Tuesday, September 30 @ 10:30 PM
i gonna blog about what happen for like last few day.SAT 27.09 I went to my anut hse to sleep. cuz tml morning we have to wake up at 6. then go and take car. Thus it will ve very late if they come and fetch me at 8. cuz it is very far in malaysia. I think the place call Bado. I do not really know how to spell the place name. Hahas. I went over to sleep. I sleep with the children. One 5 year old, another one 3 years or below. The elder one very very irrating. When i reach the hse, they are already sleeping le. Then when i going to sleep, the 5 year old de suddenly wake up. I knew it that i am not going to sleep cuz she wake up le. She make me all the way to 2 am. I am like i wanna to sleep but i can't. She not cought( ok for coughing i dun blame her, i cough too), she keep make me. Her ways of making me is poke me, kick me and more. Then finally at around 2am plus, she fall alseep. Then i can't sleep by then cuz the air is too HOT. The fan is like so small lor as in the wind. I cant really sleep well. Suddenly i saw the 3 year old de stand up and come down the bed. I am like shock. Then i ask what happen. She say that she wanna to go to the toliet. I really dunnnoe what to do. Then i ask her to go and find her parent. And i think she stand in front the bed and CRY. Then i went back to rm. Then i am like staring to the wall for like another 2h, mean 4am. then finally fall asleep.Then wake up at 6am. The 5 year old girl wake up with me. I brush my teeth, eat bread, change. Then we went to take car. Uncle borrow the car from my father and his cousin.I dun even know my dad still got cousin. cuz is like i never see before or hear my dad say. Went to the hse and wait for the cousin to come home. The cousin's mother is at home, which i call her ' shu ma'. My aunt say call her that. Hahas. I really dunnnoe what to call. Then i jux sit there. And the 2 kids start to play again. I am like shouting all the way ' Bu yao wan bu yao wan!!' Then the cousin come home and we take key and go. BY THE TIME IS ALREADY 8am+. Then collect the car. Take everything we need and put in the car and here we go. I now then know the worst have not come until we are in the car. The 2 kids, i really dunnnoe what to do. Their action is like so funny, but i cant let them continue cuz they may get hurt. For like 2h+, i am sleeping in the car, cuz the kids are also tired. They are finally sleeping, that i can sleep too. YEAH. Then my uncle wanna to bring my aunt to eat first, cuz she is a vergetarian. Thus we find a long way to find a shop that sell vegetarian food. After eat, bought some tibits. Then off we go again. Finding the place. The place is call S.Y resturant. I am like wow, MY NAME. I OPEN THE RESTURANT.Hahas. Reach the place. My cousin and grandma from my mum side reach le. The grandma that birthday is father said de. Time to sing birthday song. The MC say ' ALL CHILDREN(myfather), CHILDEREN'S WIFE & HUSBAND(mymother) and GRANDCHILDREN(me) please come up to the stage. I go up the stage and got block by my 3th aunt. I juz can figure out is she going up or not. She keep wondering around the stage and the floor. Then we 2 are like daning in front of everyone. Nvm. After that is the yam seng. I drink grape wine. It taste so nice. Hahas. Then i saw so many ppl got force by my uncle to drink wine. My father sing a song. And it is nice ok? Hahas. Then after that i feed the baby, cuz my aunt have to go and pay the bill. Then i went to my Father smallest sister hse. It is really scaring there. MUDDDDDD everywhere. Lizard climbing on the top the wall( this very normal) but her lizard is colourful de. I am going faint there. Nvm. Anyway that only temperoy. Then went to eat dinner. Then went to another unknown person shop. MY SHU GOONG. my father shu shu or what. Not very sure. anyway is very old and very high in rank de. Hahas. He and the family keep give us food to eat. I am like so full. I saw the helper in the shop. At first, i thought that they are the grandson of my shu goong. Then i heard from my aunt, that they are not. They are actually ex-drug people. It is good that they give them the chance. I also heard from my dad when i come home, their real son is actucally ex-drug, that way they let them work. Anyway is past, what important is now and future. Leave there. Come back singapore at around 1 pus. Tired. BATH and sleep. NOW: have my exam. chinese settle SS settle. eng and math helf way settle. NO COMMENT for the paper. Everything is over. WED & THUR dun nid to come to sch. HOLIDAY. Fri GEO AND POA. Sleep. Tonight raining. YEAH. SsinyiI (= |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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