Wednesday, October 31 @ 11:03 PM
today wake up very late!! i mean much later than pervious day!!!!!! i wake up at 10 something!!! and check my hp coz wanna check if xinyi can go library anot!and she said she can!! then i wait for her to sms me before i leave hse coz i sure cann reach library faster then her..she will like walk very slowly!!i noe her de..i became clever after so many time of going library with her!! hahas! =) and we reach there about 12 somthingy!! hahas! and i read a book finish le she haven!! make me wait for her so long man!! hahas! =) i count how many ppl cross the brigde from j8 to carpark!! and how many ppl Jwalk!! so funny!! so many ppl Jwalk lor...i said a person which leg is like until canno walk properly!! then i so like worry for the guy!! he like canno walk properly le still wanna Jwalk!! luckily he is able to walk pass the road without any thingy happen!! hahas! =) after then finally xinyi get tired and we went to eat and went to comic colection and mini toons!! hahas!! and we like wlk very long sia..and later when to acarde!! and we play the hit hit hit de...(dunnoe name of the machine!) and later our fav game the finding diffrence!! love it man!! by why must 16...not very sure!!but vid game must be 16 above..hahas! DUN care!!we still play but we still not above to go to even 3nd!! haiz never mind we will try harder!! hahas! =)after that go home..and so!! nothing better to do!! haiz!! and think of ying ying chalet!! dunnoe whether to go anot or staying overnight anot..15 confim going malaysia!! coz gor gor WEDDING yeah!! hahas!! =) dunnnoe whether going anot..wait for xinyi wad she think!! hahas! =)hahas! i am thinking why when now i play audi i alway cool de..why before holiday is like great and perfect but now is like cool all the way!! haiz!! why!! why!! why!! anyone tell me! i wanna go play audi le!! and who play audi at deep night!! plz tag me..!!tyty and today is halloween! so happy i love halloween i hope next time when i am older or maybe when i can like earn $ i will have a halloween party sleepover man!! so that eveyone can come with diffrent coustom and no need of thinking going back at night and can play whole night and at night we jux change into sleepover night party man!! that nice right!! and eveyone sleep together at night and tok about thingy like idol or thing that happen which is funny!! good friend together!! thinking of it make me high!! hahas!! hope so lor..!! hahas =) SsinyiI holidaymood!! Tuesday, October 30 @ 11:05 PM
yesterday never post!! this wad happen yesterday:yesterday i went out about 11 or 10 something go buy xinyi cake...pic of cake will be upload soon!! must wait until huimin or rachel ba!!the escape pic also will upload soon!! hope soon!!after buying cake.>chocolate< i went home and without resting or even drink water i went to xinyi hse there and meet rachel and jocelyn!rachell miss BUSS!!me and jocelyn wait for her at bus stop!! and i am so like...tembling when i am taking the i decide to let jocelyn to take the cake..and she is like take the cake and bang thing like scaring!! hahas!! rachel and jocelyn buy 6 rota patra..when to xinyi hse..huimin tell me she and jovin meet at shop and save at 12.10..and i keep on tell jocelyn wrong said 2.10!! psps!!and later huimin and jovin reach and we started by eating and watch the cd rachel is so nice funny and torching too!!hahas!!the girl i mean women is much more older than me but much more shorter than me!!whaha!!finally got ppl older than jocelyn is shorter than her!!hahas!!kidding!! and later we eat alot alot of thingy eat until eveyone is so FULL..hahas! then later we eat birthday like so funny!!and the JOCELYN YOW ZI HUI go and start putting cream on everyone face except xinyi and jovin!!no ppl dare put on their face!!hahas!=) and after all the playing we started to go home...hahas..but ah ma and huimin and rachell said they wanna go playground..which i canno go coz i need to rush to hospital!! after coming back from xinyi hse i bath and change and eat and rush to hospital!!so tired!!hahas!! and i go down the wrong stop!! haiz! and reach there...gor gor look good but tube is place all over his both hands!!but he can even joke such be very good!!hahas!! sleepy!! then come home..mama not feeling really well!she vomit!! omg but nothing i can do!! haiz!! today!!:::::::: today play com whole day but until 6 something!! hahas!! and vid call with xinyi!! hahahs!! boring to be in holiday and if i canno go out!! or not going out...! hahass i shall ask xinyi if she wanna go library tml but must go early cuz i wanna go there read as i canno borrow!! now go ask and slp!! bb!!! SsinyiI agalthatjuxwakeup Sunday, October 28 @ 9:28 PM
