Monday, January 31 @ 10:44 AM
Didn't blog a few days. Has been working recently. Working at Mei Zheng Xiang. Busy... Everday reach home bath and use com and sleep. This been happening for a few days.LAST TWO DAY AND ALL COME TO AN END. (: I so going look forward on WED. The last day of school and also day for salary. I be going in malaysia too on Wednesday. :) A short blog post. SsinyiI Saturday, January 29 @ 12:38 AM
Seriously, life isn't simple as before.People chang-ed. I seriously don't know why are thing getting in this way for this few days. I might have change. But from I know is that I'm accepting thing easier than you. Once and for all, I would promise. Staying out of poeple's ways. SsinyiI Monday, January 24 @ 1:53 PM
Been working since Fri. Errrr. Tired sio!!! Working for like 5hours, 12hours, then 5 hours. Tonight working again to. :( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Time for marketing pictures:) That all. HAHAHHAS Working later. Jiayou Sinyi !! SsinyiI Thursday, January 20 @ 11:37 PM
Formal day....Don't ask me about presentation. I seriously one word : FAST ! Some photos. Only upload those that I take with one person.... Rest is in facebook or with depit.Wait till then I uplaod. Haikal !! FACI !! Amanda. SsinyiI Wednesday, January 19 @ 12:23 AM
Hmmm. What did I do in Sun?OH yar. I went to expo with my family. Dad brought me a cam and he brought himself a electrical stove or whatever is call. Went in the John Little sales at the last 50min. Brought my formal clothes. Marketing... New media... Went shopping with Amanda, Cherie, Meiting and Gerald. I only brought the WIRE hairband. Been wanting to buy it. HAHHAS! Hudie wear till very nice sia !! I planned to share photos but I CANT !! Blogger lagging again : ( I'm super sleepy. Good night. SsinyiI Saturday, January 15 @ 11:47 PM
My bro's Orange spec given by his friend. Grab a nap during 5plus till 10plus. LOL. I sleep very long. And I know. HAHAHAS! I got too many drama and variety show to watch. My list of drama&variety show:
I think that almost all the show I want to watch. LOL. Like too many. : ( I wonder when can I watch finish all... And most importantly, I need to study for UT. : / SsinyiI @ 11:45 PM
UT Cog over. 4 more UT to go. I cant wait for sat to come. Seriously. LOL. Oh yar, I know is my birthday that why I'm looking forward. LOL.But kind of sad. Several of them are not here with me. :/ Whoever ask-ed me first, and I shall have my day with them. Anyway, is still a happy event. Anw, something for sure. I got W47A to celebrate for me. That enough :) I kind of afraid for math. I swear I did really badly for the previous TWO ut. I seriously wonder if I can pass the sem2 at least with NO repeat module. :( I cant imagine myself even repeating the MATH module :/ Can I really pray this time round? Nothing bad happen, please ... ... 蓝蓝的天空是那么的令人感到安心。但为何我的心就是平静不下来? 平静的大海看起来是那么的安详。但为何我的心就是不停的波动着。 是有什么事情要发生? 无论是什么,我希望 都不是不好的。 ————————————————————————————————————————— 情人节来了,同样的也过了。今年的我还是一样的孤单,一样的无人认领。同样的,是我还是有朋友的陪伴,也许因为他们也同样无人认领吧? 哈哈!但欣慰的是,我成功的‘解毒’了。 哈哈哈! 我又是以前的我。坚信幸福属于每个有梦的人。不去计较的太多,你会发现身边的事情可以很简单,也可以满足的很幸福。哈哈! 只要记得永远保持笑容! SsinyiI @ 12:24 AM
Seriously tired. Math was kinda free today ... ... Not as scary as what others say to be difficult. Quite slack. Maybe because of my team memebrs. HAHAHS!My cough doesn't seem to be recovering. Someone wish me good luck. I seriously haven been falling sick for like quite long. And now come in one go. zzzzZZZ Mum is like blaming me about my coughing. Seriously, she just thinks that I totally don't drink water and all. And she thinks that I only drink SOFT DRINK OR GASSY DRINK. What the...... Pardon me if I'm coughing very loudly. Cause I'm already trying my best to keep it low profile and make sure I cover every time I cough. I'm just pure tired. YAWN. Reach home kinda early today. Didn't want to go out because I seriously need some rest at home. Tml I need to go out with Mum in the morning to the market to buy some new year stuff. I think I am in charge of testing out the CNY new snack. YUM YUM ! I cant wait. But I'm worry I cant wake up. LOL. I need to sleep liao. Night ! P.S Happiness simply comes on how you look at stuff. Be contented with what you have. Cause you never know that there actually people who is not much happier like you do. SsinyiI Thursday, January 13 @ 9:23 PM
