Saturday, November 29 @ 11:47 PM
Went to temple wif Mum, Auntie, Alida and Bro. Then went eat eat. Take bus home and go dad shop. My eyesight (L) is perfect, (R) is 50... I still make spec cuz I got SHAN GUANG. When alot light then wear. I choose black and yellow @ the side. My dad say I wear that why nicer... I also dunnoe. He also got a spec wif yellow @ the side. He very fashion hor, this age still wear yellow. Bro 2 eye is 125. He choose a red 1. My dad choose 1 also. Bro is half- frame de. When eating dinner outside, saw rachel wif the mum. Say Hi. I am like noodles in my mouth, half way through and she suddenly appear. Scared me.Anyway sleeping early today. Lazy use com. SsinyiI (= Friday, November 28 @ 11:40 PM
Did nothing the whole day... Use com, sleep and play. Only 1 word can use to describe my day '' SLACK ''. Hahas. Tml will be a busy day. Going to temple wif my mum, auntie and Alida and my bro of cuz. Then will be going to make spec... I wanna get a noob spec...I will not be wearing the spec often. Only when I am playing badminton / too many light... wondering...I spend 2h in the toliet when bathing... Too slack and wanna waste time... SsinyiI (= Thursday, November 27 @ 11:24 PM
Went out today...There is Ahma, Wanqin, Jinzhi, Kaifeng, Derrick, Calvin and Deguang... Went for badminton. After badminton, we search for Jinzhi hp... He lose his hp... Then we went back and look look. Found it... Wanqin found the hp... Went to eat... I didn't eat... Eat very full @ home le. Went bowling... Nvr play before. I get quite high for a beginner. But didn't get higher that 70... Haiz. Jia you... Next time must go again. Hahas. SsinyiI (= Tuesday, November 25 @ 11:00 PM
Back from badminton camp.I am darm tired when I came back from badminton camp. OHHH. Muscle pain... When I sit down like old woman... Have lots of fun @ camp. Training... Watch ghost movie during camp instead of going for night walk. The movie I watch before. Huimin is so scared of the movie. Hahas. But after movie,before sleep, she is darm high. She keep singing. I got sing wif her for awhile but later I tired le then I wanna to sleep. But she still singing when she lying down and preparing to sleep. She really got alot energy. I miss my bed... HAHAS Sleep early tonight... SsinyiI (= Sunday, November 23 @ 9:19 PM
Jux came back from Malaysia. Came back early today. Cuz my cousin bringing us home nid to go for wedding dinner this everning, thus come home early. If not I am sure I will be struck in Traffic Jam now. Hahas. Came back early is not very good idea. Cuz I cant play wif my other cousins... But came back early allow me to sleep earlier... I have been sleeping late and wake up early for the last 2 days. Fri: I sleep @ 3+ and wake up in the morning @ 5+. You can say that I dun sleep also can... Sat: Sleep @ 3+(Cuz play wif cousin) wake up @ 9+. @ Sat night, we had been chased to sleep, if not we still dun feel like sleeping. Hahas.I went to Malaysia for my uncle birthday party... This party is darm high. My uncle is shaking his bum while he get high on my other uncle singing on the stage... Then jux nice, I am the only 1 that saw him so-called dancing. I am so shock when I turn and look @ the stage and instead I saw him shaking. I break to laughter and I laugh really quite loud that he know I saw it. He is standing quite near to my table. He turn and say 'wad u laughing... Hahas' I am like keep laughing. Then I went to my grandma hse. Before going to my grandma hse, I went to the birthday uncle hse. When go back to grandma hse, I sit my cousin's car. Only left 1 seat. Then the boys(cousin) make Zhi en the only boy to sit wif us. HAHAS. I am like laughing over there. I am in the car and my niece... Anyway is a nice trip... I discover that I am shorter that Yi Hong and Zhi En now... I am now the shortest... HAHAS. They 2 really grows up le... Hahas. And they break voice now. So is like the face look so young but the voice is so... I can say MAN... Is very low for their voice now... Hahas... SsinyiI (= Friday, November 21 @ 11:14 PM
Went to J8 to buy honey star. But NTUC is not open... DIAOZ. Lucky today is not last day. I will be going there again... YEAH...Everything is very normal. Ondrea, YongKang and Saruula nvr come to school. Today the class seem so quiet. Hahas. Yong Kang did not run around today... Sing song. We do art & craft today. We paint the wheel of the small lorry and let it run on the paper. And the teacher fold into paper boat for them to bring home. After they sleep we went to have duck rice. Then we went to playground to play catching. Quite lame but fun. Amanda, Huimin and Xinyi. Then we buy ice-cream back the centre. Went back to centre. Only Huimin, Xinyi and me stay back till 6+. SsinyiI (= Tuesday, November 18 @ 11:36 PM