wake up qutie early today!!hahas!!going out with huimin!!but before i even going step out of the hse i gonna a fight with my bro man!!i am so like said out wad i feel about being her sis i am tired...making him not going on my step which he will regect at the last...which i do..haiz.but wad can i do man!he said a F9 ... i will not said i never get a f9 i have get a f9 i canno said i did not..but when he said that it really hurt my feeling...i am hurt.!!when he said that i tell myself that i will not do anythingy more and i will not even care about him and even he wanna use com when he is having his exam..I WILL NOT CAE ABOUT HIM ANYMORE...but when i come from after going out with huimin and jocelyn.he tok to me and laugh and act cute...i tok to him and laugh...i dunnoe if other ppl i said i will not tok to him i will not tok to him but not to my brother...maybe is really blood is thicker that anything..hahas!!i jux love my brother too much even more than myself (not being mushy)i am happy to have him as my brother...if eveythingy restart i will still wanna to be his sister...without him i dunnoe how to live...remember when young when we first change hse to now where i stay...the first time me and my brother and my mother and went downstair and buy thingy for the hse...bro went missing coz he went into the lift and go to 5th floor...we canno find that time i am so scared and i remember when i saw him again i went up and hug him...maybe every sister will do that...but from her i noe that i cannot live without my i tell my bro that even is die i also must die first he cannot die before me...hahas..selfish hor me..hahas!!dun care..even i noe the one living is then the one more poor thingy...coz looking the loved one leave first is the most poor thingy de...eveyone will have to go though this man!!hate is!! jux now write half way the internet restart lucky it is save if not i will have to rewrite everythingy!!^^^ so many man!!...hahas!! went out with huimin and ah ma when and watch the movie seeker!!nice man!! the light and the darkness wonderfull man!!hahas love it...really nice but ah ma watch until like watching ghost movie!!so funny lor!!also not scary de..hahas!!she watch until she take huimin bad and cover half of the face!!hereby i wanna declare JOCELYN YOW the most scary cat!! hahas!! kidding!! wanna go slp le!!hahas!!wonder when then can level up for audi agin!!haiz!! tml is xinyi birthday!!!i will not said happy birthday today!! tml then said!! keke!!xP!!! SsinyiI agalthattreattheteddywrongly Saturday, October 27 @ 10:23 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() today went escape!!nice man!!...let me think~we sit like inventer 2 times and wet and wild 2 times and fillper dunnoe like 3 or 4 time...and familt coaster 3 or 4time and bumper boat 1 times...and dunnoe le..hahas..have great time man!but get really wet...,ucky i got bring 1 more clothes...but huimin and ah ma and jovin never bring..when going back we sit in the is really nice man!!we have huimin ah ma but jovin is like so emo! hahas:) we take pic and make each nice.have really lots of fun..and when waiting for huimin daddy come we also play alot..laugh until like like so siao.but it end so i hope it does not end so fast.! maybe it is a really nice memories.!for today! but it feel also quite sad...i dunnoe and i am not sure if we can be so good next time..time filies.! hate that mann!! maybe 2e2 have not that much happy memories but i will said for ME ... there is MORE happy memories than BAD memories... maybe i also dunnoe...having huimin with me in the same class i have already been so habit to have someone to said to mock...i dunnoe wad will happen if this all come to the this class!!i will said