Thursday, January 31 @ 9:24 PM
yesterday grandma come!!!i slp at the living rm! haiz so sleepy i plan to slp early! hahas! =) today have the lanten making session got 1 parent hold my hand!!! i wonder why so funny! hahas! then i got no time to so my lanten!! that amanda and rachel jux sit there only! hahas! XD clear up the library haiz! wednessday 30/01 went to nanyangJC! then go tuition! sleep early tonight!!!! SsinyiI Monday, January 28 @ 9:00 PM
day start by rush for bus!!lesson start with POA... nothing diffrent from last time mr kok said he will be more fierce !!! anyway this got nothing do with me...i have been listening to mr kok... as in i will listen to class! hahas! next lesson ENG mr tan(VP) come to my class during lesson come in and said that we are having not a good lesson cuz we are not listening to the class... and the teacher read out some name said that we are going to band our class! hahas! and my name is read out but the amanda never hear until she thought we are together but in the end we never get together... hahas! rachel amanda and joslyn together in same class diao lor... kaining tell me the name call is si fang! hahas! i also dunnoe anyway i am going to see when got eng and somemore the timetable change again!!! next lesson is PHY my name is call! to answer the question! hahas! i anyhow answer! whoo! hahas! i said B but wrong later i said D but wrong againn the answer is C omg... so funny lor.. then recess... no hac... whoo!recover new year... then GEO my friend all over is all move to the side hahas! then tournament... my brother and mother come to sch yingying said my brother darm cute sia!! really lor my brother cute sia! hahas!! during tournament today is VS k.r ME AND AH MA lose in 1st set the win 2nd set. 3nd set lose by 2 or 4 points! haiz... after tournament... went back hall play awhile... then go home with jen ah ma ying...go BBT first... ying treat me fries! hahas cannot drinl cold drink(younoehuh) hahas! then reach home... bath use com then i will do my HW... hahas!! fine nothing to write le... SsinyiI Sunday, January 27 @ 9:58 PM
today is so sleepy! haven do POA...but i decide to write my blog first.cuz POA only copy and read only all finish le.! hahas!25/01 go and watch boy tournament lor.after watching i lose my huimin ahma belinde kaining went to bbt then i suddenly find out i canno find my wallet is like wad the hell i CANNNO lose my wallet! inside got my most important thingy student pass! IF I LOSE my mother sure cane me to death! but she very long never cane me le.hahas! then we are go back to sch! when reach hall is like canno find lor i started to feel like crying and i really cry lor i scared wad! hahas! darm funny when i think it now.! hahas! and we went to the office and ah ma and huimin ask the dunnoe who and VP come out said got my wallet! i am like 'really good oh my wallet' BUT i am like tears all over my face and VP ask me why i cry! hahas! i said cuz my mother will scold me lor.! hahas! and he said the dong pic is my bf! i am like NO if it is real..(hahas) really thank huimin and ah ma they run back and also thank belinde and kaiing come back with me...and after that we went to bbt again! and i am like cheating ah ma and huimin by saying 'where is my wallet' they said 'wad again?' i am like laughing ! 26/01 today wake up early but in the end they said my uncle will be fetching us ! but in the end never when i am at the checkpoint i am at the diffrent line with my father mother brother.and i am like slower and my father is like NAGGING me lor.said wad it is already late but u noe wad when we reach there is like we are already the second to reach!!! my 4th uncle family reach first then my father the 2nd then the first aunt with my first uncle and my small aunt famiy come.last is my 3th and small uncle family reach! today is 5 uncle and aunt birthday! 