Monday, July 7 @ 8:38 PM
wake up! bath! went to meet pri sch friend. saw DENNIS on the bus. DENNIS : sorry! never talk to u in the bus. i busy sms. alot thingy to do!!! SORRY!!! went to top up my card first then ask Dennis to go and meet the rest first. Top up my card... meet Dennis , Kelly , Victoria , Nick Lai and Genersis(srydunnoehow2spell) went to acarde. did not play cuz lazy change $ then we dunnnoe where to go. they wanna go amk. i can't go cuz i going to meet hui they all later... pei Kelly , Victoria , Genersis to library Dennis AND Nick Lai go to amk first. cuz Carmen over there le. after borrow the bk i pei them go to mrt station. jux nice amanda reach! she is going to partyworld with us. wait for Huimin , Jocelyn Yow , Wanqin. at the NTUC wait 4 Wanqin! on the way to NTUC , Amanda shout : zhang lang!!!! everyone is shouting : AHH!!!! so funny! the police that is in front turn back and thought wad happen!? we went to NTUC outside wait for the Wanqin! Finally she reach. we went to party world. Wanqin keep drop her thingy. And her mirror BROKE!!!! and we went in!!! Xiner , Chee Kuan , Jin Zhi , Jia Yi is in the other rm. we keep running in the 2 rm... JTXH come!!! she is my baby wolf!!!! i act jay chuo! hahas! with my big jacket. quite high. but in the middle i got abit boring. nothing to sing. and + so cold over there!? then the JTXH dun wanna sing. but i got hear her sing. and she help to take photo/vid. after that we sing together. and went to the bbt. buy fries. and trying to Jwalk. but too many CARS and finally reach home. trying to ask JTXH send me the vid. cannnot open!!!! going to copy from her blog SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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