Went to childcare. Hahas. Finally...Today i take photo wif the shuai ge. In our childcare got 1 kids, K2. He very handsome de, as in very style. He dye his hair red. Not whole head red, is like the front hair is longer and dye the front hair red. I also not very sure how to say. When I upload the photo, u will be able to understand wad i am saying. I take photo wif him. Yeah. Cuz he is K2 so not in my class or my side of classrm, so i actually normally is not able to see him. But he come over to have breakfast thus today i got see him. Hahas. Today actually got 1 new girl. Actually she does not come today, she come yesterday le. She kepy crying and crying. I can't stand her... Hahas. As in she jux being very.... ,anyone tok to her she also cry. Then my teacher Ko saw it and say she maybe nid to go to the toliet. But when she heard that my teacher wanna to bring her to toliet, she cry again... Teacher Ko say must jux pull her to toliet. She cry even more. Then I say '' yi zhi cry yi zhi cry...''. I think she is scared of me because i say that. Hahas. She jux nid to adapt to it. She jux cannnot adapts to 'public' toliet. Cuz boys and girls toliet are together and boys girls bath together. She jux cannnot adapts to the usage to the toliet. Tml I will not be that nice if she cry again. Even Bryan which is younger than her also nvr cry until like that... HAHAS. For ur infor: The newcomer is 3 year old, turning 4 next year. Bryan is 2 year old and turning 3 next year... Went to guan yi temple(@ bugis de). Then O.Xinyi and me went to bugis street to buy my shoe. Went around and keep dun have my size, so many ppl wif the same size wif me. Hahas. Finally brought a shoe and went to long john and eat. Take bus home and O.Xinyi eat @ my hse(dinner).She play Maple while waiting. She play until 10+ before she go home. Still having flu... But recovering le. HAHAS.... Sinyi, get well soon.... SsinyiI (= Monday, November 17 @ 10:37 PM
Still having flu... Hahas... but getting better le. I now then know when i am down wif any sickness, my eye will become 1 big 1 small. Haiz. Hahas... rest the whole day. Use com. Sleep.Going childcare tml... I have already start to miss them. Wad will happen to me @ the last day!? SsinyiI (= Saturday, November 15 @ 10:51 PM
14.11.08 FRI.Went to have lunch wif Amanda, Huimin and t/o xinyi. We all brought some sweet for the children. Reach childcare. Help them to dress up and make up. Boys- Blue eyeshadow. Girls- Purple eyeshadow. Amanda's students is aminals. Huimin's students is like dancer. Mine is like ah mei zu. Went up the bus. Huimin, Amanda and I jux keep trying to take photo wif the kids. Reach the church. Wait @ the church. Help them to make up again and keep bringing them to toliet, asking them to sit down and many many shouting. Telling them not to wonder around if not no sweets but they still wonder around only that they will not run around so much. Finally their turn to dance and sing. Bring them up the stage. Some of them dance wrongly(I must say the truth) but they still very cute. I saw most of their parents. Bring them down the stage. Went back to the waiting area. Giving out sweets to them but was scolded by a teacher(Huimin's teacher). She say no sweet is allow. Then I no choice take back the sweets. Some of them action so fast, before I even take it back they already eat the sweet down and I only get the wrapper back. I am not the only 1 who give the students thing to eat. Amanda's teacher also give the students to eat lor. Nvm. Bring the students back to stage to sing their final song wif all the students. After the song they are dismiss. O.xinyi and I went and take the ballroom. I take around over 10 ballrooms. Saw the Puiyu, Brenda, Amanda,T.xinyi and Huimin. We all went to take the ballrooms. Went upstair to eat. When eating, my ballrooms is given away to almost more than 8 kids. I am only left wif 1 ballrooms)= . Then before we go, Huimin and I went and find more ballrooms. I got 6 @ the end of the day. 2 is given by Amanda. Thank Amanda. Amanda, Huimin, O.xinyi and I went to Funland. Then went to BBT. Huimin's dad fetch all of us home. Photo will be upload soon when Amanda and Huimin send it to me. ____________________________________________________________________ Today Early in the morning, I get waken up by my brother. Then have breakfast. Watch Tv. Went down for CC party. My bro win a $10 vorcher for Fairprice. I got ballroom again(Heart wand). SsinyiI (= Thursday, November 13 @ 11:21 PM