50 year old!! hahas! i wana sit with my small uncle lor but is like they come so late we thought they will come first! but never! i really not very close with the 4 and 3 uncle family! got one the 4 uncle family got 1 girl keep like looking at me lor siao de she look at me i look but she like dunnoe cuz i am looking at my mother u noe like look from the side! hahas! then i decide to look into her eye so i look at her in the like 'i dun like u look at me' that type of eye! she is like dun dare to look back at me cuz i am older than her ba! i am the older at the table! HAHAS! i am older and i am like nothing to tok to them cuz i and my brother is same with my 5 uncle family live in singapore de mostly and they are like hardly even got the chance to go singapore so is like nothing to tok! they tok mostly on chinese! hahas! time to go home.hahas! is like jam my uncle said send us to the checkpoint is so far! actually not far but is like jam cuz in front got ppl car crush! is like wu lao the police will not make us go another way make eveyone jam there! haiz is like jam for 1 hour more! haiz and at that point of time i am wana to go to the toliet but with no chance i have to wait from 11 something wait until 2am! omg when i finally reach my hse i am a relieve! hahas finally slp asap! hahas 27/01 wake up 1 do hw and do hw nothing more POA haven finish got to go and do! whooooooo SsinyiI iwillstarttodowadevericanforu Thursday, January 24 @ 11:02 PM
today is 24/01i am really busy nowaday! thingy i got to do 1) 2)timetable for HUIMIN 3)LARTERN MAKING COMPEITION 4)all the test and homework(iamtryingtoabletofinishwadeverihave) 5)MORE TO COME... see actually not cuz some finish le by the time year day card for the teacher (MY 2 AND MORE YEARS IN GYSS iamALWAYSgivingGUtheNEWYEARCARD) i join library CUZ i also dunnoe... THE up-coming event for me is... THIS SAT i going oversea lor.MY aunt and uncle having their BIRTHDAY PARTY actually going for the sun party too but my father said too rush so jux give hongbao can le.! HAHAS!:) TODAY badminton i try really hard to run finish my 10 round! but in the end coaach ask me stop so i un 9 round then i also dunnoe i really dunnoe my tears jux drop...i think 2 reason is first fianlly finish secondly i think is like why is coach thinking i cannno finish the 10 round but my leg is darm pain sia before that we are at the gym i train my leg cuz i try the 150kg! darm heavy but i am able to bring it up AWHILE only! badminton tournament although we lose but i think we try our best le lah! our last chance the K.R sch! i dunnoe the name but i noe start with K and C.hahas!:) i think on the mon i am not going to be the ppl that will be like vs the other sch ba. hahas! dunnoe is good or bad! so sleepy! today! i wanna go slp tml got chem test i really very sleepy for kim classs her class is like so !!! i stay here only for like mmm...10 min i sleepy le! and somemore i phy and chem is her student!! hahas!:) today O'level result come out.! our sch is 7 point! lower! whoo! i can like 15 very happy le! i will work hard de! JIAYOU!whoo! SsinyiI tml chem test!! hope i pass!! JIAYOU! Wednesday, January 16 @ 10:31 PM
today wednesday!lazy to said all the period! jux said wad is really happening lor! oh ya i have to bring green file for my SOCIAL STUDIES if not -marks FROM CA! haiz! today PE i play volleyball! haiz mmm.... today the MR han looking at me fine i am much more heavy NOW! i cannot believe! haiz! tournament coming next mon! whoo! i wonder wad will happen! coach also dun seem to have any... haiz! but i will jyjy maybe too late sia! hahas the en cheng never add me i am waiting! never i must sleep le really so sleepy! today the tuition darm nice the teacher is like siick sia i first time go she sick but she teach really quite good sia! hahas!:) today on the way home i am like saying and making amanda joke! hahas! and when we are at the bus interchange she laugh until like siao somemore in front alot of the ppl and when we get out of the MRT we are like saying some joke and we also laugh like siao i laugh until i stomach that still nornaml i laugh until i canno stand striaght! hahas! darm funny! hahas and we are like moving in the funny way! shake shake! hahas! time to sleep and pack my baggy! hahas!(= Tuesday, January 15 @ 10:23 PM