huimin is quite a good friend...i noe i a friend that is with bad i am not a easy fren.!maybe me making myself look stupid is not easy!but think about eveytime they can happy and can laugh i feel happy too...being a clown maybe i think i have not done very good...thingy may get better if i try more...i also dunnoe..maybe i am jux also very funny!!which i hope...why am i so emotion after i see alida write about how nice and wonderfull her class is!maybe ba i will not said this 2 year secondary life is better that pri 5 and 6...but is the most me period of time..i have learn alot from the class being more able to speck..more daring...being able to find some real friend and also from huimin i lean that study is really importand.i see huimin hard works in study...that make me also wants to study hard...hahas!:) 13 nov..we will noe wad class we will be going next year...hahas!i hope that day never come...NEVER...but i noe it will come at last...nothing we can do to stop this day from coming and so i will take eveyday we can have together i will try to cherish!and i MUST...if not i scared there will never have the chance again! noe why i eveytime i buy class photo i will buy big big de??coz i will to take good look at all the face so that i will not forget and i can look clearly at their face again and remember eveything happen within the class and eveyone of them... dun tok emotional today!!keke..xP...hahas!:)wanna cry le la!!aiyo...cry le lah!so sad.!!i promise i will not front of them...this make me think of pri 6 when we cry at the last day of sch!it is wonderfull time of my life...maybe i am with the same grade of ppl so we can tok more easily...hahas!but it is so nice to have all of them as my classmates...alot of them have change...some have even change until i canno even notice them when meet outside...some even not even the one i noe them before...even and time...make a person change...alot...maybe i have also change..but i think not that much ba...hahas:) xinyi birthday is coming...finally our 'little' xinyi is big by 1 year old soon!hahas:) i will not said happy birthday today...on that day ba!!hahas!:) SsinyiI agalthatjuxwakeup Friday, October 26 @ 10:44 PM
last day of SCHOOL...then can go out with fren after today!but also have to study!if not i...DIE.hahas!.i have been trying to cut down the time i write HAHAS in my blog...hahas!:)i always cannot control myself from not using HAHAS.huimin said my post got more HAHAS than my real post.hahas!funny that why hahas!but i dunnoe lah!...keke... last day of sch mean end of 2e2...we will not be same class le.hahas..but the class photo they haven give it to us...i wanna the class photo!!!!=) dun tok about end of sch planning for holiday!.. 1)homework(math.chinese) 2)study!(haiz) 3)play!!!!=) (escape.xinyi birthday.chalet.) today get back report book.mother never go sch coz teacher not free...hahas!so happy to hear that!!but they still tok in phone.better than face to face!!hahas!=) mother nag me less le...more on wad subject u taking(i tell her i also dunnoe)i rreally dunnoe....) today tok to yi siong.he said geo is need to remember de!hope can. and a math very diffcult(anyway i not taking)he said he do quite badly this time for his exam!!!!but still can continue to go on to sec 4!!!jiayou man!hahas!=) tml 9 am meet huimin and ah ma and jovin!!!!yeah!!!go ESCAPEE!!!whooo!!!!!!!!!!so looking forward!!!yes!!but not eating lunch there!!this holiday i will try to exsecie more man! next importand thingy is my weight is ACCEPTABLE!!!WHOOOOOO!!! happy!hope is real de.keke... holiday badminton training!!!2 week!!so long never play badminton le.hahas!=)hope still can play!!! kk!!so late le wanna go slp le.!!!so sleepy later tml canno wake up!!!...hahas=) SsinyiI iwillnotteatuBADLYagain Thursday, October 25 @ 8:32 PM
I AM NOT GOING DELET TAG BOXX LE!!YEAH!!ALL THANK TO JOCELYN YOW ZI HUI love u man!!jocelyn thank for the help!!love ya!thank for all ur help!:) muackz! i thought my blog acc got problem!..thank!:) today go to the first my leg is like shaking like siao!then more and more practice i getting better now can walk but i still like wanna fall but can balance...hahas...and can roll le..yeah....wanna have chance to play again!!REALLY NICE...LOVE IT.. wad happen...nothing much!hahas!:)same life happening..tml mama going meet teacher..hahas!:) hope is mdm cheng and not one else...hahas thank again!!!JOCELYN YOW ZI HUI........ SsinyiI agalthatjuxwakeup Tuesday, October 23 @ 10:36 PM
