Monday, August 31 @ 11:07 PM
600post !!!Hahas. Actually no big deal. Pre-Teachers' Day! Wish to Mr Koh, Miss Joey Tan and the others teacher! 教师节快乐!!!!! Didn't went back to Ai Tong. Hardly anyone there. MinHao went back but he say no 1 there. Haiz. P,S 时间好像真的会冲淡任何人际间的感情 SsinyiI Sunday, August 30 @ 11:45 PM
Have been listening to Michael Jackson songs lately. Love his songs. Hahas. 怎么办?睡不着!可是好累哦 !闭上了眼但就是睡不着!!! 我快疯了! SsinyiI Friday, August 28 @ 11:52 PM
今天考英文。没有把paper1做完。paper2。曾经有度过同类型的文章,做起来比较得心应手。在很快的时间就做完了。带弟弟去看他电影 "Where got ghost?"。我们笑到爆。看完后,我们就一起去找爸爸。陪他一起回家。 弟弟今天很累了。一回到家就睡着了。这个礼拜可能要去马来西亚。 欣仪。 Thursday, August 27 @ 9:14 PM
好开心可以写中文字了!!!! 中文对我来说,可以更好的写出我的想法。 看了今天8pm的“明星职工团”和“Paris & Milan"后,感受很多。看完后,对于自己的生活环境有了更多的体会。我在想自己是不是一个和好的主人。在“ Paris & Milan",在说的是有越来越多的主人把自己的宠物给抛弃了。也有一个人是在说主人对于自己的宠物没有好好的照顾。我有两只乌龟和一只“小老鼠”。我常常会觉得自己对乌龟的爱没有那么多。我承认有很多时候会因为乌龟必须每一天都要换水的原因而感到疲累。妈妈有很多的时候都会帮我。这样的我真的会令我更到很讨厌。爸爸说我可以把乌龟给放生。我真的不想这样。如果我那么做不就和那些因为自己的因素而抛弃动物的人没有两样没?不说这件事了。因为无论如何,我是不会抛弃特们的!!!! 看了"明星职工团”后,我又哭了。又因为自己爱哭,妈妈又说我。 我的感受: 在简朴的地方,有着简单的快乐。 生活中简单而微不足道的事情可能无法令我们感到快乐。 但是多很生活在简朴国家的人却有可能是他一生中唯一希望能拥有的。 但是生活在城市中的人就是常常那么容易的就忘记。 很多人都在寻找一种他们所谓的“快乐”。 很多时候,他们会因为只顾着寻找而忽略了身边陪伴他们的人。 大家不如试着放慢脚步们看看周边的人事物。也许你会找到你从没发现的快乐也说不定。 P.s 我想当志工 !!! SsinyiI @ 9:01 PM
I wanna to write chinese. But how? My com just cant seem to be able to write chinese even though I change it tp chinese(simplidied)!?Wednesday, August 26 @ 9:02 PM
Hahas. Funny! Sunday, August 23 @ 10:13 PM
Weekend is coming to an end again! Rest time is over. Homework DONE.Have been in hook with Inuyasha. Love it! Been watching it since young but stop between somewhere when I am in primay school. *IMPORTANT* If you do know where I can watch Inuyasha, plz leave me a tag to tell me the link. Best from Ep 1. Thank in advance. SsinyiI Saturday, August 22 @ 6:57 PM
Friday, August 21 @ 11:12 PM
Fan Fan fan wei qi. @ 11:03 PM
Fan Fan fan wei qi new ablum!!! @ 10:56 PM
Fan Fan fan wei qi new ablum. Wednesday, August 19 @ 9:43 PM
Chinese O lvl get back result. B3 again! I hate this. Get scolded. Althought I may not put this as the first or I dun care much, I still hope I could get a A. But seem no. Mum say she didn't see me study during that period of time. Yes. I didn't study as hard as I could. But Ok lor is over anyway. Just retake lor. But again same result, I will just ren ming. Hahas. Tired. Granny gone home le. My room is back (I sound bad) SsinyiI Tuesday, August 18 @ 9:33 PM
Oh yeah and Oh no. Something is crazy about my computer. Recently, Facebook and Blogger are crazy! Finally blogger picture upload is back. But no photo to upload! -_- Facebook in a mess!!! Audition! I think my skill went down grade! Shouldn't play that much now. Os is coming.Let talk about oral. English today. Not nervous. But is really tired while u are waiting for your turn. This is the first time I am actually JOKING with the teachers. Both of them are so funny. Should be able to get a pass at least. No expecting to get high marks. A pass is all I want! Monday, August 17 @ 9:53 PM
School-ed. Yeah !! Granny is here !! Brought a comb. Tired!SsinyiI @ 8:29 PM
Another wonderful song sing by 曾沛慈. @ 8:28 PM
Another version of 夠愛. Sing by 曾沛慈. Her voice is very nice. I like her style! Rocker. Nice work. @ 8:17 PM
Love this song. People should check this out. Friday, August 14 @ 9:30 PM
Had not been blogging since Monday(Ithink). I am sick!! Down with fever and cough. I am banned from school for the whole of this week. Feeling better now. Fever gone down and gone up.But now, all gone !! May be going to Malaysia. Still deciding whether to go. Mum said is better that I rest @ home. But I cant let her go alone to 5th aunt's hse. Is too dangerous. P.S Should I or should not? SsinyiI Monday, August 10 @ 11:31 PM
Tired. Haven been sleeping well for this few days. zzzzzZ. Do up my homeworks. Bro is down wif fever. But not serious. His temperature had gone down. P.S Why school start tml!? SsinyI Sunday, August 9 @ 10:44 PM
Back From Malaysia.06.08.09 Thu. Went in to Malaysia. Ah Kwang Gorgor fetch us. His going-to-be wife came together with us too. Few hours of driving and finally reach. Didn't manage to look at grandpa. As they say,grandpa's face starts to rot le. Worms start to wiggle around. They say mostly because the organs inside his body already start to rot before he even die. Many of us including me believe grandpa is die of hunger. Had a quick dinner and change into blue shirt and long pant. Get my blue hat and wear my sock. Children of daughters will have a red cloth on their left arm. That our 'uniform' for grandchildren. For sons and daughters: White shirt, black long pants, white hat and sock. For girls' husbands: colours of the clothes will depend on which generation. Girls' husbands were given a extra cloth to put on their shoulder. I don't know what the meaning of that. Red clothes are given to daughters' children