Thursday, November 29 @ 11:10 PM
eHAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!e PAPA=)YYYtoday is papa birthday! hahas! early in the morning eat the noodles! hahas! and with 2 hard-bolided egg.hahas! full! but a while only! hahas! then work and work until 5 something!!! hahas! then same go to the thosam plaza with OH xinyi and today eat the laksa! yummy but the soup too little le!! hahas! and later i buy prawn nugget! yummy too and walk walk walk with OHxinyi lor nothing de! hahas! and went home afterward!... use com and watch the mo nv youxi! darm nice! hahas! oh ya yesterday got the class photo le! no comment! library book is so many many! hahas! SsinyiI Tuesday, November 27 @ 11:30 PM
so slppy!! i wanna slp!!today go libray and wake up at 8!! omg!! so tired take out all the book!!! wow!! i dunnoe that our library got quite alot of book man!! hahas!! so nice !!! today when i call xinyi if she can come down the library now..and as u noe my hp the sound very loud and when xinyi scold me i mean like jux toking about louder!! hahas!!! and mrs wong hear!! hahas@! so funny!! hahas! darm funny! and i like so psps!! hahas!! KEKE!! XINY: dun worry i dun think mrs wong will remember it!! relaz!! hahas! and plz dun shout at me again!! hahas!! after that same go XINYI hse!! hahas! and watch the show darm nice is about detetive de clever the child!!! the Q!! hahas whoo~~~BUT xinyi plz tell me the show name can or url!?? plz if not i canno continue! tyty!!! =) and at about 5.30 me and xinyi start to leave hse and go tp(thosam plaza) for DINNER(xinyi) LUNC(me) hahas!! and we walk and see see! until 7 somethingy!! i reach home about 7.30!! and my mother call me 16 over times!! hahas!! and i ask xinyi to tok to her and my mother believe and is the real lor..hahas!! but i like going xinyi hse...very freedom! hahas!! right XINYI? i wanna go slp le lah!! hahas!! SsinyiI Monday, November 26 @ 11:09 PM
today i slp until 2 pm then wake up!! hahas!! play com again lor nothing lor but today do the SPOP HUARRY!!quite nice!! hahas!!! so many song!!! but only noe same!! hahas!! JJ look good today JOVIN SURE WATCH JJPART BA!!hahas!! today play KO and a fren call rachel tok to me!! and she is the only one till now tok to me alot de fren!!! omg finally someone same with me com canno read chinese!! hahas!! hope she add me soon!! and she give me this website!! frh : i join le!! hahas! nice man!! hahas!!! so slppy!! i tml go sch!! dunnoe do wad..hahas!! SsinyiI Friday, November 23 @ 11:19 PM
today wake up at like 10 lor coz i like dunnoe why oh ya wanna go toliet so wake up!! hahas!! true!! i swear !! hahas and then i wake up and find my mother is NOT at HOME...omg dun think wrongly!! my mother go out lah!! hahas!! and first time i wake up my brother is NOT playing com!! hahas!! becoz i wake up really early today!! hahas!! oh ya i wanna update my love SHOW.. 1)goong 2)goong S 3)zhong ji yi jia 4)zhong ji yi ban 5)zhuan jiao yu dao ai 6)smile pasta 7)it started with a kiss 8)hei tan ma qi tuo 9)xun yi cai *NEW* nice man!! i like the song hua xiang!! url: if u wanna watch the music video: url: nice lor!! darm darm NICE!! (but this vid like very blur!!) i will find better de or in youtube!! hahas!! i re-watch the whole show in youtube!! so nice lavender!! i love this flower!! purple now a day i am crazy of purple! hahas!! ![]() nice hor?? i also dunnoe purple rox!! hahas!! today go out with mama to buy shoes but dun have my size!! sad!! and next i sms huimin and ask why she call me and later she tell me that she is at J8!! so i went!! i nid a shirt to be able to wear to gor gor wedding!! hahas!! i nid it badly!! hahas!! huimin u must help me!! i noe is very diffcult!! hahas!! oh ya i wanna upload some photo that i did not upload the other time!! hahas!! arh!! dun have psps!! hahas!! holiday is getting VERY VERY boring!!! watch tv!!!!!! and slp!!!! huimin hse canno go le!! they all not free!!!! my go out feeling is all BOMB disappear le!! hahas!! SsinyiI boringHOLIDAY=)Thursday, November 22 @ 4:45 PM
