Thursday, December 30 @ 11:49 PM
Woke up early. I really didn't sleep enough. I was super tired. Slept at and woke up at down for badminton with Huimin, Jocelyn, Wanqin, Chisun, Cheekuan, Jingzhi & Kaifeng. Went to Thonsam Plaze to eat. Then Huimin and Jocelyn come over my house to get The Sim 3. Tml is the last day of 2010 ! That simply mean that I be going to Gerald house. LOL STEAMBOAT and COUNTDOWN! WOOHOO. SsinyiI Wednesday, December 29 @ 11:45 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEE WEI JIE!By right should be at malaysia, but Mum want to go to dentist. So we push the malaysia trip backward. But when we reached the dental clinic, they say that you have to make appointment. So, that mean Mum cannot pluck teeth. So, we went around walking. Brought Bro a Birthday Cake! :) TEEHEE. Reached home and I was too tired that I fall asleep again. By the time I woke up is already 10plus. Wait till bro come back from his Birthday Celebration with his friend, it was like getting quite late. So finally we are left with 9 min for his brithday. So You Will Know This Post Is Actually Not Blogger On The Actual Day. I will let the picture do it saying. I did recored videos but still in my bro's phone. Will upload next time. :) We brought a small cake as we don't celebrate 'English' birthday. Bro was talking to another friend which birthday is on 30/12 while he pose with the cake! Dad and Bro. Both of them don't really know how to take photos. :/ I was not in this picture because I'm the photographer. LOL [Ok, I edited this photo cause my mum requested about her winkles. LOL ] Mum and I =] Birthday Boy and I =0 I kind of like this photo of him. Cause he finally smile He keep complaining that the cake is not really BROUGHT by me. HAHAHAS. But I'm the one keep requesting a MUST-OF-BUYING-CAKE for BIRTHDAY! HAHHAS. The actual time that I blogger is 3.26am !! LOL Good Morning :) SsinyiI Tuesday, December 28 @ 11:31 PM
Arrrr! Mum wake me up super early today to accompany her to market. I was terrible LACK of sleep. LOL. Just one day of waking up early and I end up looking so dead. Rush home. I having stomach ache on the way back home. As Bishan Park is under renovation, the time need to reach home is longer than before. I was actually having stomach ache AGAIN on the way back home. I was struggling with two choices. 1st: Continue endure and wait till we got back home. 2nd: Go to the nearest toilet available. I really wanted to choose the first choice. But I seriously couldn’t endure any longer and I choose Second choice eventually. HAHA! Reached home and grab a nap. Seriously a short one. At first, I would be able to sleep at least an hour. But my CUTE LITTLE BROTHER just keep disturb me. Eventually, I’m only left with 20minutes sleeping time. Brought my brother to National Healthcare Group[Ang Mo Kiu]. We waited quite long as we missed our turn. HAHAHA! We didn’t want to miss it purposely. Ok, fine ! We went for window shopping. But afterward, we wait patiently and don’t dare to move any step away from the allocated room. J Brother and I brought one shirt each. Sort of Sister-Brother shirt. Cause is totally the same. Same pattern same size. WAHAHAHAHA! I can’t imagine that I CAN ACTUALLY WEAR a CHILDREN shirt as you know I’m not slim… … Home Sweet Home. I wasn’t feeling very well. Maybe due to the lack of sleep. Haven been waking up early as you know is HOLIDAY for me. HOLIDAY = Sleeping LATE Waking LATE Holiday would be ending in 5 more day.2010 would be ending in 4 more day. LET COUNTDOWN [= SsinyiI @ 12:17 AM
蓝宝(十之星) 烈焱坚尼 (炎之星) 曾子馀 博焱 乌克娜娜(月之星 ) 谜亚星(智之星) 蔡芷纭 林奕勋 ![]() ![]() 艾瑞克(幻之星) 乌拉拉 (奈亚公主) 利昂霖 蔡颐榛(五熊) 萌學園2聖戰再起 加入了新的演员阵容哦! 阿本 !張善為 ! 想要知道他们演什么吗? 就马上收看萌學園2聖戰再起 吧 Information from: Images from: Monday, December 27 @ 11:32 PM
Been a long time since I publish any song. This is not any new song. But I kind of like this song. I heard it from some class video. Think it was quite nice? LOL. By 光良 & 曹格. Their voice type are sort of my 'kind of tea' ?? HAHAHAS! @ 11:18 PM
Super tired. Might be going Malaysia tml. If dad decide to go. Hahas! I will sleep earlier and earlier each day. HAHAHS. SsinyiI Sunday, December 26 @ 10:46 PM
Stay at home the whole day again. Didn't manage to wake up naturally due to my MOTHER! She alway like to wake me up man! Cant stand! And I will alway so-call shout at herI STILL DUN WANT TO SLEEP! Anything will do(formybreakfast) Spend my day watching 蝴蝶蝴蝶生的真美丽 & 综艺大国民 !!I wonder what can I do tml. Oh yar, I want to tidy up my room. Since I got nothing better to do. =] I miss school ! SsinyiI Saturday, December 25 @ 11:45 PM
