Wednesday, December 31 @ 10:50 PM
Last day of the year 2008. WHOOOO...I now then realise that this year pass very fast. Maybe because this year is a busy year to me, thay why I feel the year pass so fast. Maybe because this year, I learn many thingy and noe alot more friends. I must say that this is a meaningful year. Yeah. I mix up the day that dad bringing the whole family out. HAHAS. He say it is tml that he is bringing us out. HAHAS. So today, I stay @ home for the whole day. Spend my day doing hw, almost finish. HAHAS. Finally man. Replace my ear stud wif earring. Have a had time taking them out. No blood. YEAH. HAHAS. Counting @ home wif my family. Will be blogging @ 12am. WHOO... SsinyiI (= Tuesday, December 30 @ 11:12 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Went to Chinatown wif Joce and so on. ( Too lazy to type all their names ) Having some film-ing on. Tired. Walk around the whole chinatown ba. Anyway, Thank for the Ice-cream, Jovin. AHAHAS. Cut my hair. Only the front anyway. Cut short. That the shortest I can go ba. Joce, u win me on hair.... 1. Are you friendly? Quite ba. But sometimes not to ppl that I dun like. (psps) 2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you? See who is him lor. 3. Do you enjoy going to school? YES. Spend time wif friends is the BEST man.... 4. What would you do with a billion dollars? Wait for me to make a plan out first... 5. Will you fall in love with your best friend? Almost all of my best friends are GIRLS? How to u expect me to fall in love wif them?? 6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? Being LOVED. 7. List out any of your most favourite artist. Wang Da Dong, Luo Zhi Xiang, Chan Han Dian and more !!!! 8. What is your favourite food? Anything ba. AHAHAS. That explain my size ba. ( But not scary thingy ) 9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? Anything can make me extremely happy.... 10. What makes you angry? Unreasonable ppl/thing. (not sure) 11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time? I will be enjoying me life. ( I hope ) 12. What are you thinking of now? Anymore question? Lazy to type anymore. 13. What are the most important things in life? Family, Friends, Health 14. Single or attached? Single Rox. 15. What are your favourite colours? Black, Pink, Red and blue... 16. Would you give all in a relationship? MAYBE..? Who noe? 17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick? The 1 who treat me better. 18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done? See who is that person. 19.What do you really want now? Holiday not to end. Next year not to come. Cuz next year is a scary year. Working hard. 20. Five people that I've tagged. Amanda, Kelly, Weijie, whoever and whoever.... SsinyiI (= Monday, December 29 @ 11:30 PM
Wake up. Hw day. Half of the hw finish. YEAH. HAHAS. Tired. Not feeling well when use com. Strange. Hahas.Tml going out. To chinatown... SsinyiI (= Sunday, December 28 @ 11:18 PM
Wake up. Tidy living rm. Uncle and Auntie come wif their 3 kids. Darm cute de lor. HAHAS. Slacking .... School reopen soon. Chiong-ing all the hw. Lost my home econ worksheet. Still looking for it. Amanda lending me when school reopen. Hope to finish by sat. HAHAS.SsinyiI (= Saturday, December 27 @ 11:18 PM
WAKE-ed up. Eat, watch tv, DO HOMEWORK. See I so guai. HAHAS. Haiz but didn't finish it. HAHAS. Slacking. I had decide-ed to start my study next week. But still will go out. AHAHAS. Counting down, still wondering if I really wanna go out. Spend my counting down of year wif my family every year. This year....mmmm.... Wondering. ![]() Watch this show PETER PAN. It is darm nice. Dun u think is nice. HAHAS. I love PETER PAN.... WHOOOO. Nice story. SsinyiI (= Friday, December 26 @ 11:21 PM
Wake up around 11 plus. Mum cook noodles. Today bro's chinese birthday. So nid he nid to eat 2 egg. HAHAS. After that call Ahma cuz pei-ing her to cut hair. She is still sleeping when I call her @ about 12plus. Then meet her about 2pm. Went cut hair wif her. We choose for very long and finally choose the hairstyle. It is darm short. Went to Huimin's hse downstair. Went to playground and chit-chat for awhile. Then I go home le.Went home and slack again. Tml start to do hw le. Math. AHAHAS. SsinyiI (= Thursday, December 25 @ 11:19 PM
