Tuesday, April 21 @ 7:49 PM
Have not blog for a few day. Let blog !!!Friday. Commendation day. Went and have pizza hut with Amanda, Rachel and Kelly. Nice foods. Nice environment. Then commendation day start. Quite ok for this year actually. For people who never go before for last year de, you will never know this year is really much better. Last year, 3 quarter of the comendation day is TALKING. So this is already better. After that, eat with Jocelyn. Didn't eat much. Went up to prefect rm. Have some crazy video with Chee Kuan. I will ask Xinyi to upload. Then went down to canteen. Everyone having fun taking photos. Felt total left-out which is should be. Decide to spend time with myself, left as nothing to do. Friends are happy already can, no need to care about me. Take 2 410. Back to school opp. bbt, brought myself a milk tea. Once our fav drink. Drink finish it and waited for 2 410, then wait for 1 more and went home. Saturday. Earth day. Fun time with the children. Fun time to help ppl to take pic. I began to like photographing more and more. Taking down pictures of ppl and many other. I may wan to be a photographer next time, who know ? Went to J8 and Amk with Kaifeng, Ryan and Zhengyi. Cant go home, therefore go with them first. Mum not @ home to help me open the door till 4 plus. Went home. Mum say not going to niece de 1st month, cause sun going Malaysia. Sunday. Malaysia. Went Malaysia to visit Grandpa. He is in the hospitalised again. Went there. Saw that Grandpa is darm skinny. I never know that my grandpa is that skinny. He slim down really alot. He got tied up by the doctor. He seems to be unhappy of the needles that are poke into him. I think I knew how he feel. Because of this, he will pull out the needles HIMESLF. Therefore, the doctor have to tied him up. He ask my cousin to untied him. My tears are rolling in my eyes. I really wanna to shed it. But I cant. After the visting hour, we went to eat. Then home sweet home. Next week maybe going to vist him again. Monday. Eating out. After school, went to eat Sakae with Rachel, Tan Jia Mei, Amanda and Kelly. Have a good time. Funny question have been ask. Amanda, you got a new song. HAHAS. Eat too much. Almost puke. 3 to 6. Tuesday. Hammy's outing again. / Free Cone Day. Broght Hammy to school. He got a new BALL !! That ball allow him to run/walk freely around everywhere. After school, brought Rachel's Bdea present. A sea TURTLE. Inside story for HER. Went to Novena with Rachel and Amanda. Have Kfc. Then quene up for the FREE ice cream. Then went home. SsinyiI.Crystal. |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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