Thur !!! Time pass very fast. This week seriously passed too fast. I'm so sick ! Coughing like nobody's business. I'm having cough and flu now. 流行,我追上了. : /People are getting sick lately. Please don't chase after the trend. Recently, my class is very fond of playing 21 !! I didn't earn any money YET! : / Guess not my luck for now. But I will earn it back ! < IF I CAN> Upcoming event ... 1. More UTs. 2. Formal Wear 3.Marketing Proposal Currently this 3 already cause my head to burst ! Finally, I know what the feeling of rushing a proposal. P.S 现在的我是幸福的。 SsinyiI Wednesday, January 12 @ 6:27 AM
Since I woke up early in the morning, I shall blog. OMG. I haven been blogging for so many days. I haven been watching videos for so many days. Huimin 18th Birthday !! 3 day 2 night Pre-Birthday Celebration. How can chalet be lack of photos?? The middle person, I guess is Casmine !! LOL Ahma and Me trying to be serious there. And wanqin ... ... The amount of balloon we tie on the second day. Seriously PAIN! In total, we tie around 200plus balloon !! BBQ on the first night. Btw, first night only got Xinyi, Casmine, Wanqin and Me there. Actually quite worry at the other side of door got people seeing us... Don't bully me or I bite You! Seriously, love this giant car!! See they bully me :( Joce look surprisely pretty here! LOL This is the end product of the balloon. Ignore Kf sleeping there. LOL Actually I don't play cards, but I gave in the peer pressure. We are GIANT BABIES !! Chisun is out casted WITHOUT blankets.!! Just upload a potion of photos. Too many. And blogger doesn't allow me to upload all by one go! Seriously, blogger allow it LAST TIME!! Why now it keep reject me !! : / Good Morning ! SsinyiI Thursday, January 6 @ 11:22 PM
OPEN HOUSE ! SUPER TIRED. :(I got nothing to say. Pure and Plain tired !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SsinyiI Wednesday, January 5 @ 10:11 PM
Can I say this is the last day of school for this week?Cause tml open house which somehow is counted as ..... playing ?? Got the open house shirt but where my badge !? LOL. YAWN! WAITING FOR THE DUTY EMAIL TO COME IF NOT I ALREADY SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP! Super sleepy this few days. Tml will be a long long day ... ... : / P.S Been a long time since I chat ... ... SsinyiI Tuesday, January 4 @ 11:41 PM
Guess what! I fall asleep when I taking my laptop out of my bag. 0_0 New Media today. Got the last team again. LOL. I was super tired today. All because of my brother la. Ask him wake up don't want to wake up. Too many alarm just make me don't feel like waking up. : / And guess what, I actually fall asleep while taking UT !! I KNEW IT !! Cog !! I want to get back my previous grade ! C !!! C is enough !! But if want to give me more, I seriously don't mind! HAHAHAS! Cog tml. After tml, thursday and friday would be open house. Fri down for huimin's chalet. WOOHOO! WHAT A BUSY WEEK! SsinyiI Sunday, January 2 @ 11:33 PM
Woke up at around 3plus. SUPER TIRED. Seriously, why school start tml ?? Hmmmm... I DON'T WANT SCHOOL! LOL. BUT NO CHOOSE. UT coming soon too. STUDY HARD BA, SINYI! arh SsinyiI Saturday, January 1 @ 9:41 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!I spent 30/12/2010 with W47A. I spent 01/01/2011 with W47A. Meet the MeiTing, Amanda and Eileen at Tamp 1. Then went down to Gerald. There is some time before is the STEAMBOAT time. So what can we do?? HORROR MOVIE! ARH! Shouldn't it be something happy? LOL. COMING SOON IS SUPER SCARY! I GAVE IT 5 STAR!!! Ricky & Ronald arrival ! LOL. LET START THE STEAMBOAT !!! Super full! But we still plan for second round. :) Played some game with vodlka[berry]. Fun too. Exspecially with Ronald's answer to my question. 台偶像剧. Guess what he answer? 台湾龙卷风 !! LOL. The rest when to Gerald went to fetch Cherie while sending Amanda & Eileen home. Left Ricky, Mei ting and I at home. We was bored that we watch Human Centipede. EEEE! This the second time I watched it! OMG. Webcam and play card. Second round of STEAMBOAT started with Cherie, Meiting, Ronald, Gerald and I. Ricky went home too [ CABBED] Bath-ed. Play 二老大 and BlackJack. OMG. I lose like 4 BUCK near to 5 BUCK !! And all this $$ are given to Gerald-Prata-Donation. ARR. Ronald left in the morning at 9am with 2 hour of sleep. The rest of us woke up at around 2pm. YAWN YAWN. Guess what we have for breakfast? STEAMBOAT again! WAHAHAHHAHAS! Cherie left first. Meiting and I left later. She bus-ed home and I mrt-ed home. Super tired when I reached home. But I still went to buy Bubble Tea and Gua Zi. I GOT PICKED BY THE STUPID GUA ZI !! OUCH! Some photos taken... ... LET ME THINK OF MY NEW YEAR RESOLUTION. 1. I get flying colours for my UT !! [which is coming asap] 2. I get ... .... I shall continue when I think about it. LOL. Let that be the first and the most important one. :) SsinyiI 2011.01.01 |
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