Tuesday, September 30 @ 11:12 PM
This is the one... kn i think u look cool in this one. really SsinyiI (= @ 10:30 PM
i gonna blog about what happen for like last few day.SAT 27.09 I went to my anut hse to sleep. cuz tml morning we have to wake up at 6. then go and take car. Thus it will ve very late if they come and fetch me at 8. cuz it is very far in malaysia. I think the place call Bado. I do not really know how to spell the place name. Hahas. I went over to sleep. I sleep with the children. One 5 year old, another one 3 years or below. The elder one very very irrating. When i reach the hse, they are already sleeping le. Then when i going to sleep, the 5 year old de suddenly wake up. I knew it that i am not going to sleep cuz she wake up le. She make me all the way to 2 am. I am like i wanna to sleep but i can't. She not cought( ok for coughing i dun blame her, i cough too), she keep make me. Her ways of making me is poke me, kick me and more. Then finally at around 2am plus, she fall alseep. Then i can't sleep by then cuz the air is too HOT. The fan is like so small lor as in the wind. I cant really sleep well. Suddenly i saw the 3 year old de stand up and come down the bed. I am like shock. Then i ask what happen. She say that she wanna to go to the toliet. I really dunnnoe what to do. Then i ask her to go and find her parent. And i think she stand in front the bed and CRY. Then i went back to rm. Then i am like staring to the wall for like another 2h, mean 4am. then finally fall asleep.Then wake up at 6am. The 5 year old girl wake up with me. I brush my teeth, eat bread, change. Then we went to take car. Uncle borrow the car from my father and his cousin.I dun even know my dad still got cousin. cuz is like i never see before or hear my dad say. Went to the hse and wait for the cousin to come home. The cousin's mother is at home, which i call her ' shu ma'. My aunt say call her that. Hahas. I really dunnnoe what to call. Then i jux sit there. And the 2 kids start to play again. I am like shouting all the way ' Bu yao wan bu yao wan!!' Then the cousin come home and we take key and go. BY THE TIME IS ALREADY 8am+. Then collect the car. Take everything we need and put in the car and here we go. I now then know the worst have not come until we are in the car. The 2 kids, i really dunnnoe what to do. Their action is like so funny, but i cant let them continue cuz they may get hurt. For like 2h+, i am sleeping in the car, cuz the kids are also tired. They are finally sleeping, that i can sleep too. YEAH. Then my uncle wanna to bring my aunt to eat first, cuz she is a vergetarian. Thus we find a long way to find a shop that sell vegetarian food. After eat, bought some tibits. Then off we go again. Finding the place. The place is call S.Y resturant. I am like wow, MY NAME. I OPEN THE RESTURANT.Hahas. Reach the place. My cousin and grandma from my mum side reach le. The grandma that birthday is father said de. Time to sing birthday song. The MC say ' ALL CHILDREN(myfather), CHILDEREN'S WIFE & HUSBAND(mymother) and GRANDCHILDREN(me) please come up to the stage. I go up the stage and got block by my 3th aunt. I juz can figure out is she going up or not. She keep wondering around the stage and the floor. Then we 2 are like daning in front of everyone. Nvm. After that is the yam seng. I drink grape wine. It taste so nice. Hahas. Then i saw so many ppl got force by my uncle to drink wine. My father sing a song. And it is nice ok? Hahas. Then after that i feed the baby, cuz my aunt have to go and pay the bill. Then i went to my Father smallest sister hse. It is really scaring there. MUDDDDDD everywhere. Lizard climbing on the top the wall( this very normal) but her lizard is colourful de. I am going faint there. Nvm. Anyway that only temperoy. Then went to eat dinner. Then went to another unknown person shop. MY SHU GOONG. my father shu shu or what. Not very sure. anyway is very old and very high in rank de. Hahas. He and the family keep give us food to eat. I am like so full. I saw the helper in the shop. At first, i thought that they are the grandson of my shu goong. Then i heard from my aunt, that they are not. They are actually ex-drug people. It is good that they give them the chance. I also heard from my dad when i come home, their real son is actucally ex-drug, that way they let them work. Anyway is past, what important is now and future. Leave there. Come back singapore at around 1 pus. Tired. BATH and sleep. NOW: have my exam. chinese settle SS settle. eng and math helf way settle. NO COMMENT for the paper. Everything is over. WED & THUR dun nid to come to sch. HOLIDAY. Fri GEO AND POA. Sleep. Tonight raining. YEAH. SsinyiI (= Monday, September 29 @ 3:46 PM