Take bus to childcare. Hahas.Oh Xinyi nvr go today. She having a fever. Wonder if she is going tml... Teacher tell us to be more away from each other. That means we nid to spread up. Cannnot have all of us stick together in the morning. Cuz parents will be @ the window looking @ the children mean also looking @ us. We nid to make sure nobody fight. Sing song. Then pary then watch vid. For my class ( Faith class) is time for them to bath. Help them to bath. The only person that dun wanna to bath is YongWei. I must call until like siao then she go take her bag. She really like to bath wif boys. Hahas. After bathing is lesson. Sing song and learn. They get back their (fake)screw driver back.Some get really over-high and teacher ko take it away from everyone and give them back later. We rehearsal for the concert tml. One of my students get really angry for somethingy and she start to cry and shout. She the same girl that cry and kick teacher ko yesterday. Then is lunch. Today lunch is very nice. Then is put them to sleep. I pat Surula and Shengquan to sleep. Surula hold my hand and sleep. He is so cute. Although Shengquan is quite naughty sometime but he can be quite a good boy. Yongkang was catch by the playgroup teacher and been order to sleep wif the playground. Jermaine still the last one to sleep. Bernice and Malvis sleep @ the same time ba. Charmaine from the playground sleep together wif them. Gwendolyn sleep faster than the rest but today she and Jermaine play wif their jackets before they sleep. After almost all have sleep, we left. (Toh)Xinyi, Huimin, Amanda and me went to the coffee shop and eat duck rice. Then we go home. Tml is the students big day, their performance. Hope everything will get well. (= Sleep until 7+. Wake up and watch the ten brothers. Today the show so nice. All use their power. Hahas. Waking up @ 11am tml... Meeting the rest @ J8 for lunch tml. SsinyiI (= @ 2:13 AM
Went to childcare today too.When I went down my hse going to the bus stop, my shoe broke. I walk back home from the bus stop. Dad open the door for me. Hahas. Then meet Amanda @ her bus stop. Then we went to bus inter. Waited fr bus 57 for very long. We very scared late. Then around 8+, Huimin called me and ask me why are we not @ her hse. Amanda and I dunnoe that today Huimin dad fetching too. Hahas. We reach there by time. Today is re-teach the children wad they have learn for maybe the year. Leor and Ordrea fight. scold the 2 of them. Leor seems to be going to cry and he cry and shed some tears. I let him off.He seem to like dislike me abit, cuz i scold him. Never mind, tml I will try to talk to him again. Then nothing happen le. Huimin, Xinyi, Amanda and I went to eat @ the near by coffee shop.Huimin and me like the noodles too much. Huimin and me eat 2 bowl in 1 time. Hahas.Huimin is quite proud that she eat 2 bowls. Hahas. Then we went home after that. Huimin fetch me home. Actually i wanna to take 88. I thought that Xinyi going home wif Huimin. Anyway somehow Huimin fetch me home. Thank alot. Reach home, bath and sleep until 11plus. Mum wake me up and tell me must eat dinner. Diao, jux let me sleep until morning lah, only left a few hour only. Hahas. Tml taking bus cuz Huimin dad cant fetch. Hahas. SsinyiI (= Tuesday, November 11 @ 9:05 PM
Went to Huimin hse to wait for her. Me and Amanda reach there earlier. Amanda play the bar. Hahas. Too slippery for me. And my shoe cant climb. Then Huimin's father fetch Xinyi,Amanda and me. THANK ALOT HUIMIN & PSPS TOH XINYI. Tml taking bus there.Today is a trip to the church. We have a rehearsal for the actual day. Hahas. And really fun.When we come back, they nid to bath. Help them to get change. I didn't help them to bath. As i am still not the actual teacher, even if I help, I will play water wif the children ba. Hahas. Then they wait for their turn to have the lunch. After lunch, is the most tiring part for the teacher.(It is very boring for me). They will be having their NAP. I jux sit there and say ' sleep' Hahas. And pat some of them. Then I jux start go out wif Amanda to the outside and eat somethiny. Then we come back and wake them up. Then see them have their tea break.Then we go le. SsinyiI (= Monday, November 10 @ 11:14 PM
