Monday, January 14 @ 11:20 PM
today monday!i today have my hairband with me! hahas! but still got said by the MR KOK! i have already got my 2 side hair up!i canno live without them! jocelyn yow said wanna cut my 2 side hair off and i said i dun wanna i CAN die! she said also not ask me to cut my own meat i tell u rather cut my meat off then my hair! hahas!:) i can said my hair is NOT the best BUT who WANTS their hair to be cut until out of shape?? hahas! today first lesson is POA mr kok shout at the ja~(dunnoe how to spell yet SORRY) and really loud man! and when i am siting and mr kok knock on my chair and i got hit at my hand there! BUT i am siting like only the 2 leg of chair instead of 4 hahas!=) and i am so worry if i never bring the form that nid to be sign like last week but i forget and i forget to bring TODAY omg why am i so blur without my notebook!? when is the sch going to give us the notebook of the sch man! i dun wanna go waste $ go buy 1 which they will give I THINK soon! (2period) after POA is ENG! today english quite relax! hahas... form a group of 3-5 and choose 3 topic and from this 3 topic and choose 1 topic! and we choose GLOBAL WARMING !! like hear before right!! YES we do that with MR LEE! hahas! and i think he is gone right not sure but i never see him in sch le DUN WANNA TALK ABOUT HIM! and during eng me and amanada and rachel have a great time laughing for something really silly! wad that??...for nothing! hahas! (1period) next lesson is PHY... we went to the lab! and ok lor the lesson quite ok and amanada is telling me she wanna to work dunring holiday! TO AMANADA--> i maybe will go maybe will not i also not sure i nid see how i do for my studies! kelly tell me a joke! i will write after everythingy (2period) RECESS~~ THEN is GEO...geo very funny! the teacher is darm funny and with kaihao and kwokfeng! hahas! so funny! when teacher said cat sch kaihao said they suck THE ****! the whole class is like so! wow he so daring! hahas! (2period) then is CHIN... we do the stupid chineses book lor actually quite ok but not enough time lor! and when gu ask who wanna join the chin new year singing compeition xiner said xuan zi which is really joining and we said XINER too she sing quite good sia actually wanna said jen de but in the end fail! and i also said jocelyn yow cuz after the trip to PARTYWORLD i 'fall' in love with her cute children voice JOCELYN YOW u ROCKz MY WORLD!! (2period) after sch go math tuition by miss tan I DID NOT BRING MY MATHbook! hahas! i am like crazy run here run there!! wanna to borrow MATHbook! finally eileen tell me that tricia which is not going got the book i rush to canteen borrow and in the end dun NID!! haiz after that i went to the library and help them! actually never... PSPS cuz the jocelyn yow and huimin go home le! no one pei me ask them wait for me never wait!! hahas!! THE joke is Mantou and cha sao bao when u hit the mantou and cha sao, why only the cha sao bao cry but mantou never!? cuz cha sao bao got filling filling=feeling! hahas lame!!! kelly told me that NOT me!! hahas SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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