today is tuesday! hahas! =)thingy that happen today! today i take 410 the same at 6.30am...and i got a sms from jen said that if i am going to take the same bus with her...i said maybe and really i saw her! hahas! talk lor nothing to do so sleepy today.THIS morning i can hardly wake up! hahas! i think my mother shake me before i woke up! today is like darm a maybe FUNNY STRANGE day 4 ME!! A such mmm... strange start for a day! during morning asp AMANDA YOU that sit behind me pull and drag her bag and the sound produce is like FART sound! then i am like turn back and look at her then i am like thinking chey and when i turn back to the front alot of the ppl turn back and look at me THEY THINK I FART!!!and this time amanda continue to drag her bag! i was like...wanna to shout NOT ME!! I DID NOT FART!!! i swear and wanna find a hole and hide inside! hahas!:) then the kwokfeng and kaining is like saying '' OMG SINYI HOW CAN U FART !! SO SMELLY!" i am like so tryig to explain! they both noe is not me but they are trying to like make fun of me! so funny wad a nice start of the day that make me really woke up! hahas!:) ENG the 1 period! nothing lor thing we do is ANSWER some question CHECK cca and NOTHING... F&N...we cook like pineapple rice! darm nice i love cooking man! but not writing! hahas! shit i dunnoe how much the book cost?? die AFTER CHECKING WITH AMANDA WHEN WRITING THIS F&N...miss ang never said hahas! recess!! eat the rice me and rachel cook! PINEAPPLE RICE! WHOO!! CHIN!! do correction and newpaper! MATH.!! ok lor do some correction and homework checking and learn 2 more law!! hahas!!!! CHEM!! draw the darm graph! so small so long and i am like count until siao! hahas! but i finish before rachel do! i am miss kim said how to do she tell me if i have textbook? and i said I DO! hahas! she said find in the textbook lor so i did and i find the answer! hahas before badminton...after eating i go locker take my clothes and i canno find i am like going all over the sch shouting WHICH PREVET TAKE MY CLOTHES??!!! AND FINALLY U NOE WHO IS THE PREVET?? CHONG HUIMIN!! she take my clothes and she change first! hahas! and she never tell me! hahas!:) during badminton...we today quite relax but i play like 11 round of badminton! my leg darm pain sia but i now noe more about the moving of the count! hahas! leg pain sia but i will contiue! whoo! after huimin ama go to BBT! eat drink and tok! hahas!on the way home i saw jen and kaining!! so take bus together! mmm! nothing le lor reach home...bath and dry my hair and do hw and trying to ask amanda how much to pay for the tuition tml! hahas!:) and write my blog and nothing le lor wanna slp early today! hahas! so tired!!i wanna slp le!! good night Monday, January 14 @ 11:20 PM
today monday!i today have my hairband with me! hahas! but still got said by the MR KOK! i have already got my 2 side hair up!i canno live without them! jocelyn yow said wanna cut my 2 side hair off and i said i dun wanna i CAN die! she said also not ask me to cut my own meat i tell u rather cut my meat off then my hair! hahas!:) i can said my hair is NOT the best BUT who WANTS their hair to be cut until out of shape?? hahas! today first lesson is POA mr kok shout at the ja~(dunnoe how to spell yet SORRY) and really loud man! and when i am siting and mr kok knock on my chair and i got hit at my hand there! BUT i am siting like only the 2 leg of chair instead of 4 hahas!