Merry Christmas again.Christmas will be ending @ around less than an hour time. HAHAS. Drinking and shouting and singing is wad my family do during christmas. But it is really fast. I love Christmas !!!!!!!! I hope every year Christmas will get better. After Christmas is the start of next year soon. OMG. Holiday homeworks is the thingy I can think. HAHAS. Chiong-ing hw tml. Math hw. SsinyiI (= @ 1:15 AM
Merry Christmas (= 24.12.08 Christmas eve... Meet Huimin and Ahma @ Huimin's hse. Have a mini present exchange. Then Huimin spend a very ''little'' time to decorate herself. So we are ''not'' late for meeting. But anyway we are the second to reach ba. AHAHAS. Then slowly everyone reach. There is Me, Huimin, Ziyi, Ahma, Xinyi, Linda, Kaifeng, Derrick and Tszhin. We walk around and wonder around lor. Then Kaifeng wanted to go home change cuz he really wear until very '' casual'', because we are actually wanna to go to the science centre. Derrick went wif Kaifeng. Then Ahma also went home cuz she went home change too. Then left Me, Huimin, Ziyi, Xinyi and Tszhin. We went around and buy some food to eat. Then when all of them come back, we went to aracde. I won 3 boys on driving. I am jux being lucky. AHAHAS. Then play bball and driving again. Then leave aracde. We went to the third floor stage area. We play snow flakes again. AHAHS. Derrick run till very far away. He is scared of snow flakes. HAHAS. Kaifeng jux sit there and let Me, Linda and Huimin spray him. Then he use pond water and wash himself, Dirty fellow!? Then Derrick and Kaifeng leave to dunnnoe where and meet us later. So the rest of us play heart attack, Simon say, Handy plus and some repeat game!? Then Ryan came. Spilt up and eat. Huimin, Ziyi and Xinyi went Yushinoya(Not sure). The Me, Ahma, Linda and Ryan went to Mac. Tzehin went to food junction alone. Then after we eat finish, Kaifeng and derrick came. Tzehin after eating also come.Then we start our mini talk @ mac. I think we are the most nosiy. HAHAS. Then Huimin they all also come le. Huimn and Ziyi went to Amk first then we meet them @ Mrt. Take Mrt to Orchard @ around 7/8+. Then we went to Takashimaya. On the way to there is darm lots of ppl and somemore raining. HAHAS. Then went in to a shop. That shop is like selling all very nice item. And I saw Jade there. HAHAS. She is working there. That really a good place to work.... Hi Jade. We all are very high about 1 toy!? That toy is not very easy to hold on. It will move about itself. HAHAS. So we are like trying to hold it while it keep dropping on the floor. When Derrick is trying to hold it while I am looking and laughing @ him, he keep on drop it on the floor. So later everyone is like laughing @ him. Then we leave the shop. We sit @ somewhere near that shop and chat.AHAHAS. Whenever we sit down, we will surely become darm noisy. HAHAS. All type of stunts that Kaifeng and the guys will come out. Then we leave and walk around. Then Ahma and Xinyi leave first. So now left like Me, Huimin, Ziyi, Linda, Kaifeng, Ryan, Derrick and Tzehin. We take Mrt back to J8. We went to Mac and sit down. I say Jade again. HAHAS. We count down @ Mac. The whole mac is like we are the only few shouting. HAHAS.By the time we count down, everyone have eat finish and drink finish. Actually mac is darm hot. Then we went to the back of J8 and play snow flakes. Kaifeng is goona spray until the whole body and head got the snow flakes. Huimin, Ziyi and Linda also gonna. The person that got spray is DERRICK SOO. Cuz he run away everytime when ppl wanna to spray him. And finally wif the help of Linda making him come, I hid and spray him. YEAH. Then he dun dare to come back anymore. HAHAS. After all the spraying and running, we split and go home. I get home by CHONG HUIMIN's DAD's car. Thank alot uncle and of cuz HUIMIN. Thank Huimin for ur present. Thank everyone for going out today. AND finally a GREAT MERRY CHRISTMAS.... SsinyiI (= Tuesday, December 23 @ 11:09 PM
Went to school today. Play hide-and-seek wif sec 3 perfect. We wait for xinyi to buy food for us and we went out to buy drinks then we start the game. Hide-and-seek maybe a lame game but it is a true-ly nice game. It is more tired than training. Christmas is here. HAHAS.P.S Sometime we cannnot because of yourself and cause ppl so much trouble. SsinyiI Monday, December 22 @ 11:17 PM