live is getting abit good and bad!haiz!but mostly BAD!haiz!i am getting very tired!very!live is getting bad or good? mostly bad!haiz.studies!mama scold me said i have been her...she dun wanna to meet the teacher!she think i also feel very good too!i am regect le.but i noe nothing i can do until i...i also dunnoe...night is getting so arh!i hate night...i hate myself.!haiz!! nothing to do now... darm me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hate hate hate!MYSELF! SsinyiI agalthatistoolate Monday, October 22 @ 5:53 PM
wake up at about 5am!too cold le...canno slp then i wake up!wanna go toliet..hahas!!psps!:) so i went to the toliet.mama switch on the toliet light!!jux nice.but when i used finish the toliet i switch off the light..mama go back!!like so scaring!!toliet light swithch off itself!hahas!:)then i tell her is ME!!whahaha!!:)later continue to slp lor.nothing to do!:)bleaz!slp slp then 10 something wake up!use com!!use until bro come home-left home for class-comebackfromclass!!hahas!. then he saw me log in audi not happy!then i said he lor...he said i ganster!siao! lor..i am NOT...then next i dunnoe how i tok to him from I AM NOT GANSTER to U MUST STUDY HARD!..hahas!!now he is like fighting against me lor..siao!he is getting from bad to worst...i am not going to let him use the com!!hahas!!for his good!!!hahas!:) use com until siao le lah boring com!hate it man!hahas!... still very worry about result!!but can do wad?? and got somethingy to said: i am going to delete my tagboxxx until dunnoe when!!! hahas!going delete..!!reason are: 1)personal blog.notreallyneedtagboxx!! 2)no ppl tag me also!!hahas! maybe not puting any link!!aceept a link of a fren that have other ppl link..and idol link!hahas!:) SsinyiI agirlthatjuxwakeup! Sunday, October 21 @ 9:23 PM
hahas!:)goong S roxx men!..hahas..se7en!hahas.loveya! but i love feilunhai be true!hahas!:) achery roxx!very nice lor.i hope can get more chance!:)to try it.:) i also find alot da dong de fanz blog.nice also!:) about my result.!mmmm....i am scared...but i can do nothing now.!haiz...hope i can get to express.nothing but now wish!jux express can matter if last class anot.i canno get to normal!and i dun wanna!how i hope eveything can go back!but CANNOT!never!! haiz! is all too late!:(dun wanna tok le.let it left to FATE ba!:( gorgor and auntie get well!gorgor get in hospital one day and let 4 bag of blood into his body!omg!!is like so OMG...4 BAGS!!!hahas!:)but get better can le.. this 2 day make me think alot.alot like my future...wad i am going to be...if i do not work hard...i feel so bad...haiz...i will work hard!!when i noe how to wake hard it seem too late...sec 2....more than half of the year...i am like sacking..but after the half more year...i wake up!finally!haiz..but too late!:(nothing much to said can only blame me..who to blame??me lor..haiz SsinyiI agalthatjuxwakeup Monday, October 15 @ 10:01 AM
yoyo!.alot of thingy happen! yesterday i was alone all by myself...parent and bro went out to hospital..(another person in my family went into the hospital coz backbone got problem).so many ppl went into hospital nowaday! i am alone.mama said i am suppose to cook dinner myself.and to show i can i said i will cook WILL.(i said quite loud.hahas)but when going to cook papa call and said that he will buy back for me to i dun cook lor.and how i dun even can guess that they bring LEFTOVER for ME!.HOW CAN THEY EVEN DO THIS TO i am like abit not so happy..anythingy happen can make me to break into tears!so after eating quite abit of rice.and i find out not enough.i ask my mama to cook some rice for me so that i can eat.and after mama cook finish...i was outside with my papa and bro watching tv..and when papa hear mama said that i am askign her to prepare another SMALL bowl of rice...he said... WAD!STILL WANNA EAT?EAT SO MUCH!U SEE SO FAT LE,STILL EAT! after i hear this i jux run into my rm.