Monday, April 30 @ 2:22 PM
it have been a long long time seen the last time i post a post!!!i will write until my hands break men....kidding kidding!!!!orh...oh ya!!!camp coming !!!! yeah!!!so happy i love camp men...first it is fun secondly i dun need to go home and third i can spend more time wif my frenx....i jux love camp....and wht coming next??? oh exam boring lor...i mean my mama nag at me the most during exam de lor...she said i never study 4 eng...wht i never lor...i got hor...eng can hardly anything to read lor...everyone said that de lor...but she jux dun believe lor...and she think i still primay sch...said wht i must read textbook de...must my papa tok to her then she believe me...and my papa come home so late then lor... and my papa hor....really very angry lor...u noe wht...he make me read the stupid bk until 3 4 chinese lor...i tell never mind and i may not need that bk lor..and the book is 3000 words or sentence that etc.... tell us how nice the sun...i really canno stand him the end i didi not even use one of them lor...and read until 3 lor...the next day of exam i so tired lor...i noe he dun need to slp de lor...but i noe that is ALL 4 MY OWN GD...(i not stupid) and that day go watch movie...the number 23 and the 2000 pound girl...orh...type wrongly...not 2000 pound is 200 pounds....hehe...the 200 pound girl that movie i cry like crazy!!!!but it is very very nice movie lor...if gotn chance i will watch it again... and wht more???dunnoe le lah...go library everytime lor...hehe... nth to tok le... bb... SsinyiI hellos... |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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