Here are some pic taken @ wesley childcare. Taken by teacher de.We @ the door... We are here... Amanda class... All in shock... oh xinyi's class... playing wif the kids. Sorry class. No class photo... :( Wake up late today. Cuz I pei my dad watch the football until very late. Actually I dun really undestand the rule. Anyway jux pei him lor. Cuz he help me buy bag yesterday. HAHAS. Eat lunch... So u can tell how late I wake up. HAHAS. Then spend my day slacking. Dunnnoe when then can go out. HAHAS. Anyway, this is the only time u can slack. After school reopen is a no time slack period until exam is over. HAHAS. I mean wad I say. ( Jia you sinyi) SsinyiI (= @ 12:40 AM
Cook taun yuan(dunnnoe how to play) today. Only cooked abit today. Cuz going malaysia. Wake up real early in the morning to make this. HAHAS. Darm nice. I like the tranditional de. Cuz i am actually very '' TRANDITIONAL''. Hehe.![]() Went to malaysia. Malaysia's checkpoint change alot. Change into further more down and nid to walk darm long. Quencing up for bus is a darm troublesome thingy. I get real angry when I am on my way home, not the way in. There is like darm many ppl there. This is the first time I really scold F*** right into ppl's face. Cuz I am standing right in front, the first 1 to go up the bus. So is like hundred over ppl rushing up the bus. They are like freaking squeeing all the way up. And as the bus is like going to stop and let ppl go up, ppl already start to push ppl toward the bus. So as I am the first one, I got push toward the bus. Then the freaking bus is moving and they push me toward the bus. I almost fall right on the moving bus. I like shouting '' Plz grow up lah. Squeeing very nice,isn't? Grow up plz. F*** lah...'' I get real angry @ that point of time. And I am like scolding all the way to the end of journey. Darm angry... AHAHAHS. I think now is still there is still pushing ba. HAHAS. Got myself a school shoe and my sch bag.... SLEEPY DAY... Yesterday 20.12.08 Went out wif huimin and ahma. Meet huimin @ 6 first. Cuz we are going to cut hair and anyway ah ma nid go to her real ah ma's hse. So we go cut hair. Huimin is darm cut lor. She cut her.... See it yourselves next time when u see her. I cut my hair shorter... Is really darm shorter than my pervious hairstyle. Cuz sg's weather is really very warm. HAHAS. Then me and huimin look around J8. Then ah ma come. Walk around and have fun. The huimin's sis come. Then ahma brought her very first short pants. YEAH... Under me and huimin's talking and encourgament. HAHAS. Hope she wear it often. HAHAS. Then we plan to buy some vodka. But it is too late and no opener. HAHAS. Then we plan to drink other days. Her sis is like u all choose lor. HAHAS. Then we went to mac and sit awhile. Then went to the open space outside and play the snow flakes. Darm fun. Planning to buy more and play @ 24 dec. Who wanna to spray ppl can ask me help u buy and u can use that to spray other ppl. Thank you... HAHAS. Then huimin's dad fetch us home. THANK HUIMIN'S DAD. This is wad My hair had become.... HAHAS. ![]() P.S Having so much ablity to change the outside, why cant ppl try to really solve the main problem!? Friday, December 19 @ 11:12 PM
Went sheng siong wif mum and bro. My bro tell me wad he wanna for his christmas present. He wanna a 1 week full time of computer gaming time. That mean he can play for 24h. That really a simple christmas present. But I tell him I must have a hour time to use com too for my blogging. HAHAS. Eat lunch outside. Then brought some thingy wif mum. I brought this too. For fun for tml if got go out. HAHAS. Brought this. Snow Flakes. Try out this le. I play wif bro wif this. I use up the 1 whole bottle. Going to buy more. Maybe by next tues. HAHAS. Going out tml. Cutting hair tml.I will cut my hair shorter. But not as short as ah ma. HAHAS. Having a change. SsinyiI (= @ 12:42 AM
@ 12:37 AM
@ 12:00 AM
Last day of training. HAHAS. Tired ba. HAHAS. My whole body is aching everywhere le. Bath, eat and sleep when I reach home. Wake up around 10+. Didn't go and look for the children,cuz nobody pei me go today. See tml can go anot.SsinyiI (= Wednesday, December 17 @ 9:16 PM
