Tuesday, October 30 @ 11:05 PM
yesterday never post!! this wad happen yesterday:yesterday i went out about 11 or 10 something go buy xinyi cake...pic of cake will be upload soon!! must wait until huimin or rachel ba!!the escape pic also will upload soon!! hope soon!!after buying cake.>chocolate< i went home and without resting or even drink water i went to xinyi hse there and meet rachel and jocelyn!rachell miss BUSS!!me and jocelyn wait for her at bus stop!! and i am so like...tembling when i am taking the cake...so i decide to let jocelyn to take the cake..and she is like take the cake and bang thing like chair..so scaring!! hahas!! rachel and jocelyn buy 6 rota patra..when to xinyi hse..huimin tell me she and jovin meet at shop and save at 12.10..and i keep on tell jocelyn wrong said 2.10!!hahas..so psps!!and later huimin and jovin reach and we started by eating and watch the cd rachel bring..it is so nice funny and torching too!!hahas!!the girl i mean women is much more older than me but much more shorter than me!!whaha!!finally got ppl older than jocelyn is shorter than her!!hahas!!kidding!! and later we eat alot alot of thingy eat until eveyone is so FULL..hahas! then later we eat birthday cake..is like so funny!!and the JOCELYN YOW ZI HUI go and start putting cream on everyone face except xinyi and jovin!!no ppl dare put on their face!!hahas!=) and after all the playing we started to go home...hahas..but ah ma and huimin and rachell said they wanna go playground..which i canno go coz i need to rush to hospital!! after coming back from xinyi hse i bath and change and eat and rush to hospital!!so tired!!hahas!! and i go down the wrong stop!! haiz! and reach there...gor gor look good but tube is place all over his both hands!!but he can even joke now...so such be very good!!hahas!! sleepy!! then come home..mama not feeling really well!she vomit!! omg but nothing i can do!! haiz!! today!!:::::::: today play com whole day but until 6 something!! hahas!! and vid call with xinyi!! hahahs!!...so boring to be in holiday and if i canno go out!! or not going out...! hahass i shall ask xinyi if she wanna go library tml but must go early cuz i wanna go there read as i canno borrow!! now go ask and slp!! bb!!! SsinyiI agalthatjuxwakeup |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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