Thursday, November 1 @ 11:05 PM
wake up at 12!! actually i wake up 2 times.!! hahas! but 12 actually i wanna continue to slp de..but hor mama toking on phone laugh...and is like so loud!! loud until i wake up!! and make me dream of dunnoe of type of laughing creature have come to our hse!! hahas! =) after wake up and brush my teeth and start to go to the kichen and see if got anythingy that i can eat de..and i find one bowl of noodles with one chisken wing ... hahas and to a very hungry person !! it is like omg!! WHY SO GOOD TO ME!! hahas! i noe that that bowl of noodles is papa ever eat finish de..but who care mama haven cook my share!! so i jux..!! yummy!! i mean the chicken! hahas!! and after i eat finsih mama also tok finish le!! hahas and i tell her i eat the noodles and she said AIYO... then i laugh! and wait until after mama go fetch my bro home..i play com and bro come home said he wanna use com!! and so a 24h sister sure let him use..unless i really got somethingy to do which need the com! hahas! and nothing better to do and after like 1h+ bro never use le i ask him let me use...after like 5 min of begging he get out if the chair i use com!! yeah!! whoo! and i use until like 5 something i mean 6 somethingy! hahas! =) and later bro use lor..and nothing tv until i got the chance to write blog!! hahasmmm!!...then nothing happen today i ask huimin if she going ying ying chalet anot...she said maybe ba..i wanna stay overnight but lazy sia!! hahas!! =) fine i will go more liky!! hahas! =) yeah i look forward man!! hahas keke!! holiday is getting more more more boring man!! staying at home whole day long nothing to do except com com also canno level up!! omg i fainting man!! i rather go sch study at least more fun! hahas =) can play and do alot thingy with frenx! nicer...hahas... today huimin tell me that she read my blog!! omg.. how i hope she did not read my blog man!! holiday nothing to do so writing out with i feel un blog is jux the only joy man!! but the feeling of someone reading it and the person i write is reading wad i read is like... so funny lor..hahas!! huimin said she dunnoe that i love her so much!! pui!! love her as a frens said i until like i like gal!! I LIKE THE OTHER ONE KK!!>wangdongcheng!!...hahas... seeing my sheldule..! next month seem to be more nice..coz go badminton training and gor gor wedding and like more going out..and like need go auntie hsee( maybe i not sure..) and jux i love dec and christmaS! i have starting thinking of christmas le..i love halloween and christmas! it is so nice..but too bad singapore dun have SNOW!!..i have never touch snow! hahas!! i hope i can touch snow!! hahas!! =) SsinyiI snow lover yeah =) |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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