Thursday, December 25 @ 1:15 AM
Merry Christmas (= 24.12.08 Christmas eve... Meet Huimin and Ahma @ Huimin's hse. Have a mini present exchange. Then Huimin spend a very ''little'' time to decorate herself. So we are ''not'' late for meeting. But anyway we are the second to reach ba. AHAHAS. Then slowly everyone reach. There is Me, Huimin, Ziyi, Ahma, Xinyi, Linda, Kaifeng, Derrick and Tszhin. We walk around and wonder around lor. Then Kaifeng wanted to go home change cuz he really wear until very '' casual'', because we are actually wanna to go to the science centre. Derrick went wif Kaifeng. Then Ahma also went home cuz she went home change too. Then left Me, Huimin, Ziyi, Xinyi and Tszhin. We went around and buy some food to eat. Then when all of them come back, we went to aracde. I won 3 boys on driving. I am jux being lucky. AHAHAS. Then play bball and driving again. Then leave aracde. We went to the third floor stage area. We play snow flakes again. AHAHS. Derrick run till very far away. He is scared of snow flakes. HAHAS. Kaifeng jux sit there and let Me, Linda and Huimin spray him. Then he use pond water and wash himself, Dirty fellow!? Then Derrick and Kaifeng leave to dunnnoe where and meet us later. So the rest of us play heart attack, Simon say, Handy plus and some repeat game!? Then Ryan came. Spilt up and eat. Huimin, Ziyi and Xinyi went Yushinoya(Not sure). The Me, Ahma, Linda and Ryan went to Mac. Tzehin went to food junction alone. Then after we eat finish, Kaifeng and derrick came. Tzehin after eating also come.Then we start our mini talk @ mac. I think we are the most nosiy. HAHAS. Then Huimin they all also come le. Huimn and Ziyi went to Amk first then we meet them @ Mrt. Take Mrt to Orchard @ around 7/8+. Then we went to Takashimaya. On the way to there is darm lots of ppl and somemore raining. HAHAS. Then went in to a shop. That shop is like selling all very nice item. And I saw Jade there. HAHAS. She is working there. That really a good place to work.... Hi Jade. We all are very high about 1 toy!? That toy is not very easy to hold on. It will move about itself. HAHAS. So we are like trying to hold it while it keep dropping on the floor. When Derrick is trying to hold it while I am looking and laughing @ him, he keep on drop it on the floor. So later everyone is like laughing @ him. Then we leave the shop. We sit @ somewhere near that shop and chat.AHAHAS. Whenever we sit down, we will surely become darm noisy. HAHAS. All type of stunts that Kaifeng and the guys will come out. Then we leave and walk around. Then Ahma and Xinyi leave first. So now left like Me, Huimin, Ziyi, Linda, Kaifeng, Ryan, Derrick and Tzehin. We take Mrt back to J8. We went to Mac and sit down. I say Jade again. HAHAS. We count down @ Mac. The whole mac is like we are the only few shouting. HAHAS.By the time we count down, everyone have eat finish and drink finish. Actually mac is darm hot. Then we went to the back of J8 and play snow flakes. Kaifeng is goona spray until the whole body and head got the snow flakes. Huimin, Ziyi and Linda also gonna. The person that got spray is DERRICK SOO. Cuz he run away everytime when ppl wanna to spray him. And finally wif the help of Linda making him come, I hid and spray him. YEAH. Then he dun dare to come back anymore. HAHAS. After all the spraying and running, we split and go home. I get home by CHONG HUIMIN's DAD's car. Thank alot uncle and of cuz HUIMIN. Thank Huimin for ur present. Thank everyone for going out today. AND finally a GREAT MERRY CHRISTMAS.... SsinyiI (= |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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