Friday, February 29 @ 6:24 PM
MY COM SPOLIT!!I have nothing to said about!! let me said this...that day i set a ps for my com but the next day it canno be open i am like darm sure about the ps but the com said that my ps is the wrong 1 i am like darm angry!! but i am like have no plan to tell my father about it!! but there is 1 day my uncle come and ask me to on the com but i could not as the com is SPOLIT! i have no choice to said the truth! but to my surprise my father which is also there did not scold us about the com maybe because my bro and i can make spolit 2 com within like 2 years and more is wad he canno believe ba! and he have no want to scold us anymmore as it is not important anymore.! hahas! MY TORTISE IS DIED!! I am terrible sad about that! this time i am not going to tell any1 about this as i think it is nothing to be happy about it that i should tell every1 i noe. i have no hui lin to talk about this anymore. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINYI!! I am not sure if i have a happy birthday this year.but i do get wad i am want lah! THANK YOU TO : AMANDA HUIMIN XINYI JASMINE JOCELYN TRICIA(eventhoughshehavenbuy) LINDA PUIYU YESIN ANDbadmintongalz 4siingingbirthdaysongforme AND my lovely brother!! BUT my mother and father have not celebrate with me as they are going to celebrate for me for the chinese date which is when i am not so sure! hahas! cuz i am not so chinese that i noe all chinese cuz i am only going to have my noodles eatan and some whoo!happening around my hse!! CIP~ i went together with the N. very nice sia i love all the elderly! they are so cute and even funny! they are the best when a person is old or when he/she is young they have not intention to harm any1 or even to hurt any1! wonderful age ! there is 1 uncle(i think) keep falling asleep! and the uncle beside me keep saying bad word about him to me and tricia! he said that sleepy uncle went to gerlang and did somethingy which is like invting a chicken! u should noe wad i mean! hahas i am not sure to do wad and wad i should reply i jux laugh! hahas and said how can he be so bad u see the uncle beside u is unhappy cuz u did not bring him along.! hahas! when we are going back to sch we shake hands with the elderly! their hands are the WARM-est! HAHAS! I AM getting MAD~~~~~~ i am not sure if i am mad! haha! i am like study like siao lor! everythingy is like going abit too good but i fail my phy! i am chaning my eng tuition to the phy tuition!! i dun like the eng class and i think the si fang can help me in my eng so i dun not wants to have anymore eng class and have some help for my phy which i MUST need help! i wonder when i can write again! haiz! need go home le i canno stay at xinyi hse for so long i still not able to do m6 f&n until 6 pages i only got 3 pages! how at least i got somethingy there! hahas bye bye SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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