shout and amanda shout. like this ahh, ahh, ahh,ahh. continue. everyone get high there. everyone try to climb all the way to the top. me and ryan jux cannnot get to the top. cuz i am scared of height ryan like also same. amanda trying her best to go to the top. but when the ice-cream man come she come down abit lower. i buy ice-cream for amanda and jingzhi and of cuz me!! ryan and kaifeng went to play the spin spin. and ryan discovered something that make everyone laugh like siao specially me, and amanda. ryan and kaifeng are sitting facing each other. ryan found out the kaifeng's pants got a HOLE. and it is at the sensitive place. so it really make everyone laugh like siao if u are there. ryan ask jingzhi to come down and try the spin spin as he say that it can really make people high without any side effect. (kaifeng agree) jingzhi have his ice-cream cup in his hand and he jump. the whole ice-cream pour on his head. so funny. and he is shouting " water!ice-cream" amamda follow behind(i mean at the top,trying to jump down) say " u dun go away i can't jump later fall on you" then jingzhi clean up. then he play the spin spin. he get really high with his mouth open all the way. hahas. and then we went home cuz kaifeng say he wanna vomit shiting and drinking at the same time and it is really time to go home. my dad tell me that if i agreee to use hi-card, i can change a better phone. if i continue to use contract, i will get no phone. and he mke me choose. of cuz i choose hi-card. when i am writing this blog. a real'highi "xiaoqiang" wake through my left foot. and i scream~~ my dad came to recuse. he spray catch and that real'high' "xiaoqiang" become real'dead' "xiaoqiang". sleep until late late tml is my plan my rule. SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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