Monday, May 10 @ 12:28 PM
Darm busy until I no time to blog !!!!!!!! AH! Let me think what I have been doing for this few day. Friday: SIT parent talk. Help out with SiewChoo. Team with her and another 3 year 3 boys. Ok. Awhile only. Then went back to the talk. LOL. The talk is like darm long. I fall asleep on my chair. LOL. Meet Jocelyn, Wan Qin, Nick,gay/neo, Mark, Kai Feng, Ryan, Chee Kuan and JingZhi at J8. I didn't know so many ppl coming together with Jocelyn. Jingzhi, Wang Qin and went home first as they sat got thing on. Went with rest to playground. Guys play Frisbee then Jocelyn,Chee Kuan and I use my com to watch the idiot videos we take during CK's birthday. :) Then went home with Chee Kuan, Kaifeng and Jocelyn. LOL. And, I must really say this out. Kaifeng ask me to wait for him, then I was thinking what happen. Then he darm disgusting to FART in front of me! WTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sat: Went to NDP with Tricia. Not the same team with Tricia. I'm team 3. Not bad. Everyone getting along well enough. Almost everyone in my team is very high. Know some of them. (: Went home first then out to meet Amanda to study at Library then mac. Waited for Huimin to arrive at J8. Amanda leave after Huimin arrive. Went to Mos, then Huimin house. See photos from sec 1 till now. Darm funny when u see how u look like last time and how u do stupid faces and why is it capture down and ALL IN HUIMIN'S COM! DARM MAN! Sun: Is Mother day! (: As usual, we went to have dinner. But is Malaysia. Dad brought me a phone. I darm dunnoe why I didn't choose a Blackberry instead of the phone that I having now! WHAT THE HELL PROBLEM AM I HAVING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But still grateful to Dad. I'm alway very upset for him not keeping up his promise of buying my a new phone. But now Ok lah. At least, he finally up to his promise. :) Thank Dad ! Thank Mom. (is Mothers' day not Father day! ) Mon: Is school :) SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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