Thursday, April 30 @ 10:09 PM
Chinese paper. I slept for like more than 30 min for Chinese paper 2. Get so tired when wake up from the sleep. I have wake-up-temper. Hahas. Home after paper.Use com. Didn't study much today. Will study Geo or Ss @ midnight. I am in love with coffee(Ithink). Bring bro to tuition. And then rush home, got the money and went to best and buy the headset. Finally got wad I want, finally can listen to music. Hehe. Brought red colours. Sorry if crush colour with anyone. Hope dun have. I only like red. Then rush to fetch bro. On the bus, I saw Dad. Hehe. Luckily, he nvr ask me about wad I buy. Hahas. Home-ed. Going to do the CME project. I did send to Mr Koh. He didn't get it. Amanda wong and Rachel ang LIED to me about tml having school. I really believe. Hahas. Wad a joke. I still ask my Mum iron clothes. But I rather go school. At least can learn something, if not I stay @ home sure wake up darm late de. I am off to do my work le. Bye. SsinyiI.Crystal. Wednesday, April 29 @ 10:21 PM
Start of Exam.English paper today. Did not bring tie today. Sorry, tell Xuefen they all that dun nid tie and in the end nid. Psps. English paper started. I wrote Question 5. Adventages and Disadventages of Singapore hosting the Youth Olympoc. Chinese learnt abit about this topic. Hehe. English Paper2. Summary. Forget to leave a line. Re-write all. Went for chinese. Then Home sweet home. Out for tuition. Eat with Amanda @ our hidden place. Hehe. Then tuition. Home-ed. Late, didn't study much on chinese. Very tired. Didn't drink coffee today. SsinyiI.Crystal. Tuesday, April 28 @ 9:59 PM
Home Sweet Home after school.Exam tml. I now then know is tml. I still thought exam start next week. I am l ike totally revise without doing any notes. Start doing Social Studies notes. Quite huo hui last time I did NO notes or KEEP any notes that I did. I have to RE-do all. I nid to buck up so many subject. 1. Geo- I dun wad the hell going on the class for geo.( I am slping or playing for more than 80% of the time) 2.Chem- I got to really remember all the tables and blue, orange and red ppt ... ... 3.Phy- I got to remember all formulas. 4.Poa-I got to dig out all my worksheet and re-do everything in order to get my long-lost acc back. 5.F&n- All I have to say is try to REMEMBER EVERYTHING. 6.Math- I got to do as much practice as I can. 7.English/Chinese- Dun noe how. Watch Ping Pang Yuan. AhWu win. Taji Ball. Drank Coffee for the very first time. Is a 2-in-1 coffee. In order to make myself awake so that I can study. I decide to take COFFEE. But the effect seems to come abit ltr than I expect. I drank it @ around 7plus. But the effect come like 9plus. How can I sleep @ night. Shld I study through out the night? I wanna sleep but cant. Dun feel @ all tired. I think I just continue my studies. I will drink coffee before my exam for tml. Scared I sleep during exam. SsinyiI.Crystal. Monday, April 27 @ 9:50 PM
School-ed. Went Kfc and Library with Amanda and Rachel. Stay there till 6plus. Then went to J8 and walk around.Watch Ban Wan Da Yin Jia. And Ping Pang Yun. Darm nice. OMG SO NERVOUS. The father darm funny. I wanna go watch le. Bye. SsinyiI.Crystal. Sunday, April 26 @ 7:43 PM
Stay home the whole day. Study math. Use computer. I have been playing facebook de word challenge. It is darn nice.Going out ltr for dinner. Therefore, blog early. HAHAS. SsinyiI.Crystal. Saturday, April 25 @ 8:41 PM
Stay home and study. Bring brother back from tuition. Use com.I discover something. I cant study in HOT weather. Thinking about POA in a hot weather. Really can stress a person up. I wanna go library to study but lazy to leave hse. I cooked cheese hotdog today for my dinner. A bowl of rice with 2 cheese hotdog. All I have for today. Mum not feeling well today. SsinyiI.Crystal. Friday, April 24 @ 9:19 PM
Blog early today.School-ed. Stay in ava for like more than 2h. From recess to chinese to math. Darm long. Quite ok. HAHAS. Then went to buy some foods with Huimin and Xinyi. Then home sweet home. Use com. Then slping early today. IT IS WEEKEND. YEAH. This mean I can slp longer. OHHH YEAH. Tee Sin Yi need SLEEP badly. SsinyiI.Cystal. Thursday, April 23 @ 9:31 PM