Went late for badminton today. Stomach pain sia in the monring. After training, went to buy books. Then went home, bath and eat. Then leave hse again for childcare. See the children again. When yong kang saw me, he come and hug me. That really very nice for him.Good to see all of them again. But now they all is like grown up by 1 year le. Cuz they are so-called K1 now even though next year then is counted the real K1. HAHAS. Love them yeah. Malvis is still having some problem with the classmates. HAIZ. Cant help only can help her for the time being when I am back. Maybe she is jux quiet. Went and eat noodles wif Huimin after that. Then go right home.SsinyiI (= Tuesday, December 16 @ 10:52 PM
Went for badminton today. Then after badminton, go eat. But I didn't eat. Cuz mum got cooked.Then went to piece my ear. Actually is not as scary as wad I think @ first ba. I piece 2 ear. Now not very pain le, then I am trying to turn it already. Turn Turn Turn. But the Liquid given by the shop is really very little lor. I scared I not enought to use. Before or school reopen, I will take it out ba. HAHAS.Went to playground @ bishan park wif Huimin, Joce, Wanqin, Ebel, Yingying, Kaifeng, Deguang, Jinzhi and Nicgay. My shoe got alot of sand. HAHAS. Came back home and bath and I watch tv. Wanna sleep but jux cant get to sleep. HAHAS. SsinyiI (= @ 9:33 PM
@ 9:32 PM
@ 9:31 PM
@ 9:22 PM
Love it. Monday, December 15 @ 11:29 PM
Life can nvr get so relax like this month. HAHAS. Slacking @ home and get ready be serve wif wadever you wanna. Lie on the sofa and watch tv... Tml badminton start le. HAHAS.Like wad I say @ the last last post. Yellow is Jocelyn Yow Zi Hui Red is Tee Sin Yi. ![]() ![]() I look really fierce @ K2. AHAHAS. I am fierce. WHAHAHAS. My hairstyle is cut by my LOVELY daddy. HAHAS. Piece-ing my ear by this week. HAHAS. Thank MUM.(= SsinyiI (= @ 12:43 AM
Jux back from MALAYSIA. Many funny thingy happen.Everything is good until we reach woodland checkpoint. When we are quening for the scanning of our passport. I decided to make a prank on my bro and mum. I pass my mum my bro's passport and pass my bro my mum's passport. So I am like laughing over there.My bro found something funny about me. So he decided to check on the passport. He found out that he us holding on to my mum de passport. And he is like over there saying'' You very funny hor!!!''... My bro scan first. The person help my bro to scan. Then when he scan, the computer come out my mum's information and pic instead of my bro's information and pic. Because my bro is the first one to scan, he did not know that the lady which is my mum appear @ the com is my bro mother. So he is quite dun understand why this happen. Thus he call my bro to call my dad. My dad and mine passport have no problem. Finally my mum's turn to scan. That person is again shock to see a boy face appear @ the com instead of my mum de. In the end, he realise that both of them are mother and son. But we still make our way to the office. The atmosphere is actually quite funny. We are like gonna arrest and following the officer to the office. Then the policeman help to re-fill in the information and everything is back to same. Dun you think is funny. I try to have a prank on the 2 of them by giving them each other passport, but they exchange back.And when bro is scanning, it really change to my mum information.... That creepy, isn't it !?~ So my whole family cut hair except me.Going to cut in sg. Brought school shoe. Start to have some window shopping... Until 9+. And suddenly my bro start to say he is darm very very hungry. He jux suddenly sit down and jux nice got 2 lady walk pass him. The 2 lady is like shock and the man standing beside my bro is also shock. And they all look @ me. I smile back @ them and showing them that type of face saying'' He is being naughty...''I must say his face really turn white. He is alway very black in my mind and suddenly see him being that white, I must say he is finally white in colour !!!! I decided to buy the luo zhi xiang's stage hat. But because we nid to rush back to sg, I didn't brought it. I am like darm...!!!! My mum finally allow me to piece my ear. YEAH. Piece-ing @ tue... YEAH... SsinyiI (= Saturday, December 13 @ 11:16 PM