Went for childcare the first time. Yeah.. All the children are so cute... Have fun playing wif all them. Tml will be their reharsel. So looking forward. I still learning how to sing their song. Hahas. Will get more happy wif them. Brought the blue nike water bottles and a pants. Yeah. Finally get to change my water bottle. My water bottles that i am using now leak until my whole bag is wet... Hahas.Looking forward for tml... GO GO GO. They call me Teacher Crystal. Everyone have to think a english name. Hahas. So Funny. SsinyiI (= Sunday, November 9 @ 11:34 PM
Went to market wif mum. Went out wif mum. Brought1 dress. First time i brought dress. Planning to wear during uncle birthday party.Come home. Slack the whole day. Tml will start to busy le. I like the feeling of busy. Hahas. Going for childcare from tml onward. Yeah. Finally can go for it le. (= My laptop de keypad spolit again!!!! Cuz my bro and me like to play computer game... Then the arrow(left) come out alot of time. And yesterday's night the arrow finally nid a rest, it come out... Haha... My mum cook pig organ soup tonight. So nice. She hardly cooked cuz nid to wash. The washing part got alot of works. My prepaid call going no money le. Nid to save up le. If looking for me @ nigh, plz call my hse. Thank you... SsinyiI(= Saturday, November 8 @ 10:39 PM
Yesterday:Went to school. After schoo, went to library. Then went to buy item for steamboat wif huimin, xinyi and joce. My mum help to cook everything. I wanna help, she jux dun let and chase me out of the kichen. Then we eat. Then they go home.All very full. Hahas. Today: Wake up late. Today 3am, i cant slp. Wake up and use com. JoceTan is the only 1 that online in my msn. So surpise to see her online. Watch some show like 'Fated to love you' again. So nice the show. Then watch televison for the whole day. Then use com around 9pm+. Wonder wad to do tml. Nothing to do. Haiz. Looking for Funny vid. If everyone have, plz share wif me. Thank in advance. SsinyiI (= Thursday, November 6 @ 11:10 PM
Went to school late. Never go for Wendy.yong lesson. I am darm allergy to crab... But i still like it. I will still eat it. Dun worry, guys. Hahas. I will continue to eat crab... That my fav, not going to give up so easily... Math, Miss Tan nvr come. Mrs Fu come. She dun let me have my bbt & fries. After her lesson then i eat. Funny her. Then went to library for shelfing. Mdm cheng make me come back during Holiday. Childcare is coming soon. Yeah. Tml will be a special day.SsinyiI (= @ 12:06 AM
Went to school. Get my entry proof from Mr C.Lim. Gonna some nagging from him lor. This my life no choice. Get the Attachment of Jobs. Really looking forward to it. Love to hang out wif the children. Hope it come as soon as possible. Went to mac with Joce. Before going to take bus, i saw Qihui & Nick Lai.Then we went to Thomas Plaze. It is raining. We went to find items that can be use during camp. And we went to a special shop. E2... If you know wad items this shop sell, plz keep quiet. Hahas. We get really shy and high when we get into the shop. Hahas. Went in for fun. Anyway as a girl, it is nothing wrong to go in there. Called Huimin to ask if we can go her hse. Then went her hse.Same thing. I say her. Hahas. For fun only. For return, I fan her computer. She didn't ask for me to do that. And listen to some songs. I show them my collection of FUNNY vid... Hahas...Play Monopoly ( The new & now edition) wif my brother. Really funny. SsinyiI (= Wednesday, November 5 @ 12:34 AM
Wake up late for school today. J8 de Mrt there got accident. Move darm slowly today. Then Jiamei & Amanda help me to buy my breakfast. Have Happy Meal again, for the toys. Then have class. No chinese class today. Went to watch the movie ''Sing To The Dawn'' wif Amanda, JiaMei & Rachel. Quite nice. Go home together wif Xinyi & Huimin. Thank that to take the bus wif ME. Hahas.Went online. Joce tell me that badminton tee is out, $6. Of cuz i will buy lor. The colours is Blue & Yellow. Too late to re-desgin the tee le. Tml stay back to decide some thing about the camp. I lose my entry proof for my 'O' kevel exam. My mum lose it. I wonder wad will happen to me. If i can have my exam anot. SsinyiI (= Tuesday, November 4 @ 12:12 AM