Home Sweet Home after school. Oral today. Quite nervous before my turn. Worry because I dunnoe wad type of teacher is her. Anyway, Ok lor. Question is What is view about teenagers have mental tension because of their family and school. Use com and watch tv. Going to study more on math after the 9pm show. Tired.Maybe going to vist grandpa again @ this saturday or sunday. SsinyiI.Crystal. Wednesday, April 22 @ 10:07 PM
2.4Km run today. I run 16.20-16.30min. Continue to run 5 run and start walking and jogging. Darm tired. Leg Darm pain.Home sweet home right after school. Home and bath and sleep. I am darm tired. Then @ night, have tuition with Amanda. On bus, we saw Xianqiang again. Then we shit to behind to sit instead of the 4 seater. Other people sit @ there. We are laughing over there and thinking of how the Xiaoqiang will appear in them. HAHAS. Tml baking. Yeah. But must finish Miss ang de hw first. SsinyiI.Crystal. Tuesday, April 21 @ 7:49 PM
Have not blog for a few day. Let blog !!!Friday. Commendation day. Went and have pizza hut with Amanda, Rachel and Kelly. Nice foods. Nice environment. Then commendation day start. Quite ok for this year actually. For people who never go before for last year de, you will never know this year is really much better. Last year, 3 quarter of the comendation day is TALKING. So this is already better. After that, eat with Jocelyn. Didn't eat much. Went up to prefect rm. Have some crazy video with Chee Kuan. I will ask Xinyi to upload. Then went down to canteen. Everyone having fun taking photos. Felt total left-out which is should be. Decide to spend time with myself, left as nothing to do. Friends are happy already can, no need to care about me. Take 2 410. Back to school opp. bbt, brought myself a milk tea. Once our fav drink. Drink finish it and waited for 2 410, then wait for 1 more and went home. Saturday. Earth day. Fun time with the children. Fun time to help ppl to take pic. I began to like photographing more and more. Taking down pictures of ppl and many other. I may wan to be a photographer next time, who know ? Went to J8 and Amk with Kaifeng, Ryan and Zhengyi. Cant go home, therefore go with them first. Mum not @ home to help me open the door till 4 plus. Went home. Mum say not going to niece de 1st month, cause sun going Malaysia. Sunday. Malaysia. Went Malaysia to visit Grandpa. He is in the hospitalised again. Went there. Saw that Grandpa is darm skinny. I never know that my grandpa is that skinny. He slim down really alot. He got tied up by the doctor. He seems to be unhappy of the needles that are poke into him. I think I knew how he feel. Because of this, he will pull out the needles HIMESLF. Therefore, the doctor have to tied him up. He ask my cousin to untied him. My tears are rolling in my eyes. I really wanna to shed it. But I cant. After the visting hour, we went to eat. Then home sweet home. Next week maybe going to vist him again. Monday. Eating out. After school, went to eat Sakae with Rachel, Tan Jia Mei, Amanda and Kelly. Have a good time. Funny question have been ask. Amanda, you got a new song. HAHAS. Eat too much. Almost puke. 3 to 6. Tuesday. Hammy's outing again. / Free Cone Day. Broght Hammy to school. He got a new BALL !! That ball allow him to run/walk freely around everywhere. After school, brought Rachel's Bdea present. A sea TURTLE. Inside story for HER. Went to Novena with Rachel and Amanda. Have Kfc. Then quene up for the FREE ice cream. Then went home. SsinyiI.Crystal. Friday, April 17 @ 10:36 PM
Commendation Day.Lunch with Amanda, Rachel and Kelly @ pizza hut. Then went home to put bag. Commendation start. Better than last year. Commendation end. Went and saw Joce. She eat her dinner. Then I eat abit cuz mum got cook dinner. Went up to perfect rm. Then down. Then saw Amanda they all. Ltr saw Joce and Hui taking photo. They are in very high mood. I dun wanna them to think I am extra, Thus,leave first. Take 2 ride of 410. Listen to song and think of alot. I dun know I ride 2 times until I am thristy for drink. Went to Bbt @ opp. school de. Buy a milk tea. Walk to the next bus stop of school. 2 410 pass ... ... Saw Huimin, Joce and Xinyi. They take 52. Didn't go up with them. Wait for the next 410. Reach home about 10plus. Earth day tml. SsinyiI.Crystal. Thursday, April 16 @ 10:53 PM