Too tired to go out with my friends in the morning nor afternoon. Meet Sec gang during the night. But I reached quite late. Didn't plan to meet W47A for christmas but somehow I did. LOL. It was a surprise meet up.Here are some photos to brighten up my blog. =] Where did we go?? PHOTOS! This is chaos! TEEHEE I was very tired. Reached home at around 4am. Thank to Gerald. I was quite sorry about it making he turn circle... Hmmmm..... ANW, MERRY CHRISTMAS! SsinyiI Wednesday, December 22 @ 11:46 PM
PHOTOS! Let start with Gerald's house STAYOVER~ Gerald Lim! LOL Dun be shock. I can be a drummer too! New band? Another band? I was actually focusing on Ronald. But dk why Meiting become the main idea... Depit Hei Ren. LOL. = Ah Jiao? Meiting and I. When we get bored? TIME FOR BBQ~ Right at beach, So of course take a photo with the beach! SAY CHEESE So at the beach, let take a jump shot. I think we fail ! NIGHT TIME! Chubby Bunny! OMG LA! I at most 4! Seri, Jannah, I and AH MA[Eileen] Camp. We went off early! Too boring liao! Stayover @ Meiting house! Wii! As usual, first to fall asleep! I am so freaking tired. Went to see the doctor. I am freaking allergic to Alcohol!? What is this man! I'm only 17th! Not even 18th and I am ban to drink right after the first time. LOL. That so kidding ! I'm tired again after my nap! Am I getting OLD?! SsinyiI Tuesday, December 21 @ 1:15 AM
Let start typing from Sun.Meet everyone at Tamp1. Some of them buy present. Then set off to fetch Amanda. Change plan and fetch Cherie. Then shopping at Giant. Then send Eileen to MRT. Bring stuff back to Gerald house. Gerald dad bring us to eat !! EAT SUPER FULL! We drank and shout and play like siao! LOL. Gerald, Ronald, Amanda and I went down for prata without the rest during the night. LOL. Morning: MON! Wake up at around 10am. I woke up once in the morning but sleep back. HAHAHAHAS! Play drum and stuff for the whole morning till afternoon. At first, we plan to cycle but rain come when we reach there. So , didn't cycle. BBQ start! RAIN RAIN RAIN ARH! But in the end, the rain still manage to stop and allow us to spend the time. My body seriously red and itchy. I wonder is it because of the alchole. This is the first I actually drank. I didn't get drunk. But the second day my body become red and itchy. Seriously, wonder why. Camp tml. I need to sleep liao. If not, I really wonder how will I look like at the camp. EYE close? SsinyiI Friday, December 17 @ 7:31 PM
Last day of school! WHAT A DAY. No ppt but just practice question by all the group. We end super early today. But everyone didn't go home. Stay back and watch movie at usual. HAHAHAS!Seri and I I change my body with Dad!!! Amanda, Cherie, David, Meiting and I ! We again! NICE PHOTO! I LIKE. Everyone different faces. Small RICKY!! Leaving Singapore today. *YAWN* Super tired. Waiting for my dad to be ready. HOLIDAY IS HERE! SsinyiI Thursday, December 16 @ 10:06 PM
Communication today! Woohoo!I was super tired. But stay back with Gerald to wait for Meiting, Cherie and Amanda for their meeting to end. Went to eat with them, but I didn't eat. Not hungry ... ... Tml need go home early liao. Going Malaysia... ... =] Busy week for next week. Hmmmm! SsinyiI Wednesday, December 15 @ 10:20 PM
Hmmm....I apply for Giro and in the end, they never deduct the $$ and say I never pay school fee. Is like What the hell !! And I email them. Guess what they send me ? They reply me with a auto email. From afternoon to now, no reply from them regarding the matter. From what I heard is that they are closing down my LEO from tmr. If they close, how can I study !? Seriously dun understand... ... Btw, I overslept in bus today! Eeee. Lucky, I didn't overslept too much. If not, I would go all the way till Jurong. But I woke up at the last stop that I would be able to cross over. SIAN! SsinyiI Tuesday, December 14 @ 10:31 PM
New Media today. Lucky I didn't tell this faci about my blog. If not I would rather die. If she was to ever find out, I think she will have bad impression of me to her. But I really cant stand her face at certain time. While we are actually presenting, she would show faces like telling us how NOT HAPPY is her with our ppt. Or how reluctant for her to listen. Btw, that not important.I sign up for the Rp Open House thingy. Got camp !! 21 to 22 Dec. That mean we actually cant do certain stuff at certain period of time!!! LOL. [ Inside secret ] Anw, people coming with the camp are my other 3 xiao mei !! Looking forward for all the stuff that are going to happen in this DEC CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY! SsinyiI Monday, December 13 @ 10:32 PM
Monday! WHAT A DAY! Marketing. Stay back and chat ... ... Amanda birthday. I did up a funny slide at the end of our ppt. What a joke. She must be shock !!!4 more day and is HOLIDAY! WOOHOO. LOOK FORWARD FOR CLASS BBQ, STAY OVER AT GERALD'S AND MAYBE OH'S CAMP! TEEHEE! SsinyiI Sunday, December 12 @ 10:02 PM