=) and i am so worry if i never bring the form that nid to be sign like last week but i forget and i forget to bring TODAY omg why am i so blur without my notebook!? when is the sch going to give us the notebook of the sch man! i dun wanna go waste $ go buy 1 which they will give I THINK soon! (2period) after POA is ENG! today english quite relax! hahas... form a group of 3-5 and choose 3 topic and from this 3 topic and choose 1 topic! and we choose GLOBAL WARMING !! like hear before right!! YES we do that with MR LEE! hahas! and i think he is gone right not sure but i never see him in sch le DUN WANNA TALK ABOUT HIM! and during eng me and amanada and rachel have a great time laughing for something really silly! wad that??...for nothing! hahas! (1period) next lesson is PHY... we went to the lab! and ok lor the lesson quite ok and amanada is telling me she wanna to work dunring holiday! TO AMANADA--> i maybe will go maybe will not i also not sure i nid see how i do for my studies! kelly tell me a joke! i will write after everythingy (2period) RECESS~~ THEN is GEO...geo very funny! the teacher is darm funny and with kaihao and kwokfeng! hahas! so funny! when teacher said cat sch kaihao said they suck THE ****! the whole class is like so! wow he so daring! hahas! (2period) then is CHIN... we do the stupid chineses book lor actually quite ok but not enough time lor! and when gu ask who wanna join the chin new year singing compeition xiner said xuan zi which is really joining and we said XINER too she sing quite good sia actually wanna said jen de but in the end fail! and i also said jocelyn yow cuz after the trip to PARTYWORLD i 'fall' in love with her cute children voice JOCELYN YOW u ROCKz MY WORLD!! (2period) after sch go math tuition by miss tan I DID NOT BRING MY MATHbook! hahas! i am like crazy run here run there!! wanna to borrow MATHbook! finally eileen tell me that tricia which is not going got the book i rush to canteen borrow and in the end dun NID!! haiz after that i went to the library and help them! actually never... PSPS cuz the jocelyn yow and huimin go home le! no one pei me ask them wait for me never wait!! hahas!! THE joke is Mantou and cha sao bao when u hit the mantou and cha sao, why only the cha sao bao cry but mantou never!? cuz cha sao bao got filling filling=feeling! hahas lame!!! kelly told me that NOT me!! hahas SsinyiI Sunday, January 13 @ 8:15 PM
now have been sch for 2 weeks! my fav class is F&N. hahas!!IMPORTANT::::: there is something strange about sch!! i saw like a WHOLE LONG STRING of flys been like hang together!! it is darm disgecting!! MY HAIR also stand man! when a look on it i feel like so wanna to DIE!! i tell u now when i am walking in sch i will look at the wall before i even step 1 step out!! imagin~ if u are walking HAPPILY toward the canteen and u are already hungry to DEATH! and suddenly u saw a string of flyS wad will u think! at that point if time i really canno eat anythingy DOWN man! HAHAS! ANd on mon u will see me with my hairband and my hair all up !! that day i have been caught by the HOD! haiz! jux becoz of my 2 hair coming down beside my face!! i will said that my face is SUPER big! so i nid that 2 hair to look smaller!(but i dun think that help!) hahas! and actually i dun really care but if dun have feel STRANG la! hahas!but u will noe how i look like on MON!! on 12/01 i go out with HUIMIN JOCELYNyow XINER& partyworld and acarde! hahas! acarde is darm funny! funland now got the punching de game then me and huimin hit until the whole thingy spolit!! so funny !! first time play first time play until spolit!!! hahas! partyworld is the first time i sing so ME!! as in i sing the best of me man! but i like it i love to sing very seriously with all HUILIN!! hahas! huimin is trying to get high but i am really!! CANNO HIGH MAN!! cuz really first reason is they are boy i cant be so high with BOY if it is really close to me! second reason i dunnoe them man! HAHAS! today i am like so dunnoe wad to do so boring my father ask me where the he will pass anot actually i should have tell him I BELIEVE U WILL! but jux cannno said it out man! hahas! but i said IF U NEVER I WILL HIT UR BUTT BUTT! hahas!:) we going out to eat fo dinner YEAH!! hahas! oh ya i will be having tuition with AMANADA on wed 4 math AND maybe sat 4 ENG! hahas!:) SsinyiI Thursday, January 