Today Joce.Yow come my hse. At first wanna go play bball but because of some misunderstanding, we didn't play bball. Instead of playing bball, she came my hse. Have some window shopping and finding wad we wanna buy. And also window shopping must not lack of trying out clothes!! HAHAS. Ahma try something she nvr will do. HUIMIN, PHOTO for u... And we found out we are Friends even before we met. We know each other @ the year 1997!!! HAHAS. We are classmates @ that point of time.!!! Her mum know my mum. And my mum say her mum tell my mum that I can go to Ahma's pri sch but because dad think that ats is nearer to my hse. HAHAS. The world is small.![]() ![]() Know where are the 2 of us!? You think first. TML post will tell u where are the 2 of us. I know is abit difficult to see cuz I use the com's cam to take pic cuz no scannning. (PSPS) ![]() Our Graduation photo. Friday, December 12 @ 10:47 PM
Grandma gone back home le. Fa Zhen Xian Feng end le. Omg. So nice. I think got 2. Hope it will have. Little Nyonya for every mon will be change to 8pm to 10pm. Yeah. I think my mum will be darm happy. But she will be cooking and watching it. HAHAS.Today my hse downstair got ppl come sell ice-cream. Then I have been like telling my mum that I wanna eat but lazy go down from 6pm. Then when 7pm I saw somebody buying ice cream, I decide to go down and buy. HAHAS. Yesterday happen something really funny about my mum and my grandma. When grandma and I having lunch and my mum washing plates, I saw my gandma dun wanna to eat chicken. So I tell my mum that maybe grandma is scared of bones or wadever, that why she nvr eat chicken. Then my mum say something when grandma and I are eating, '' Mother, the chicken no bones de.So eat lor. Never mind eat the chicken.''. So right after my mum say that, Grandma decide to take her FIRST chicken.And I saw her chew and chew then she take out something from her mouth. It is a CHICKEN BONE. IT IS RIGHT AFTER MY MUM SAY NO BONE. I am like going laugh out. I faster eat finish and went out to tell my bro about that. We both laugh like siao... Tml going help my bro find tuititon centen. And then meet Jocelyn Tan play bball. Ah ma will be acompany me go find. SsinyiI (= @ 9:20 PM
Darm funny de lah!!! Thursday, December 11 @ 9:43 PM
Feeling lazy the whole day. Today grandma wanna to go back but she didn't not go back. Because today have been raining heavy today, thus didn't go back. HAHAS. Maybe she is going back tml ba. Hope she can still longer.@ first, I did not think Little Nynoya is a good show. But when I saw my mother watch it, I watch it together too. It is getting even more and more interesting. HAHAS. Love ya. I think there is many many ppl like me will like it. Sometime GOOD show de ending is abit like no reason de lor. Hope this ending is a good ending. HAHAS. Watching it now when I am writng this post. HAHAS. SsinyiI (= Wednesday, December 10 @ 11:07 PM
Didn't sleep well yesterday. Sleep like camping. Ahahas. Sleep @ the living rm, then @ the morning went into the rm.@ first, Grandmas ask me to go to her rm to sleep but I cant. Then mum ask me go into the rm then I go into my mum's rm sleep. My bro is still sleeping when I went into the rm. Sleep awhile but still sleep until 1+. HAHAS. Watch tv and eat. That wad I have been doing for this few days. I cant go on like this, I must jia you. Eat too much, bad bad for health. JIA YOU, SINYI. Using com... Dun feel tired today... I like this show... This show is about... Solving case. Many many nice sence. Love the show. HAHAS. Going to sleep late but not as late as yesterday. Yesterday sleep around 3+. Training coming, Christmas coming... I miss the kids. SsinyI (=
Tuesday, December 9 @ 10:56 PM
