Tuesday, July 26 @ 12:59 PM
Since there's no school tml and me still awake in this hour, I shall blog.Let me start with showing you guys pictures. :) Vision 20/07/2011 Vision, a magic show. This should be the first time I ever went to such big magic show. Amazing show that I would ever want to watch it again if I got the change. There a few scene that truly make me feel so :O . My favorite part would be the part where the Daddy flew up high in the sky and there goes the daughter, disappear in thin air. <3 This totally not the only scene in the show that is amazing. Watch it yourself, and you understand what I meant.
NDP as usual.
As everyone know, my NE tickets is given to my dear friend, Amanda. But she's is unable to see me dance due to her seating position. :/ But still, she enjoyed the show. (=
This taken not on last sat. Should be last last sat. LOL.
This taken by Joslyn as she went to NDP too.
Saw me?
A short meet up with Amanda yesterday.
While waiting for Tanjiamei to get her stuff from popular, we 2 start camwhore-ing again.
Yar, I know. That what girls do.
But we didn't expect the outcomes of the photo would be so good.
[Yes, we kind of like the photo]
And YEAH. My finally announcement to make:
My Friend, Depit, did us proud by getting to the final of IStar.
I'm not very sure what I could to do really help, so... :/ Pardon me. LMAO.
Whatever is it, You are already the winner of IStar in our heart !! Come on, you made the star look ike they're not shinning. (=
And now what I'm busy on?
Assignment UT2 for programming. SERIOUSLY, I don't really have any ideas what to do and how do I even can start working on it. People told me is Problem 10. But I seriously not really know what happen in class for that few problem. Why Assignment 2 not pure SQL ? At least, I think I can do better in Xpath or whatever it is tested on.
Sometime, I really thinking why do I alway make bad choices in life?
1st: Shouldn't have even take Home Economic if my interest in doing Arts !
2nd: I should have jolly well move my butt to STA instead of suffering in SIT !!
If someone ask me, did I ever regret anything in life. I would say these two decision is my worst decision. )=
Since there's like no way, I could ever change this hardcore decision that I already made in my life, I need to stuck on with it and find the least happiness I can get. Be grateful, and think is not that bad after all.
Around 2 more weeks of school and Year Two Semester One will eventually come to an end. I cant wait for it to be over because all those happiness would only come after that and , of course, those DARM IT ut. :/
Chalet planned for the 10 of us. That would be wonderful. Those time spend together within the 10 of us is great.
I guess I better stop, if not this post is getting longer and longer. Me and my nagging. :)
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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