funny girl pro Saturday, September 27 @ 2:16 AM
love this show @ 12:29 AM
EXAM start today. HAHAS. chinese papaer. tired. the teacher check my feeling. at first the tim is 38 then check to 45. cheat my feeling. hahas. after sch went to J8. then got caught by my dad. got pull home. hahas. never mind. went home pack thingy decide how am i going there. Going there taking my uncle car. my dad, mom and bro go themselves. i special take car. hahas. SsinyiI(= Wednesday, September 24 @ 11:48 PM
FIREST THING: i got NO handphone.SECOND THING: i will be GOING to malaysia THIS coming SUN. _____________________________________________________________________ Today i wake my mother up instead is my mum wake me up. hahas. although i do not have network for my handphone. But i still using the alarm in my handphone. This really help me to wake up in the morning. If i dun have the handphone, i wonder how am i going to wake up. It will be like late for school everyday? Went to buy my new pants. Like it? OK lor. Hahas. Then went back home, bath, then went out with Amanda. Walk around J8. Went to aracade. Really high over there. Hahas. Right, Amanda? Hahas. Then we went to tpy. Brought some food and go to the corner to eat. Then went to tuition. Listen to music and listen to teacher at the same time during tuition. Hahas. I now then know i can concentrate better with music. Tricia, rememeber to lend me your handphone to listen to music if you got come to tuition. Then take bus home. Something strange happen. ( can't be say here) Then went home, bath, do homework(math), blog, discuss with parent how are we going to go to the celebration on Sun. Going to sleep after this.( I think) HAHAS. SsinyiI (= Tuesday, September 23 @ 11:52 PM
after school, went to ava for test. then go j8. i wanna say sorry to....SORRY YICONG... i forget about you. cuz i rushing. sorry sorry.!! today mrs teo never come to school. i think. she never come to class. is she gone?? hope not. but today me jos amanda and rachel laugh alot. cuz amanda... hahas. we draw our hand like siao de. hahas. deposit 5 dallor for a pants. thank to amanda and jos. thank so much! hahas then went to J8. look for another shirt. hahas but did not find any. jos brought herself a ring. cuz she feel like spending money today. come home. study. then sleep awhile. really very tired. dunnoe why... then wake up eat dinner. study again... still wondering if i should go in to malaysia. i think i should go for my grandma. but is very long. never mind. if u never see me at mon for eng exam, you know why. too sleepy i think. thus i will try to store as much energy as possible. i think i sleep too much. i can't sleep now. now the time is around 12 something. hahas. SsinyiI (= @ 12:07 AM
went to amk with jen, belinde and kaining make jen bus card. so funny. the person thought jen is only sec 1 or 2. then we ask if IC can be use to make the bus card. then the lady say yes but she have!?come home. sleep. do F&nN CME. then blog. play some game. then sleep ba. hahas SsinyiI Sunday, September 21 @ 11:15 PM
went to malaysia... top up my dad hp card. and come back to singapore. shop at " This fashion" and "J8". shop until very late. i finally got a vast for myself. YEAH. hahas VAST VAST VAST VAST !!! hahas now i wondering when i can wear it out!! hahas.haven finish my F&N. he dun wanna let me use the com. what the hell. cuz he did not get to buy anything. actually the main aim of going out to shop is to buy clothes for my bro. but i stay in "This fashion" too long. then by the time we eat and went back to J8 only shop that sell teenage's clothes is open. thus he is really angry. i think! anyway at the end of the day, he is still playing with me. hahas! whahahahahahahahahahahas. SsinyiI (= Friday, September 19 @ 11:31 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY joslyn!!!!hurry to school today. take 13 with amanda , kaifeng and jingzhi. make a pic for her. due to the content of the photo, it cannnot be post here. sorry. have phy class after school. quite slack. hahas. have fun during phy.lots of laughter specially amanda de. hahas. when amanda, jos and me walking pass the g.office, we saw ryan running back. then we are like laughing. cuz he forget and left his psp charging in miss lim home.rm. hahas. came home. bath. sleep.usecom. hahas not going out tml. gt bann from going out. unless my mum agree. cuz exam coming le. jiayou sinyi. work hard for what you wanna!? SsinyiI Thursday, September 18 @ 10:00 PM