LAVENDER. My fav flower. This is more pretty than Rose(My own view) This look creepy!? But I like it... Sleep the lastest today. I slept until 1+. Dunnnoe why so cooling. I didn't stay late yesterday night cuz my bro say this time round he will sleep outside cuz he wanna to use the com. Thus I slept @ my mum's rm wif my dad and mum. Because my mum's rm is opeded mean wind can come in, so is quite cooling. HAHAS. So comfortable. But got to say sorry to someone. RACHEL, PSPS. I DIDN'T STAY LATE BECAUSE I DIDN'T SLEEP OUTSIDE LAST NIGHT.Wake up and eat my so-call breakfast. My dad eat the wrong food. He ate my bee hoom,by right he should be eating noodles. Sad, become I eat noodles. Then watch tv wif grandma and complay card wif bro. He is a sore loser. HAHAS. Dun wanna shufflle card de lor. Ahahas. Loser shuffle crad. hello my name is weijie hello my name is weijie hello my name is weijie hello my name is weijie hello my name is weijie hello my name is weijie hello my name is weijie hello my name is weijie hello my name is weijie heoll my name is wiejie hello my name is weijie hello my name weijie (Written by my bro when I answer-ing call) Then I went out to watch tv again. And rot @ home. Use com @ 7pm. Waiting for Joce to skype. But she didn't online. HAHAS. Then went in and out the rm to watch tv and use com. My grandma is still @ my hse. Bro is sleeping outside again. HAHAS. Cuz he wanna use com. WHOOOO. SsinyiI (= Monday, December 8 @ 11:25 PM
Online in the morning. HAHAS. Then went out wif some ppl. These ppl include Wanqin, Joce, Kaifeng, Jinzhi, Haifiz, Chisun, Deguang and Nick.Gay. Went to acarde first. Then take bus down Kaifeng's hse there and buy some drinks and snacks. Then went to the playground. We sit @ shelter. Then go playground while waiting for Nick.Gay to come. Then we start playing Monkey under the rain. Some of them get themselves real wet because they fall right down the pool of water. And the Chisun and Jinzhi keep the bag of snack while I try to get it... Darm funny. For the infor, the bag of snack is the item use to throw for the monkey to catch. In the end, the bag of snack become powder and the bag of snack opened and everything drop out. Then we went to norvna square. They have KFC. Then me and joce went home by TRAIN. The train stop tao poyah. So is like everyone in the train come down. There is like darm many ppl. Then the nest train that come is also pack wif alot ppl. Then many ppl is like scolding or not very happy about it. And when everyone is in the train, the train jux dun seems like it is going to move. Cuz the train late. I am like my hand is breaking already. Finally the train move and back to bishan. When I am buying bread @ breadtalk, we saw yicong and some church friends. Say hi... And take 410green back home....When I am back home, I do not know that my grandma is @ home. So when I went into the kichen, I saw my grandma eating. I am totally shock and like omg. And I shout GRANDMA. HAHAS. I am like almost jump up. I am not going to sleep tonight. Cuz I do not have a rm to sleep anyway. Even I wanna sleep, I will be sleeping @ the Living rm. Anyway it is Ok, cuz grandma hardly come, so nvm. SsinyiI (= Sunday, December 7 @ 10:06 PM
Want to have alot of PRESENT?? ![]() Then you must wait for HIM to come... BEACASUSE CHRISTMAS IS COMING... ![]() BIG NEWSSSS !!!!! CHRISTMAS IS COMING.... 18 MORE DAYS AND CHRISTMAS IS HERE.... I am getting real high for christmas... I like christmas... I alway hope I can have a WHITE christmas.... I think a WHITE christmas is very nice. HAHAS... anyway... I like to spend christmas wif my family and friends... I got back my spec today.... HAHAS. Still not very xi guan wif spec on my face... gui gui de. strange huh... hahas. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SsinyiI (= Saturday, December 6 @ 9:51 PM
Went out wif Tricia... Went to city harvest. Is very late and suddenly my mum allow me to go out. about 4+ then allow me go out. HAIZ. Come home around 8+. Eat dinnner, watch tv and going to sleep...SsinyiI (= @ 12:59 AM
Use com when I wake up....Mum went downstair to buy breakfast for us. Then she went to market. She brought some tibits for me and my brother. She brought so-called '' Fishball'' for me and cakes for my bro... And jux nice my com cam is back, thus I take some photos wif it... AT MY ROOM.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Anyway, my bro is trying to act cute beause he is asking me if I can let him use the com... Acting Innocents... Enough of photo.... HAHAS... Watch tv until 2+... Sleep all the way till 7+... Didn't watch Coffee Prince today. Overslept. Watch tv again.... By the way.... My cousin is looking for ppl to teach him how to drive... If you know any, that can teach near Jourong, plz tell me @ my tag box... Thank you... And of cuz I do give the first call to Huimin. See I so good. But whether my cousin agree about letting huimin's dad to teach, I cant really decide. Use com about 10+. Planning to use late tonight. I think my bro is not happy to hear about this great news... SsinyiI (= Thursday, December 4 @ 11:49 PM
