Friday, January 26 @ 3:53 PM quite nice...hehe...mmmm....maybe not...haiyo... ok lor... huimin and jocelyn must sen dme TESTI hehe... oo... okok...1st period is eng....omg...u noe wht...compre test...i totally forgot about that...hehe...but nvm lor...i finish quite i start to feel slpy...understand wht i wrting..anyway i am writing my own diary....u understamd anot also not important too bad if u dun understand...hehe...okok...comtinue...i fall aslp lor...that it...the ltr miss koh walk past me....she still walk until so loud to wake up...ray also slp wht...y never call him bad de...the finish test le that lor...nothing special de...hehe the next period... today chinese 4 the 3nd period...nothing lor...nothing special de...still go to com lab 3...better then the rest of the class only...hehe...but gu still let us listen to fun...listen to all type of song.... then eating fav time..hehe...something bad happen...i dunnoe y yingying angry with me or wht...i scold sorry... D&T..... omg...actually i look 4ward 4 evey D&T de...but most can play com mark lee never come...then we go to the library...hehe....lots of mark lee come and find us at the library...omg...y he come...i wanna to watch the least let me watch finish le then take us away....haiyo...bad lor...hehe...he also dunnoe....and like that i go throught 3 period....haiyo... hurry.... i hurry back...i saw something when i am waiting 4 the bus...better dun said...(i saw jocelyn)hehe...(and karyin...and who...i dunnoe how to spell her name lah...thinl until le then tell u...okokk...)(oh ya....zheng yi...hehe...)we go home together...karyin go my house....cause i need to go home to tak emoney to buy the dic lor...hehe...chinese game bad...must out game wht....haiyo.... go down my go back to sch... amanda come and find us...hehe...[jocelyn yip...i understand y bevr said joke in front of amanda le...hehe...]she it herself too...hehe...and we went back to sch...and buy the dic lor... ater huimin.... at first said is said that go out with huimin afterward de...and u noe wht...they tell me that it is going to rain....where gt...nvm....never go also nvm de...i play com lor...hehe.... walking to bubble tea shop... when walking...i saw 1 of the sir....maybe now i quit npcc...he look me as i am a bad person in front of him...he look so...i nevr see him like that before...i feel so bad...i really feel very bad...i hope that we can be frenx...i really dun wanna like this....i feel so bad...make me feel so...wanna to cry...wht can i do...i have to quit 1 of the cca...but if u ask me y npcc...i dunnoe dun ask me y...maybe i have more interest in i learn it when i am young...i really dunnoe....u and 2cca...i dunnoe...hai...i hope they understand.... go home... nothing to write when go home lah...NEXT...oh ya...WAIT...i find $1 when i sit down....hehe...lucky hor... gt home... and now play....i jux got a call 4r my bro de teacher...i think something bad must be happening...i tonight must slp my mama not at home so never toks to my mama....but the teacher call my papa...more worst...haiyo...y must i tell the teacher that my papa is at the shop...haiyo...poor bro....ltr goona cane my papa....oo... gtg.... SsinyiI a gal that is happy... a gal that love her bro... hehe... and love u... jux kidding...i mean my diary... hehe oh ya... yi siong...plz... tell me ur blog... i will not tell ur mama wht u write de... plz... thanx... bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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