Today when i reach home, my mum tell me that dad is stoping my line. maybe after today 12 midnight, i will be declare with NO HANDPHONE. NEVER MIND. today i went through the day without hp!> hahas forget to charge. HAHAS. dun care anymore.IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ME: there are 3 ways 1) IF u really looking for me call my hse. 2) tag my blog 3) tell me when i online msn. NOTHING MUCH. so sleepy everyday. WHY TODAY NOT FRI. then i nw will be sleeping soundly!> ??? TML some1 is born out tml!> JOSLYN. who cares.(kidding) happy birhtday, i will say tml. not now. maybe i will use my last min to send her happy birthday! hahas GOOD BYE MY PHONES. my dad lied to me. FIRST, he say he is buying me a new bag. and in th end, he forget SECOND, he say he buying me a new hp but use hi-card.(DUN MIND) , BUT where my phone!!!!!????? BUT never mind. SsinyiI Monday, September 15 @ 9:28 PM
have geo tuiton. hahaswent to police center wif xiner jen chee kuan belinda kaining. come home and rest. really tired. SsinyiI Friday, September 12 @ 9:51 PM
HAVE eng oral. okok comment from mrs wong: You overal good. but u must slow down when u toking. and dun talk to over.went to xuan zi hse. then take bus home wif jen. tml going out wif xiner. doing something. people are really boring nowsday!!! i jux can't understand them... darm boring doing this type of thingy! hahas SsinyiI Thursday, September 11 @ 8:14 PM
Went to SCIENCE CENTER. for the geo river! went i reach there. then i remember i went there to watch another vid before. hahas. i rememebered the vid is about space de. went there wif my pri frennz. so many ji yi come back to me. when we play at the so-call playground. and we all and specially me have alot of fun.Anyway the vid seems to be very short. quite nice. and the pic is very nice too. it is like we all moving toward the place. darm nice. but it will be abit too... boring for some ppl. like the 2 siting beside me that fall asleep. !! NOT going mention their names. hahas. then went to novena with huimin. we walk pass 1 quite porpular shop open by famous ppl...( i think). inside got 1 person we think quite a si gay. then we walk pass and we say si gay loudly! as loud as he can hear. not very loud also.! hahas then we went to KFC. eat went home. use com. chiong all my computer work. like CME. i can't log in my msn. only ebuddy! ( i hope can) SsinyiI Tuesday, September 9 @ 10:30 PM
Gonna study F&N until very very late.topic: meat & poulty and seafood(fish!!) omg. dun nid sleep le. hahas and finish my compo! (= SsinyiI Monday, September 8 @ 11:21 PM
YESTERDAY.went to malaysia. eat too many foods with my family. have a fun day. TODAY. SCHOOL REOPEN. ok. but very tired. ohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SINYI IS EMOOOO !!! (saybyebel) SsinyiI (= Saturday, September 6 @ 11:49 PM
PIZZA!!(= @ 11:42 PM
went to meet xinyi ryan jas and brenda for breakfast. then went to pet rocket. darm disapported. yesterday the rocket still can fly very well. but today dunnnoe why the rocket so many thingy break. darm sad. never mind. sleep for the whole afteroon.maybe going malaysia tml!> whooooooo. wonder if really going. dun feel like. haven finish hw. wanna sleep le. dun feel like doing any work today. but if tml going mean i will finish all my work by tonight. left chinese. (= SsinyiI Friday, September 5 @ 11:26 PM
went to sch. do some crystal work. i think i never take good care of my crystal. i have nelgect it. haiz. i try my best to find more time for it. jiayou SINYI. have pet rocket. darm fun. getting wet. whoooo. i got my lesson. i should bring extra clothes...(=need to wake up early. 7.30 meet jas brenda jovin xinyi(maybe) rachel(maybe) ryan(maybe) hafiz (maybe) for breakfast. jiayou! tml will be a better day. finish poa math left chinese ba. (= SsinyiI @ 10:03 PM
@ 9:48 PM
Thursday, September 4 @ 9:24 PM
Dun feel like doing anything. feel like vomiting. wonder what happen to me. went to pizza. nothing much there. feel so sick. feel like vomit. what happening to me. so many feeling. i jux can't figure out. feel like vomit. I LOVE MY FAMILY. i can now comfirm even more that family is the MOST important people in my life. HAHAS. that comfirm. HAHAS. vomiting. (= SsinyiI Wednesday, September 3 @ 11:27 PM
@ 11:27 PM
@ 11:19 PM
@ 11:17 PM
@ 11:16 PM
@ 11:03 PM
i laugh like siao!! hahas @ 9:35 PM
PIZZA WORKSHOPVENUE: NANYANG POLY. BLK N 609 DATE: TML 4.09.06 TIME: 2om-6pm ATTIRE: HSE-TEE / PE T-SHIRT. BOY-PANTS GIRL-SKIRT. COVERED SHOE. For tml, we will meet 12.55pm at tpy bus inter. We will go there together. Rules: - Our bags will be keep in NANYANG POLY 's locker. - Your fingers MUST be trimmed SHORT - NAIL POLISH & FALSE NAIL are NOT allowed. - ALWAYS keep your workplace CLEAN. - When handle COOKED/FINISHED food, wear GLOVES. - Use DIFFERENT chopping board for DIFFERENT item.