that day load de is the feilunhai de..!! i like that song man!! so nice!! feilunhai roox!! and hor that day i watch romantic princess!! show i like is getting more and more that somethingy good!! showS that i like ARE: 1)goong 2)goong S 3)zhong ji yi jia 4)zhong ji yi ban 5)zhuan jiao yu dao ai 6)smile pasta 7)it started with a kiss 8)hei tan ma qi tuo i wonder no.7 when is coming out...i have been waiting for so LONG!!hahas!! jiro is getting a gf in the no.7(2) i mean acting de..hahas!! i wanna watch no.7!! and no.8 also quite good is like so funny!!! and WANG ZI!! quite handsome and xinyi is getting crazy about HIM!! but not as crazy as i am to jiro!! hahas!! but if u ask her to sing wang zi de song she can sing abit.!! hahas!! but i like jiro more and luo zhi xiang!! hahas!! my brother said he wanna to play audition oh yeah!! so good good brother!! hahas and he have quite maple becoz his friend the MASCUS have hack his acc!! wu lao lor..darm brother trust him so much and tell him the password all this jux becoz he said he wanna to play spearman!! and he see my brother got so many mesos and take all his thingy away!! dun let me meet him!! hahas!!! even shirt also take away!! so wad lor...i wanna tell him IF U ARE MY BROTHER AND UR MESOS AND THINGY IS ALL TAKEN AWAY BY SOMEONE U TRUST WILL U LIKE BE HAPPY??AND WILL PPL TRUST U AGAIN!!! so bad lor..!! he!! dun wanna tok about this person again! and my brother will not be friend with this type of ppl again!! hate U.. Monday, November 19 @ 12:09 AM
Wednesday, November 14 @ 11:26 PM
nowaday is busy work!! working is not easy but i believe i will do my best hahas!! flyer!! now i put flyer into ppl hse very pro le hahasyesterday ah ma come my hse i mean my grandma come my hse..and i am now slping in living rm...actually quite good !! i can use com at night until very late but hor my BONE pain sia!! nvm fun!! hahas slping in the living rm mean i got BIGGER rm..hahas making my ownself feel better hahas... grandma only sit at home and watch tv lor i try to tok to her but nothing to tok lor...mmm... i will try de...and i will try my best to tok to her...i ask her if she wanna eat this eat that... today auntie bring green bean soup for us and she bought my fav cheese!!!i like to eat cheese alot lor..hahas!! so nice lor..and alot of coffee sweet and more..hahas!! and she bought some like oil or wad for my mother to grandma said how thoughtful!! i also said YEA!! HAHAS...for the cheese!! THANK YOU AUNTIE!! i wanna slp early tonight..but i am slping in living rm canno slp early!! haiz!! now the show showing the ICE-CREAM!! i love special ice cream!! ice cream cake!! omg so nice..i got saw one wad ice cream with biscuit like very nice lor...i wanna try it out but no chance i think quite far awhile le..!T_T :( the show said wad last time got ppl make poem to show eating ice cream PRO PRO PRO working make me start to noe spending $ is easy but earn $ is diffcult!!! com like got pro!!i mean problem not pro..hahas!! the internet like keep awhile can awhile canno...haiz scare got problem!! SsinyiI iwillnottreatmyteddybearbadlyagain=) Saturday, November 10 @ 11:23 PM
work for about 2 day and give away 2k flyer...yeah!! and continue work next week...dun wanna tok about this ... i will wanna remember today gone to auntie hse..and u noe wad happen the son!!U noe wad happen?? when we are like watching the show...the hokeike(dunnoehowtospell),he ask me if i understand...then i said that i only understand abit...and my auntie 3 son all understand.And he go and tell the mother and in front of eveyone said that i do not understand, make me lose face in front of eveyone.NEXT,when we are eating he said that he hear from his mother that i can really eat..At first i really think he is joking so i said yes.And he said that i should not eat so much if i am not that type of ppl that no matter eat how much also will not fat de.NEXT, when me and his younger brother is play PS2, i am losing and i not very good at playing it as it is the first time play that game.and he come in and said that who is the idoit that think she have alot of life and keep go infront and let ppl kill,who is that idoit? i am really so anygry and sad that i almost wanna cry lor...then i never play for the rest of the game.. and my mother said he like to joke and i tell my mother eveyone have a limit to take joke...and he is like insult me in front of eveyone.And u noe how he tell me all this...he look at me and said in that type of looking down of my EYE...and said all this infront of eveyone... i cry in bus of all becoz this insult!! but my mother jux keep saying he is jux being funny and joking with me and said he also do that to the brother but when to the brother is not like they will be laugh by eveyone and i am not even his who i have not BLOOD RELACTIONSHIP with him lor coz he is my mother sister i tell my mother i am not really so close to him lor.And i hate the way he look at me..looking down of me!! i hate it man!! actually i wanna to like tok back de if he is not my auntie son i will!! so angry!!! i hate him!!! i will remember forever!! SsinyiI iwillnotFORGIVEthosewholookdownonME Saturday, November 3 @ 11:55 PM