School-ed.Commendation Day tml. Went to do test today. Amanda funny lift experience. Bring brother to tuition. SsinyiI.Crystal. Wednesday, April 15 @ 9:47 PM
School-ed.Went to Earth Day(Pet rocket). Launch Pet rocket. Fun. Fly. Tutiton. Tired. Grandma is going to stay till Saturday which is my cousin baby 1st month. SsinyiI.Crystal. Tuesday, April 14 @ 10:48 PM
Hotel california. @ 10:12 PM
Like this song very much. @ 9:52 PM
School-ed.Timetable -Friday- Commendation day. -Saturday- Earth day. Nowaday the weather is darm WARM, HOT !!!!!!!! I really cant stand it. Grandma is still here. Getting emo about this post now ... ... I have totally loss control of everything. I have not be myself for this few days. I feel something missing in my heart, in my life. Nobody know why, even myself. I am getting tired and stress up. Dun misunderstanding because of my laughter. I am bleeding in my heart. No know. No one have to know. It is not important. I need a rest. I need a think-over. I need a space for myself. I need to shout it out. P.S A good laugh out or a good cry out is the best way to stress out yourself. Happy bdea Soo Soo. Derrick happy birthday. SsinyiI.Crystal. Monday, April 13 @ 10:06 PM
School-ed. Darm tired. Not feeling good.Bro get real scolding today by grandma and mum. I abit dun like her as a person. But I repect her as a elderly. To Tee Sin Yi: You are not needed or wanted. We wont ask you for anything. You are needed when we needs you. We dun need you when we have other friends. You are no longer as interested as before. You are OUT. I really hope someone say this to me. As this make me feel better. So that I will not be thinking so many. I rather you tell me that I am not needed or interested anymore so that you dun nid me. I am able to give up any event that I have. I dun think u nid me. Dun tell me that it is last minutes. I can always go out last min. You should know that I can go out any time any where. When I ask you out, you will always think of reason if you dun feel like going out. Why am I always the one to say : ' OK never mind, we try make another date for it.'. Then for the next date, you will say '' sorry cant make it again'' Then I will wait and wait for another date. I am tired of this. I cant wait anymore. I am tired. Real tired. SsinyiI.Crystal. Sunday, April 12 @ 10:38 PM
Grandma leaving tml.(Maybe)SsinyiI.Crystal. @ 12:34 AM
Grandma is here !!!Brother and I went down and bring Grandma up. And she is here. Not sure when she will leave but anyway she is here. SsinyiI.Crystal. Saturday, April 11 @ 12:41 AM
10.04. Good Friday.Today is really a good Friday.The whole family went to Malaysia, but I didn't go. Hahas. Morning, went to Kaining's hse. Have a great fun there. Rachel leave first. Then went to t.p to eat lunch. Then Amanada go back and Kaining left with her family le. Left me and Jiamei. Bring Jiamei go buy the metal balls. She got high of METAL BALLS. And then she come my hse. She watch Ai Jiu Zai Yi Qi, watch until fall asleep. Then ltr she left le. Fall asleep. Then 8plus, Dad, Mum and brother came back home. Went out for Dinner. Home-ed @ around 10plus. I really think that people who are on the service industries should not give their customer a Black FACE. when they are serving foods or wadever. That really ruin my moods and this not the first time. SsinyiI.Crystal. Thursday, April 9 @ 10:07 PM
School-ed. Short day. Home-ed early. Use the com.Night: Bring my brother to tuition. Then off to tpy to buy Mp4. Brought 2. 1 for me and my brother. Finally got 1. I got a red one and bro a silver one. By right, he should get a black one or a pink one. But both all dun have. SsinyiI.Crystal. Wednesday, April 8 @ 9:32 PM
School-ed.Darm sleepy today. I think I slp almost all the period today. Yup, evey period except Pccg. Didn't run 2.4 today. Because I am darm freaking tired today. Darm tired. Maybe because for this 2 month. I have been having a very meaningful month. And also darm tired. But really, good month comes from good friends and good family. Time to STUDY real hard. Try my best. Miss chew ask why is my chem dropping. I also dunnnoe why. I understand more now. But my result didn't improve. Instead of getting better, I become more worse. Maybe I should do something about my CHEM le. Going to sleep early. 10plus. NIGHT. SsinyiI.Crystal. Tuesday, April 7 @ 9:47 PM