10 @ 11:22 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUIMIN!!time2matureuppXD happy birthday huimin! do u like the present?? we have a good time celebrate huimin birthday! hahas! and again we play CREAM ON THE FACE!! hahas!:) lucky i did not get that much on my face like HUIMIN do!!! hahas! and somemore IN SCHOOL!hahas! actually i get some cake on my shirt cuz when yicong or dunnnoe who push and HUIMIN this lady here throw the piece of CHOCOLATE & CREAM on ME.!! and so i got CHOCOLATE & CREAM on my SHIRT! hahas! so many ppl today man! and i can said IS TIME I PUSH UP MY SOCK on my ACTING! hahas! the cake and all photo will be upload until huimin upload! hahas! cuz she got i think all the photo in her hp! AND after all the playing and getting present she WENT HOME..& celebrate with her sister!! hahas never mind lah! but why u dun wanna go BADMINTON!! about wad happen a fewday ago... i tell my math teacher that i forget to bring my HOLIDAY HOMEWORK but actually when i get home i find out that i DID bring it to SCH but i did not see it as it is cover by my TIMETABLE!!i feel really so...DUNNOE.!! THIS IS THE MOST I THINNK I I NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG AND GET SCOLDED but this i got to blame myself for not seeing it lor. NO ONE to be blame!! hahas! i wanna slp le!! so tired from badminton!! hahas! Sunday, January 6 @ 9:59 PM
today is SUNDAY! sec 3 life i ok lor... but the first project i get is POA de...!our tearm name is J.A.R.S equal. JOCELYN AMANDA RACHEL SINYI. i wonder when rachel think of that! hahas! and we dunnoe wad we going sell! hahas! i going get a locker but i hope i get the ideal place i wana! mmm... sec 3 life is jux a start for me!! a new start!! i dunnoe wad will happen in the later part mmm!!! nothing much happen beside boring in sch!! oh ya!! SCHOOL RULEz!! i hear that the new vp is darm strict de!! why so strict i thought he very good de? keep smile!! haiz!! scary man!! i have buy new sock! hahas! bigging de!! hahas! bigging sock only! hahas SsinyiI pack BAG!!! whahahas! Thursday, January 3 @ 9:32 PM
SECOND DAY OF SCH!!mmm...i today slp later then normal day today morning raining so no check!! hahas! shit i dun have long sock le..! hahas! i am going gid for sock le!! hahas! today i am like so guai in class!! so quiet the class! i wonder tml i will take wad time de bus see wad time i wake up i sure will wake late tml cuz i slp nap today!! hahas! i from 4 something slp until 7!! hahas! my bro book still canno be find!! hahas! dun care him! who ask him dun wanna to make sure his book must be keep properly! hahas! i am buying locker hahas! my father very funny he ask me if i nid a locker he ask me!! hahas! actually me and my father is not that close!! i remember he carry me when i am young i like him carry me but i am older now... he is never been that close like we are...but i will try! hahas! when i nid $!!! hahas! kidding...i wanna go watch show le...whoo!! hahas SsinyiI Wednesday, January 2 @ 11:40 PM
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOLtoday first day of sch!!! hahas! i noe quite many of them...but never tok so much me and rachel is like so boring...but i think when we get along for a longer time maybe we will tok more ba... hahas! first day of sch like is a new start!! cuz is like so like sec 1 only noe more ppl! hahas! today the whole class so quiet during math... the teacher is like saying i dun like to be stare... wu lao my bro the chinese textbook dunnoe go where le...almak!! haiz my mother blame me i last time still got see until!! haiz dunnoe the HELL book go where angry!! i GOT buy the book~~ wu lao my bro de book lose he go throw my file siao de sometime he angry really canno said him... sometime i jux canno stand his TEMPER!hahas!! i dun care him for this matter le..! now is make until i canno slp!!! cuz his book is LOSE in my rm!! haiz!! i am like i WANNA TO slp but i CANNO!!! HAIZ!! |
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