Friday, April 5 @ 3:08 AM
Tell you what. See this.HO HO HO. I'm ask to go graduation ! I can graduate ! WAHAHAHA. I need to be honest. I was very very very worried about my animation and IT security. That two was a killer module for me. Especially that IT SECURITY. Totally not my kind of module. Thankfully, work hard do pay off. I worked hard for UT3 and yes. I managed to survive. These 3 years really pass so fast. Is just like a blink of eye, thinking back now. All the different kind of people I met. Let have a memory lane down. DANGER: IS A LONG POST#according to year#Year 1 Sem 1. I kind of forgotten the first time I ever step into the class. I forgotten all those first impression I feel about the others. I remember the whole joke about some classmates. We like hacking each other facebook. The one I got is like fishball face? Totally ridiculous and funny. I remember Mas. He was a good classmate. I really get along with him well. At least that what I feel. I always call him xiaodingdang [ doraemon's chinese name ]. He is cute,right?
And finally 3rd year of poly life, I went out with them. Is a prawning at my house area. HAHA. Nevertheless, is a real fun meet up. We all changed in a good way from the young us. We got more mature and went though stuffs. Even couple within us. Cracking all those old jokes among ourselves. Those was great.
Year 1 Sem 2
I still remember me stepping in to the class. Awakwardly. I remember telling myself to be brave and talk to people first. And you know the first break in a new class is the most awkward period. You got no one to talk to and people around you seem to know each other. How the hell can I be one of them? I don't know how to I have the guts to like stay with Meiting and Cherie for the break. I believe I must be such a awkward person for them.
I guess we do clicked well together at the point of time. Very quickly we form a gang. HAHAHA. 10 of us. We do did alot of crazy stuff together. A common dream within the ladies is to be come Tai Tai ah. We would be imagining like flying to korea for hubby and gossiping.
Year 2 & 3.
From here onward is within the diploma.
DIDM Camp photos.
I didn't really took alot of photo with my diploma folks. Quite :/ for so little photos. How do I describe them? There are so many different kind of people within my diploma. The fun one, nerdy one, joker one, silent one, fashion one etc. There's so many and I know till now I didn't managed to know all single one of them.
Weikiang, Junwei, Xuelin
Be honest, I never expect myself to be really in this team. I wasn't close to them till year 3 start. Although I know all of them since year 2, but I didn't really get close them. I was actually quite living in my comfort zone till then. Is was like year 3 where I suddenly at a point of time, I begin to join them up. Couldn't remember the real reason or how.
Till year 3 sem 2 where I need a FYP team. These 3 was already a team for year 3 sem 1. I was like an 'extra' asking for permission to join them. I was desperate, I guess. Like finally caught a wood at the lost sea. Those memories of us trying to discuss really make me laugh. We always end up doing nothing till the very last moment that we camp up at weikiang's house.
I'm lucky to be in this team.
Beside knowing my FYP team, because of them I know these bunch of people and eventually we got closer together that we even went oversea together recently. These few ridiculous hilarious guys. They are so funny. Although I always like to disturb them in my own way, but they are actually very thoughtful and caring in they very own way. I know I don't give the kind of feeling that I'm like a girl being caring or whatever, and it always seem like I'm just insensitive and always fooling around. [is sad but true, that what people think about me.] only people know me long or care to know me.
2010 NDP
2011 NDP
2012 NDP
Most of my friends/classmates don't understand why I actually join NDP. I was always proud to be one. The reason why I join NDP at first was for me to step out my comfort zone. I don't want to be the timid me that I use to be. I wasn't a daring person that would go up ahead and say 'Hi'. I was like make to be one when I join NDP. You need to speak up and be friends with anyone.
With so many different people coming together, is impossible to not have any conflicts or misunderstanding or some popular-er than who problem. I still managed to know a quite a number of nice people.
Bastard Brother
Bitch that always text me when he shit!
My only lady partner
These two that forever unwilling to take photo with me
Weikiang Junwei
Few Jokes? < LOL
Yongding, Issac, Syhami, Li
miss the kimchi pancake.
My same birth date friend.
2013 NDP partner.
All those great people I met within these 3 year.
2010 me.
2011 me
2012 me
2013 me
Did I changed alot? Got get mature anot? I'm so worried if I didn't. I suppose to old older.
Another new stage of life awaiting for me. Be it is the route to uni or working, I just need to stay positive and look forward. It would be all good as long as I'm doing what I'm feel I'm right.
For the new life, I hope I'll be able to meet more great friends that I did.
For the past, I hope you guys will continue to stay with me.
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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