![]() Elearn Day. o9. Wake up @ 7. Hurry to on the com. Then after log in, I check timetable. Elearn start @ 8am !!! Have carrot juice and chocolate biscuit for breakfast. And ltr Mum brought me a packet of noodles. Then elearn-ing until 1plus. Went to Amanda hse. Have Lunch with her. Then Rachel came. After meeting her, we wanna go back to Amanda hse. To go to Amanda hse, we need to cross the traffic light. At that time is raining, so Rachel and Me run across the road( Traffic GREEN). Rachel shout RUN, then me and her run. But Amanda run and she almost fall. She give up running and stop. Rachel and me run across le. Then Rachel and I are laughing over there. Darm funny. Up to Amanda hse; Baking start. Everyone try to bake. No matter success or not, we still did our best. But Amanda and Rachel, Nice Try. Anyway, really fun !!! Photos will be up soon, after they send me. SsinyiI.Crystal. Monday, April 6 @ 10:00 PM
School-ed. Tml no school but going Amanda's hse after the break. Rachel coming after elearn.Smething happen to my brother. He went J8 alone and get caught by me. I suspect he is in the aracde but I couldn't go in. Just nice saw aaron outside. Ask him for help. He say he nvr see my brother inside the aracde. Then called home again. He is back @ around 6plus. Didn't went home after that. Becuz I am sad and confuse. Went alone to the Ntuc and walk walk. Then went to the library to have some reading and do my math hw. Went to bbt and brought fries, then went to breadshop and brought some bread. Went home around 8plus. On my way home ... ... Saw a real old couple. 70 and above. The old man cares alot for his old partner. Can Love really last that long? I am not sure. But I am sure they do know how to love each other. SsinyiI.Crystal. Sunday, April 5 @ 10:02 PM
Stay @ home for the whole day. Revise my math. Didn't did my math hw. cuz I FORGET to bring my TYS home. I thought is Math Textbook de hw. OMG man !!!! I will go on recess tml. Haiz. Play Hotel 626 with my brother today. Didn't dare much to look @ the ghost. The little girl and the women that is scared of light !!! I saw them. Real scary. HAHAS.P.s I will never go away. I will wait here for you. SsinyiI.Crystal. Saturday, April 4 @ 11:05 PM
Wake up ... ... Some pro with my neck. Cant turn to the left.Afternoon go to help my bro to look for tuition. And then spend time @ arcade. Play with my mother many games including table hockery and basketball and drums. Darm fun. Brought a Smilery Ball. @ Feilunhai de liu xia lai mv: There is a Smilery given by Da Dong. Back home-ed. Bro and friend, Huiqi, play the hotel 626. Knew that game long ago but nobody pei me play. Seems to be quite scary. Watch Ai Jiu Zai Yi Qi. Cry darm much. I realy cant hold my tears. Next ep will be nicer. Question: Why does the sky rain. Answer: It is crying. Because it is thinking and missing his mother. I cry also when I also cry when I am thinking of my mother. SsinyiI.Crystal. @ 2:02 AM
Stay up late tonight. Tired. But still wanna watch finish the kang xi lai le. I darm like this show sia. HAHAS.Sport day. Help-ed to guard the toliet. 6 per time. HAHAS. Telematch. Fun !!! Jocelyn and me are like KILLING each other.Jumping over each other. And in the end, we fall together. Everyone seems to see that part !? But why... ... Badminton Boys 2nd, GRATZ. Hehe. Then after that back to guarding of toliet. HEHE. Then escape from it and ask another 2 prefects. Wait-ed for prize winner to be called. Watch Cheerleading. Get my medal. Respect the best. Winner House-Respect !!! Yeah. After that went to eat with many ppl. Home-ed with J.z, Neo, Kf, Calvin and Joce. Funny thing happen when we are on bus... No good to elaborate here. I am sleeping soon. SsinyiI. Crystal. Wednesday, April 1 @ 10:56 PM
School-ed.Get the list for telematch le. Realy tough. Much more difficuit than last year, even though it does not happen. After school, Friends come my hse and eat. Went tuition. Home-ed. Got F&N test tml. Must study. I have not study yet. I must !!! But my eye started to close le. I will on some songs to keep myself go on.... SsinyiI |
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