![]() The first pic we take during training. More will be taken... Jiayou badminton... Wake up late today. Reach there about 7.40am. HAHAS. Play some games, Stroke and Gym... Half squrat. Went to eat wif Joce, Mingzhen, Gillian, Peiyi, Yunxin and XiaoHuimin. Then went to J8 wif Joce. We sit down and watch the Hello Kitty show @ J8. Then take bus home. Yesterday... Came home from training. Huimin and Joce came my hse. Use com and watch abit of Pi Li MIT. Huimin cant stop watching it. She cant watch because her com is spolit. Anyway her com is repaired by now. After they went home, I bath and sleep all the way man. Tired. SsinyiI (= Tuesday, December 2 @ 11:26 PM
Wake up @ 6.45am. Darm tired. Reach school about 7.30am. Today training : Run 15 round around basketball court. Play games. On court-stroke. Play basketball. End. Went to S11 wif Joce and Huimin. Huimin leave early cuz she meeting her friends. After Joce and me eat, we went around the whole J8 looking for Chong Huimin. Found her @ Pizza Hut. Left J8 and Joce go my hse for like 1h !? She dun dare to go down alone in my blk de lift. Pei-ed her go down. Bath and watch tv until 7 and sleep all the way till now. Wake up to blog and going back to sleep again later. HAHAS. I am jux too tired... Not enough sleep SsinyiI (= Monday, December 1 @ 11:26 PM
Been wake up by Huimin's call and sms. Thank her alot if not I will be late for badminton or not even go for badminton. I rush like hell. Went school and gonna scolding. Have quite a half slack half tough training( I can say ) Starting very slack then coach ask us do the action. Then play shuttles...Went to J8 for our lunch then went to library then went BBT then went Home. Reach home bath, watch tv , vid call wif Joce tan/yow. Sleeping soon. Wake up 6am tml... Reaching school around 7+ , I must reach there early... DUN CARE :@ Watch the EVEYONE MON 8AM CHANNEL 8 LIFE TRANSFORMERS... This show is about some very very sad stories that are actually happening everyday about some ppl living in this modern world. Today story is like this... There is this Uncle Lai. He is now 75 year old. He have 5 children and his wife. His 2 youngest daughter committed suicide. The eldest sister and the 3nd son have no job. Th 2nd son have job but is part time or wad(Not sure). But because of the deaths of the 2 sisters, the whole family except Uncle Lai wear unable to accept the truth and hurt them emotional and mentally. The 3 son is now 30/40+ but he think that he is 29. The 1st sister keep herself in the rm but her mental is much better that the 3nd son. Their hse is a 3 rm flat. They have ALOT ALOT of thingy in the hse. As my hse is a 3 rm flat, I understand how many thing can the hse hold. For me, I alway thought that my hse is already the most lousy or even the hse wif most thingy. But after watching, I know I should be happy wif wad I have. Anyway the host and some ppl help to clean the hse. There is like a total of 25-30 ppl helping to clean the hse. There is really alot thing. One way passage around the hse... SsinyiI (= @ 12:02 AM
Wake up late today. Very tired yesterday. Mum cooked noodles for me... For the whole family. At first she wanna fried noodles but ask her change to soup de. Cuz actually yesterday I think my stomach allergy to seafood again that cuz me to stomach pain and @ night went to the toliet for a few times lah so... *cough* Hehe. Then I watch tv for like until 1+. Read story book from 1+ to 3.30... Cuz 3.30 I wanna watch the channel 8 show about the 45 years de lor... Cuz that time I nvr watch meh. Psps lor. Then Went out after that wif my family. We went out to eat dinner and also buy some thing for the family like egg and TOLIET PAPER.I think tonight I will use it again... Cuz eat BBQ sotong jux now... OH MY TIAN... And brought my top-up card. Yeah got 125+(Local) in my hp now. 50+ for the oversea...Not sleeping early today... SsinyiI (= |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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