Saturday, November 1 @ 12:32 AM
Went to Amanda’s hse for breakfast. She cooked hard-boiled egg and mix it wif ham. Then we also have 2 zi cai ji each. We decide to go late for SS. Break for 1½h. Chemistry is the next lesson. Laughing and playing wif the Mac’s toy (NOT ME). Waited for Kelly to finish her Bio.Then Kelly and me started to went to each other hse to prepare for the party. (As in wad to wear.) Reach there earlier than Chisun, yicong, jolyn, mark, nick neo, ryan, jingzhi, tsxhin, calvin, cheekuan. We actually quite scared that we are late. Anyway all on time ba. Then went there. The game started…… Kelly, Yicong, Weiting and me are in the same group. In our group have 11 ppl. 5 gals and 6 boys. The game is darm nice to play but if u is scared then maybe not really nice for u. The games are…. 1) lay on the floor, blinded folded. You have to search for the FISHBALLS that are spread around the whole grass floor. All covered wif aluminium fold. There are also other that are covered wif aluminium fold but not FISHBALL in it. While u is searching for it, they will start to pour some red liquid that look like blood on u. I like the blood. Hahas. 2) U has to look for a sweet using a toothpick in the container that is full of worms. U also has to lie on the swing. 3) Something like fear box that is done during teachers’ day (gyss). 2 per box. So is Kelly and me lor. We dun dare to touch. Anyway we get the box of grass. 4) We have to drink and eat the lean meat & lean meat’s juice. The last person has to eat all and drink all. Lucky, I am the first person, dun nid to drink so much. While our leader drink and eat all. Psps 5) 1 person will throw the small bread wif washabi and we nid to catch them wif our mouth. The person threw to me 3 and I got 3. Yeah. In order to get the bouns, 2 people have to eat 1 small container of washabi. Kelly and 1 galz ate almost half of it. 6) 1 person will have to be decorated by everyone from the group. We can use bee hom, glue, newspapers, vegetables and tomato. After decorating the person, we nid to walk around the small road wif-out falling down. Then we will take a pic. 7) Daniel who is the ghost (covered wif tomato sauce, chilli sauce, mayonnaise, curry sauce) will chase after u. If u gets caught, then ur shirt will get one of the sauce or more. My right arm is covered wif Amanda’s fav. Mayonnaise. 8) As our group have 11 people, 6 people have to put their leg in the pond that have some creatures like big fish and spider. And 5 people will put their leg in the container that consists of small tiny dead and alive fishes for 3 min. 9) We nid to use our handphones’ lights to make the word ‘ FATAL’. And someone will take the pic. 10) A orange is hang @ the bar. Then at least 6 person have to try to peel the skin of the orange down. 2 in 1 time. Mouth to mouth. HAHAS. Then we all went back to the condo. We have the price giving and then shouting, photo taking and so on. I went home right after that cuz I am really very tired. Feel like sleeping @ any time. Changed and went home. SsinyiI (= |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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