- APRONS & HAIR NET must be WORNED all the TIME when HANDLING the food. ( provided.) FOR THE ACTUAL DAY: Theme: INTERNATIONAL PIZZA Date: 19.10.06 Venue: NANYANG POLY Blk N 609/611 TIME: 9am - 12pm or 1pm - 4pm Pizza can be in all shape. You are NEED to make 2 PIZZA. ( 1 for the judge to eat, 1 for the judge to see) BASIC indgrents for pizza WILL BE PROVIDED. You nid to bring ur extra item, a hard copy of your reciple and decoration( like labels) Theme for the final is CHRISTMAS PIZZA. Date: 10.12.06 time will be comfirm if u are in. YOU ARE JUDGE FROM: 40% -INNOVATION 30% - CONSUMER APPEARL 30% - PALATNBILITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Went to nanyang poly. raining cats and dogs. wow.! there too big le. after that went to tuition. come back home and type this. hahas. so sleepy sleep early! wohooooo! (= SsinyiI Tuesday, September 2 @ 11:42 PM
meet ah ma. went to j8. brought myself a thumbdrive. a mini 1. darm cute de lor. so thin that i can't even believe. eat ice-cream. walk around j8. and laugh quite alot. then take bus to ahma hse there de shufu mart. eat prawn noodles. then go home. use com. then bro come home. let him use the com. then watch 7pm show. channel U. darm nice. poor juhua. use com. watch kang xi lai le. hahas and more...tml going pizza. THANK AHMA FOR ACCOMPANYING ME..... [edited post] (= SsinyiI @ 1:19 AM
MONday 1.09went to phy. then have phy play games. eat quite alot of thingy! hahas. after that went home with amanda to take my FBT. cuz going to playground to play. but when waiting for 54, we change our mind and we go to tuition. but we did not go on time, instead we reach there around 4.45 but we go up find teacher at around 5 sharp!? hahas then tell teacher that we this week are unable to go except WED which is the normal day de. actually mrs phua called my mum. when i reach home and take my FBT, jux nice the teacher call me. and ask my mum why am i not going for tuition for like last week and why today i never go. is like so diao. so late then u tell my parent!? for wad? anyway after the meeting the teacher, me and amanda went to playground and play again! amanda have a HARD time climbing the stair... and she keep pulling me down.! PAIN~ then finally we reach the playground. then today we meet quite alot of sickening children. as in not that they are sickening, is maybe they are jux too spolit. cuz they totally have no respect to the other. cuz is like when we are climbing, and u shake the whole web still nvm. but got younger children trying their best to climb.YOU keep on shaking, how can they climb! HELLO the playground is not urs OKAY!? then we go home. reach home tell mum that i am too tired to go to tuition last week. anyway i got went home to sleep ok!? then she say only allow u 1 time !!! :P today my 1st auntie come to my hse. bring alot of food.!!! every time after 7th month, she will bring alot food come de lor. but anyway i also not really interested. cuz is like salt, rice,soya sauce. the things that i am interested is only the fruits, soft drinks and nuts. the rest is all my mum take. :) meeting ahma tml. not going chem so tired. meet ahma and eat prawn noodles and go back home le. see my1st auntie sudden have the feeling of eating her prawn noodles. i like her prawn noodles.HER is the best in the world. extra everything and extra money (shegivemelah) too. =) SsinyiI |
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