The photo above is the rainbow I taken on Grandma’s funeral. A rainbow that appear after a rain. Rainbow always appear after a sun’s rain. But not every time you get to see it. This would be meaningful. =] Happy Sunday. Tried to wake up early at 10am. Wanted to go Market with Mum but found out she had already gone to market WITHOUT me. =[ So I continue sleeping. TEEHEE !! Spend the whole day watching video. And something shocking happen. I listen to Derrick何维健’s song today. And I decided to comment on his 微博. To encourage him. And guess what he replied !!! LOL. This totally freak me out! I never thought that he would even reply. But he did. He also re-post it at his own 微博 !! HAHAHAHS. But I really like his new songs! Shall post about his song tml. Tonight I need to sleep early. One last week of school! HOHOHO! SsinyiI Saturday, December 11 @ 10:21 PM
Return from Malaysia.10.12.10 Friday. Went back to Malaysia. Sat's morning 6.30 must reach Grandma's tomb. It would be the last time where EVERYONE can visit her there.Any praying can only done at 5th uncle's house. Is actually quite sad. Mum said is somehow due to the date of my grandma' birth. 11.12.10 Saturday. Went home straight after resting awhile at 5th Uncle's house. Reached home quite early. Dad went for work. I decide to watch video as I miss so many for this week. =[ But I cant stand it after 1 video. Went for a nap that I slept till Now I'm more awake! Shall listen to song, watch videos and play SIM !! TEEHEE! I need to go back Malaysia for my grandma's 14th day on next sat. =] SsinyiI Thursday, December 9 @ 10:10 PM
Grandma left us for good. =]I seriously dun understand why people have to put MONEY as the first in their head, brain or heart. The funeral is not even over. Yet they are quarrel outside even bang the table! What will people think about us or even worst think about Grandma? Everyone is in the fault. The most "irritating" that I would say would be my FIRST uncle. He's the worst of the worst. What the use of coming out with the idea that YOU deserve MOST? When/where are you when Grandma needs you. You come at the second last day of the funeral. And when you come you make everyone feel fuck-up? Which more important?Money or health of your loves one?? Decide yourself. I shall go school tml despite I am VERY VERY TIRED! NIGHT SsinyiI Monday, December 6 @ 7:31 PM
Went to school today. Super tired. But thanks to my HYPER ACTIVE classmates, I was able to get high and smile through the day. [: I was inform that we will be going in Malaysia without my dad tonight. Ok la, we go in first lor.=PHere are some photos that I took yesterday before anything happen. My Little cousins! Don't they look alike? What happening?? I seriously think She look prettier later with curly hair. Even though is more mature looking but I still think this look prettier. =] Mandy with my geek spec. Isn't she cute? Mandy and I. Life just has to go on even though you are not here. But I know. I'm here living for you with all your wishes. SsinyiI Sunday, December 5 @ 11:08 PM
By right today should go back to malaysia. But dad tell us not going back today. Will be going back on Tue afternoon. But I dun want bring my laptop back leh. Hmmmm!I'm saving my tears till the day. I cannot cry now. I have to be there for my parent. Fighting Sinyi. :) SsinyiI @ 2:21 AM
Mum wake me up in a hurried tone. I wonder what happen. And she told me Grandma is in hospital. Went in malaysia. On the journey in, everyone thought it was nothing serious. But when we reached the hospital, went in the ward. Saw her. We cried. My dad. I first time saw him crying. It really hurt me. I went in myself. Not with my mum, dad or bro. Facing her alone. I break down when I saw her. I cant stand looking at her, not even one. She was skinny. PLAIN SKINNY. Pipes and tubes all over her. What the hell is this!? I said: 外婆,我是欣仪. I repeat myself 2 times. I can hear her trying to breath. Trying to breath real hard. I told her that Brother will come in and see her soon. But the stupid nurse just say my brother is not alone to go in! WHAT THE. Not even my little promise to her. Even this, I cant do it. This might be the last promise. Yet I cant do it again!I am sorry. I shouldn't have said such words about you. Anger and hate was on the top of my head. Saying thing like this was useless as I'm watching you suffering and leaving. This was not my intention. I do not see this coming. Please forgive me. SsinyiI Saturday, December 4 @ 1:38 AM
Depit, Cherie and Amanda birthday celebration on Thur. Somes photos. =] Not the whole class in here. Mainly the three Dec babies. For this... ... Ricky ~ 四朵金花 My epic Picture again ! ! ! DB's moves? Xiao Mei, Meiting =] Super tired. This week only blog a few time. Super tired. I am so into playing SIM!!! HAHAHAS! TIRED! This blogged overnight. SsinyiI |
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