Wake up @ 9am. Go out for bball. Saw Jen, Xiner, Belinda, Jingzhi and chee kuan @ thomas Cc. Play badminton,Joce(2ofthem) wif me vs Jingzhi & Cheekuan. Then went to lan. then go home, bath, do chinese and sleep. School tml...SsinyiI (= Monday, November 3 @ 12:43 AM
Wake up late. Eat duck rice for breakfast. And mian feng for lunch. Do math hw. Study some chinese. Then my bro draw me. He get crazy today and keep scold me and hit me for NOTHING. I not very sure wad i done. He is not going to pay me back $20.Plan wad to do for tml. Not sure too. Tok to a new friend today @ msn. I dunnoe him, he dunnoe me. But @ first lazy to tok to him, then tok tok tok lor. We tok about song only. Normal friend. Still dunnoe how he look or whatever. Hahas. SsinyiI (= Sunday, November 2 @ 12:11 AM
Wake up late today. 12pm+. cuz yesterday play until very late. wake up, eat lunch then use com. By right, i wanna to study chinese but too tired to study. Going to study tml and do all my hw. Math and Chinese. Use com. Went to some blogshop. Wanna to buy some clothes but not sure if my mum wanna give me the money. Cuz she not very believe on all this blogshop thingy. Help my bro to make a blog. But i dun think so he will blog really often like me. Hahas. He say he will blog today.Today my bro show me his 'gay' side. Today when i hid and scare him, he scream like s lady. 2 hands up beside the head and scream. Hahas. Darm gay lor... SsinyiI (= Saturday, November 1 @ 12:32 AM
Went to Amanda’s hse for breakfast. She cooked hard-boiled egg and mix it wif ham. Then we also have 2 zi cai ji each. We decide to go late for SS. Break for 1½h. Chemistry is the next lesson. Laughing and playing wif the Mac’s toy (NOT ME). Waited for Kelly to finish her Bio.Then Kelly and me started to went to each other hse to prepare for the party. (As in wad to wear.) Reach there earlier than Chisun, yicong, jolyn, mark, nick neo, ryan, jingzhi, tsxhin, calvin, cheekuan. We actually quite scared that we are late. Anyway all on time ba. Then went there. The game started…… Kelly, Yicong, Weiting and me are in the same group. In our group have 11 ppl. 5 gals and 6 boys. The game is darm nice to play but if u is scared then maybe not really nice for u. The games are…. 1) lay on the floor, blinded folded. You have to search for the FISHBALLS that are spread around the whole grass floor. All covered wif aluminium fold. There are also other that are covered wif aluminium fold but not FISHBALL in it. While u is searching for it, they will start to pour some red liquid that look like blood on u. I like the blood. Hahas. 2) U has to look for a sweet using a toothpick in the container that is full of worms. U also has to lie on the swing. 3) Something like fear box that is done during teachers’ day (gyss). 2 per box. So is Kelly and me lor. We dun dare to touch. Anyway we get the box of grass. 4) We have to drink and eat the lean meat & lean meat’s juice. The last person has to eat all and drink all. Lucky, I am the first person, dun nid to drink so much. While our leader drink and eat all. Psps 5) 1 person will throw the small bread wif washabi and we nid to catch them wif our mouth. The person threw to me 3 and I got 3. Yeah. In order to get the bouns, 2 people have to eat 1 small container of washabi. Kelly and 1 galz ate almost half of it. 6) 1 person will have to be decorated by everyone from the group. We can use bee hom, glue, newspapers, vegetables and tomato. After decorating the person, we nid to walk around the small road wif-out falling down. Then we will take a pic. 7) Daniel who is the ghost (covered wif tomato sauce, chilli sauce, mayonnaise, curry sauce) will chase after u. If u gets caught, then ur shirt will get one of the sauce or more. My right arm is covered wif Amanda’s fav. Mayonnaise. 8) As our group have 11 people, 6 people have to put their leg in the pond that have some creatures like big fish and spider. And 5 people will put their leg in the container that consists of small tiny dead and alive fishes for 3 min. 9) We nid to use our handphones’ lights to make the word ‘ FATAL’. And someone will take the pic. 10) A orange is hang @ the bar. Then at least 6 person have to try to peel the skin of the orange down. 2 in 1 time. Mouth to mouth. HAHAS. Then we all went back to the condo. We have the price giving and then shouting, photo taking and so on. I went home right after that cuz I am really very tired. Feel like sleeping @ any time. Changed and went home. SsinyiI (= |
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