Tuesday, July 26 @ 12:59 PM
Since there's no school tml and me still awake in this hour, I shall blog.Let me start with showing you guys pictures. :) Vision 20/07/2011 Vision, a magic show. This should be the first time I ever went to such big magic show. Amazing show that I would ever want to watch it again if I got the change. There a few scene that truly make me feel so :O . My favorite part would be the part where the Daddy flew up high in the sky and there goes the daughter, disappear in thin air. <3 This totally not the only scene in the show that is amazing. Watch it yourself, and you understand what I meant.
NDP as usual.
As everyone know, my NE tickets is given to my dear friend, Amanda. But she's is unable to see me dance due to her seating position. :/ But still, she enjoyed the show. (=
This taken not on last sat. Should be last last sat. LOL.
This taken by Joslyn as she went to NDP too.
Saw me?
A short meet up with Amanda yesterday.
While waiting for Tanjiamei to get her stuff from popular, we 2 start camwhore-ing again.
Yar, I know. That what girls do.
But we didn't expect the outcomes of the photo would be so good.
[Yes, we kind of like the photo]
And YEAH. My finally announcement to make:
My Friend, Depit, did us proud by getting to the final of IStar.
I'm not very sure what I could to do really help, so... :/ Pardon me. LMAO.
Whatever is it, You are already the winner of IStar in our heart !! Come on, you made the star look ike they're not shinning. (=
And now what I'm busy on?
Assignment UT2 for programming. SERIOUSLY, I don't really have any ideas what to do and how do I even can start working on it. People told me is Problem 10. But I seriously not really know what happen in class for that few problem. Why Assignment 2 not pure SQL ? At least, I think I can do better in Xpath or whatever it is tested on.
Sometime, I really thinking why do I alway make bad choices in life?
1st: Shouldn't have even take Home Economic if my interest in doing Arts !
2nd: I should have jolly well move my butt to STA instead of suffering in SIT !!
If someone ask me, did I ever regret anything in life. I would say these two decision is my worst decision. )=
Since there's like no way, I could ever change this hardcore decision that I already made in my life, I need to stuck on with it and find the least happiness I can get. Be grateful, and think is not that bad after all.
Around 2 more weeks of school and Year Two Semester One will eventually come to an end. I cant wait for it to be over because all those happiness would only come after that and , of course, those DARM IT ut. :/
Chalet planned for the 10 of us. That would be wonderful. Those time spend together within the 10 of us is great.
I guess I better stop, if not this post is getting longer and longer. Me and my nagging. :)
Tuesday, July 19 @ 1:09 AM
天慢慢暗下,夜慢慢沉静。忙碌的一天也结束了。最后的夜里,还是一个人。 无情的是时间,留恋的是回忆。 徘徊在过期的回忆,试着寻找当初的温度。 这样的循环重复着,无能为力的追寻你的脚步。 幸好你不像我如此的卑微,拉住你残留给我的回忆。 用尽全力回忆着曾经属于我们的爱情话语。 但时间却一直重复的提醒我你不再属于我。 我不是你爱情的句点。。。 欣仪 Wednesday, July 13 @ 12:30 PM
Super busy recently. UGH. End of UT1 and Start of UT2. :/Submitted UT2's Drawing
I draw twice. After finish drawing the first one, I then know that the drawing suppose to be smaller than the A4 by 1.5cm. Therefore, need to draw again. :/
I also waste around 3-4 paper just by cutting the 1.5cm.
Went for a sudden-mahjong session with the girls today. I lost 10 bucks ! The most ! UGH. Totally not my luck.
Mum went Malaysia for 3 days. Coming back on Thur. I seriously miss my Mum's cooking.
近来的日子都过的超快。快的我希望变慢。但日子慢了,我有嫌慢。人也许都是犹豫不决的。 想想,日子过的快比较好吧。快乐的事来的快,伤心的是也过的快。事情有坏,也一定有好。不要为了不好的事情而唾弃,而想好有多美好的遗留着。因为至少它们没有遗留下你。
接下来的日子,我只想更能做自己。 简单却越难。 往往人太过于追求复杂而忘了简单带来的那种纯真。
Wednesday, July 6 @ 11:19 PM
想起从前的我是那么的坚信爱情。我不禁的笑了笑。年轻真好。是那么的天真,那么的傻。曾经那么无怨无悔守护的爱情却是那么的不堪一击。 是长大了吗? 是成熟了吗?是看清了现实吗? 还是看清了爱情这个杀手? 它,或他,曾让我感到云端的兴奋,也让我跌如深渊的悲痛。 像云霄飞车一样。但我的车似乎再也没有升起过。就一直的往下冲。。。 我不能说我痊愈了。在独处的夜里,在孤单的等候,我还是能在心里深处找到他的背影。 还是想念他的温柔,还是想看到他的笑容,还是想听到他的笑声,还是渴望他在我的身边。 我成功的也在这怀念的过程中学会了埋藏。把他像秘密一样的埋藏在心里不见阳光的地方,心中的最最深处。 我不相信有谁能真正的痊愈。他们只不过学会了坚强,学会了隐藏,学会了埋藏。 学会了坚强的面对曾经爱自己人,曾经单单属于自己的人。 学会了隐藏自己的爱。 学会了把爱埋藏,永远的冰封。 也许我的心不够大,无法接受,无法容忍别人进入我的心。还是我已经习惯了痛?这个他留给我最后的礼物。 别人口中的完美爱情,真爱,我还是一样的希望拥有。也许是因为不曾拥有过,而更加的相望吗? 相望心里的那一半。。。 我已经无力在追寻。。。 我已经无心在拥有什么。。。 只愿心能够不再痛。。。 欣仪 Tuesday, July 5 @ 11:06 PM
First NDP practice with audiences. (Y) We did. Got our performance's clothes.Did my drawing at the playground with Dennis and Minhao. They super free de la. Didn't go to school on Mon, because I cant tahan stress. LOL Seriously, I cant forgive bitch-es ! I don't care if u are coming to this area of mine or if u ever get a chance to see this, I'm still saying it here. This's my space. I cannot stand some of you and her's action. I wont want to know if you did that in purpose or you didn't think much for the others. But seriously, you 2 need a change. I seriously tot you 2 are nice person and more than willing to be friends with you two. But your action are stopping me. I might not have the best temper in the world but at least I did my best to endure you two for the whole lesson. And what got me at the end of the day? Nothing ! Beside being so angry and FUCK-ed Up? Enough of it, I cant continue talking Not feeling recently. Having a headache whenever I use laptop for too long. =/ P.S I really hope I can endure more. SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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