Monday, May 19 @ 10:48 PM
![]() photo take last time de. when gu not taking our class.... hahas today went out also... hahas bought a shoe $18!! high heel! hahas dunnoe why buy lor.. hahas then come home.. when come home at my hse there the stair there, i turn back and guess what ?? i push until my brother and he drop the whole water melon on the floor. and no choice to make juice out of the water melon! hahas . do homework lor chinese but never do for long. jux pei my brother do her homework! hahas later he use i yesterday night use then he say so unfair for him to use as he think i use more time. yar i use more but i give up my sleeping hour. he never.! fine dun talk about that! then went to sleep! my stupid brother come in and keep ask me question! i am dreaming a very nice dream lor. DUN ASK ME WHAT DREAM IS THAT.... too long forget le. then i very angry lor i scold him! dun ever make me when i am sleeping my mother i also scold my whole family is very scare of me when i am sleeping. hahas! then i smash the door the what duunnoe shit spolit. mother sold me again! hahas continue sleep but cannot sleep le. hahas! wake up bath lor. and use com after that until now. later father come home and sing song. hahas pei him sing. funny! hahas watch the channel U show 9pm de. the guy say to the girl: since you know what is my fav and dis-fav, you must also noe what my feeling to you is not what your feeling to me. i always look and think that u are a talent. last time u go though thing and wanna to give up everything include ur life. you know i save u when u are 15 years old, now i will surely not wanna to see you give up ur life again!. then the girl say: you know that what i feel for you is not what i feel for u when i am 15 years old... then i forget le. hahas! i am going to sleep le. wed is L.E lazy!! why holiday not here yet? work start this sun! SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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