today never go out with bro to bishan park... but go with tricia they all and go for the job!! nice man! by thinking i think is very easy! but i think there is no job that are easy ba..hahas! =) hope i can learn somethingy from they and also earn so money!! that is enough and can give my mama some..she alway complain with me said money not now i tell her said i going use this money to buy my own thingy! hahas..when get my first salary i will give her go to the downstair !! lucky draw yeah!! never draw until me...hahas! =) i tell u i never get somethingy from lucky draw before...for my 14 more year of life..hahas!! maybe i now never zhong but next time dun nid work eveyday zhong hahas =) kidding i prefer working and earn own money coz i believe the feeling of spending one own hard earn money is the best!! hahas!! =) so sleepy!! wanna go slp le.. oh ya... and sry guys i may not be able to go for the chalet coz my work is crushing with the chalet..but i will try to finish wad my job!! i promise!! SsinyiI workingmaybeFUN?.? Friday, November 2 @ 11:26 PM
yoyo!! hahas today go library with huimin !! go library > and go eat!! hahas! =) and nothing same same nothing to do everyday!! i haven start doing hw..but soon! hahas! dun feel like writing today!! veri tired!! hahaspart time i wanna SsinyiI teddybear Thursday, November 1 @ 11:05 PM
wake up at 12!! actually i wake up 2 times.!! hahas! but 12 actually i wanna continue to slp de..but hor mama toking on phone laugh...and is like so loud!! loud until i wake up!! and make me dream of dunnoe of type of laughing creature have come to our hse!! hahas! =) after wake up and brush my teeth and start to go to the kichen and see if got anythingy that i can eat de..and i find one bowl of noodles with one chisken wing ... hahas and to a very hungry person !! it is like omg!! WHY SO GOOD TO ME!! hahas! i noe that that bowl of noodles is papa ever eat finish de..but who care mama haven cook my share!! so i jux..!! yummy!! i mean the chicken! hahas!! and after i eat finsih mama also tok finish le!! hahas and i tell her i eat the noodles and she said AIYO... then i laugh! and wait until after mama go fetch my bro home..i play com and bro come home said he wanna use com!! and so a 24h sister sure let him use..unless i really got somethingy to do which need the com! hahas! and nothing better to do and after like 1h+ bro never use le i ask him let me use...after like 5 min of begging he get out if the chair i use com!! yeah!! whoo! and i use until like 5 something i mean 6 somethingy! hahas! =) and later bro use lor..and nothing tv until i got the chance to write blog!! hahasmmm!!...then nothing happen today i ask huimin if she going ying ying chalet anot...she said maybe ba..i wanna stay overnight but lazy sia!! hahas!! =) fine i will go more liky!! hahas! =) yeah i look forward man!! hahas keke!! holiday is getting more more more boring man!! staying at home whole day long nothing to do except com com also canno level up!! omg i fainting man!! i rather go sch study at least more fun! hahas =) can play and do alot thingy with frenx! nicer...hahas... today huimin tell me that she read my blog!! omg.. how i hope she did not read my blog man!! holiday nothing to do so writing out with i feel un blog is jux the only joy man!! but the feeling of someone reading it and the person i write is reading wad i read is like... so funny lor..hahas!! huimin said she dunnoe that i love her so much!! pui!! love her as a frens said i until like i like gal!! I LIKE THE OTHER ONE KK!!>wangdongcheng!!...hahas... seeing my sheldule..! next month seem to be more nice..coz go badminton training and gor gor wedding and like more going out..and like need go auntie hsee( maybe i not sure..) and jux i love dec and christmaS! i have starting thinking of christmas le..i love halloween and christmas! it is so nice..but too bad singapore dun have SNOW!!..i have never touch snow! hahas!! i hope i can touch snow!! hahas!! =) SsinyiI snow lover yeah =) |
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