(leg pain sia)and CRY.mama come in and said. dun cry papa never said u.he where got said u? i was like cryy even more.coz is like i am the one i am darm angry sia.them mama said that she had already cook the rice le.dun WASTE IT.and so i dunnoe is eat or not eat.coz is like eat papa scold me never eat maam scold me.but in the end see the food quite nice.EAT LOR.hahas!.but very angry with them sia!hahas!so went to sleep after that! now morning..later going yi siong later then write.!hahas!. (written before 10.12 am ) now is 6.43 pm!. now at auntie hse!using their com..hahas! nothing to do men!.hahas!arh!!.write when got home ba..maybe..hahas!hahas!mmm...leg still very pain!hahas! mmm... FEILUNHAI AND DONGCHENGWEI ROXXX!!!!! hahas! Friday, October 12 @ 8:40 PM
whoo!hahas!..exam over..did i said that le ma?hahas..i also dunnoe lah!.hahas!.very long never blog le.amanda ask me why never link her..i said i no time...actually is really no time coz play audii...hahas.! mama said gorgor like leave hospital le.but another go in hospital!(someone who i not really eveytime tok to)my another auntie.!hahas!.:(so many ppl go hospital!.hahas!.maybe go vist her.but i not really noe wad hospital she went.but not SGH.hahas!SGH..i noe vvery well le.!hahas!.actually not very well lah!.is at least noe more than alot of ppl!.hahas!>:)hahas!. and hope got quite alot of thingy to do or go out at the holiday!.hahas!. hahas!.today got the skipping!is so tiring!.hahas.but is quite nice to play!.coz i like alot of thingy about skipping.hahas!.so nice.!but there is one i canno do .! is the one that coach noe.!and noe how to do!>:) but i will do it.!hahas! and today get back chinese paper!.i get A..hahas.!!so happy and homeecom...dun tell u!.hahas!>c(coz bro looking..)HAHAS!.pass can is a PASS>!yeah!.all pass so happy!.hahas! so more money for the holiday can le.!hahas!.:) SsinyiI feilunhai.dongchengwei.luozhixiang! roxxx Friday, October 5 @ 3:49 PM
so long never write about blog le.hahas.!! i mean so long never write blog le. los of thingy happen and now is exam time.noe why i today write.coz today is the going exam over the day.3 more day of exam.hahas.!and lots lots.very very long ago we take class photo.and is time to pay for it le.i pay le.hahas.i buy 2 big de.hahas.!!hahas.and i must get good result for my this exam.i can said that this time round i do work harder abit lor.but no hac and not tired.but still tired.everyone the brain like siao le.all so tied up by exma lor.mama dun let me play com or even use com.but i dun care.hahas.i still use abit somtime.coz must relax de lor.that day chinese exam.ask me to write about good and bad thingy about!! coz i am someone who blog.but no so no so bad for me. gor gor getting better ba.every sat or sun i vist him lor.and i juz get the newest new from my mama that my gor gor dun noe wht is happening to him.and dunnoe he got c*****.coz they dun wanna him to noe and feel depressed about it.i think that they should let gor gor noe.if he noe later.he will be more unhappy.and let him noe.and go on with him.that day i go in and vist him.his mama ask himif he noe who we and my bro.he said his auntie de daughter and son lor.hahas.he change alots.he look so ill.his hairs will cut off.and tube is all over his body.i feel really sad for him.but wht can we do.very little except alway be on his side with him lor.the last time i see him is last month.that time he still joke with me and my bro.still give my bro thingy to eat.and even drive car bring us to another auntie hse.but now.he hardy can even sit up.hope he get well soon lor.thingy will get better.and must also.... achery!!.bow girl!!.hahas.we got that.i think quite nice.and my friend cca is this.and she said that she is strong and so she can be one.i think she only wanna use this as a reason so that ppl will not said her FAT!!.hahas!!.but anyway i look forward to go out with friends lor. now the only thingy have to worry is mine exam and gor gor health.the whole family get so tied up for gor gor.haiz. class having chalet!!not sure going anot.see ah ma they all going anot lor.if then maybe mama then let.but i dun mind go long as got thingy to do can le.hahas.! SsinyiI BUBBLEgal |
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