and husband because they are not his so called direct grandchildren. By the way, I am third generation. And start on 'work'. What happened during the ceremony is that we will need to bow, kneel and sit down. We also need to hold on the the incense. Everyone one while sons and daughters three. This continue till quick late. Have supper and then sleep. For that night, is a very terrible night. We tried 4 person sleeping on a 2or3 size bed. YiHong, YiSiong, Brother and me. Just nice, someone places a pile of underwear on the bed. They all pushed the underwear to my side. Darm it !!! Hahas. We didn't change out from the 'uniform'. At the end, I went upstairs and slept with Mum. 07.08.09 Fri & 08.08.09 Sat. Wake up. Had breakfast. Then the four of us take over the burning of “Jingzi”. We burned that for like 4hours while waiting for the “Sangong” to come. Then we start our “ceremony” again till late night. After that we bathed and changed into our normal day shirts. Quite boring in the day. As we cannot on the television and no playing of cards. -_- Yi Zhi, ZhiKang, Zhien they reached on fri. Dad came together with them. Almost everyone of the family came on Friday. Now we tried to sleep on the same bed with 7 ppl. This 7 ppl included YiZhi, YiSiong, YiHong, ZhiKang, ZhiEn, Brother and me. Can you imagine how tight and how squeeze are we? I went up on alone on Fri.But on sat, ZhiKang, Yisiong, YiHong, Brother and I went upstair to sleep.Because YiZhi and Zhien, they took up the whole bed !! On sat, most of us cry. Cry real badly. I cry too. Not able to have a last look. Although I don't day to see. But actually no matter wad, I decided to take a look. But who know, grandfather's coffin had closed. Sent him off. Went to the graveyard. Everyone need to throw stones on his coffin. And tell him to come back to the lobby and watch over us. Went back home. Socks are given back. Hats are given back except girls' husbands. Watch our face and hands with some water(with flowers) and comb our hair with that water. Meant to watch away the “dirty” things. Some procedure to follow after we come home. 09.08.09 Sun. Came home. AhKwang gorgor fetch us again. Need to go back one week later which is next sun. Wear back the same clothes. I must go back ! I want !!! Sleep early. Headache. I stomach ache everyday for the past 3 days. Because we have our dinner outside of the house where the flies are like flying and landing on your foods. Good Night. P.s I will feel better? Were I? SsinyiI. Thursday, August 6 @ 3:37 PM
Blog before I leave Singapore. Ah Kwang Gorgor fetching us @ our hse. Easier for us. A long day to go .... ...SsinyiI Wednesday, August 5 @ 9:38 PM
Will not be blogging on Thu, Fri and Sat. Will be going to Malaysia. Finally, I can go in Malaysia. Will be packing the clothes tonight. Will not bring alots of clothes to Malaysia. Pants and Shirts will be given. Alots of rules to follow ... ...SsinyiI Monday, August 3 @ 10:59 PM
People are gone so easily. Planning to vist him this weekend. And guess what? He is gone. Mum will nvr nid to go back and take care him for 1 week. He is gone on the day of his bdea. Is this his bdea wish!? Aug 3. I will nvr forget. Why take him away? I did not manage to see him before he die. Why? Just then I tell cher I am going malaysia to vist him. And then he is gone!? Why? He is gone on 7plusam today. Aug3. Today is his 99th bdea. .... ... P.s Mum is in malaysia now. She will be back tml. SsinyiI Sunday, August 2 @ 9:51 PM
Went Market wif Mum today. Homed and do up the homework. Tidy up my room. Mum cooked Butter Prawns. Bro and me eat together. We ended with a prawns fight. Everytime after u eat prawns, u will most likely to get ur prawns wif sauces. We 'fight' by putting sauce on each other hands. Fun (= Love to eat wif my brother. Happy Family Time. Dad buying school shoe. Worry that he may buy wrongly.Grandpa is going back home. All the daughters and son are going take turns and take care of grandpa. Mum will be going in too for one weeks. What am I going to do? She will be gone for 1 weeks. Mum nvr leave me alone before. Is good that grandpa finally get out of that hell place. I also wanna to go back. P.s Someone please tell me wad to do. SsinyiI Saturday, August 1 @ 10:57 PM
Didn't use com yesterday even though planning to. Slept the whole day yesterday. This week is real tiring for me. F&N coursework. Finally all ended on Friday 4.45pm. All F&N students must think so ba. Even if not, for me is a YES. Wake up late today. 12plus. Wonderful timing. Quarrel wif me a few times today for the darm card that she wanna to sign for. Just another 'cha qu' for the day.Went to the library. And read up some books about photographing and drawing using paint,computer software. Interesting. Blogging cant upload pictures??? Who can help me!?? SsinyiI |
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