Saturday, January 1 @ 9:41 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!I spent 30/12/2010 with W47A. I spent 01/01/2011 with W47A. Meet the MeiTing, Amanda and Eileen at Tamp 1. Then went down to Gerald. There is some time before is the STEAMBOAT time. So what can we do?? HORROR MOVIE! ARH! Shouldn't it be something happy? LOL. COMING SOON IS SUPER SCARY! I GAVE IT 5 STAR!!! Ricky & Ronald arrival ! LOL. LET START THE STEAMBOAT !!! Super full! But we still plan for second round. :) Played some game with vodlka[berry]. Fun too. Exspecially with Ronald's answer to my question. 台偶像剧. Guess what he answer? 台湾龙卷风 !! LOL. The rest when to Gerald went to fetch Cherie while sending Amanda & Eileen home. Left Ricky, Mei ting and I at home. We was bored that we watch Human Centipede. EEEE! This the second time I watched it! OMG. Webcam and play card. Second round of STEAMBOAT started with Cherie, Meiting, Ronald, Gerald and I. Ricky went home too [ CABBED] Bath-ed. Play 二老大 and BlackJack. OMG. I lose like 4 BUCK near to 5 BUCK !! And all this $$ are given to Gerald-Prata-Donation. ARR. Ronald left in the morning at 9am with 2 hour of sleep. The rest of us woke up at around 2pm. YAWN YAWN. Guess what we have for breakfast? STEAMBOAT again! WAHAHAHHAHAS! Cherie left first. Meiting and I left later. She bus-ed home and I mrt-ed home. Super tired when I reached home. But I still went to buy Bubble Tea and Gua Zi. I GOT PICKED BY THE STUPID GUA ZI !! OUCH! Some photos taken... ... LET ME THINK OF MY NEW YEAR RESOLUTION. 1. I get flying colours for my UT !! [which is coming asap] 2. I get ... .... I shall continue when I think about it. LOL. Let that be the first and the most important one. :) SsinyiI 2011.01.01 |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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