Wednesday, January 31 @ 4:14 PM
hihi...busy... so will not write much...hehe mmmm.... write wht lah... i dunnoe also.... hehe... okok... nomally...go sch then go home... today i go to bubble tea shop... with jasmine...hehe we eat fries...and drink bubble tea... no eat the same 1 together hor... hehe... then nothing lor... come home... wanna to do blog... but no time.... hehe... okok... no time to write also... bb SsinyiI a gal is busy... no longer boring... hehe.... found her love to.... U... whahaha.... i am jux kidding... hehe.... okok... BUSY... BB Monday, January 29 @ 5:09 PM
hi...hehe...mmm... today wht...oh have.... D&T... actually should be math de...but teacher never come...maybe i can said that i do have abit happy...but...u noe who haiz....better lor....he going to hospital at this fri....hehe....i am quite worry...but i believe that he will gogogog....hehe....gogogog...XD....hehe....nice men....then the next the sir...ex de...hehe...he come again...he come hor very funny lor...teacher teacher....omg...i cannno stand ppl calling him teacher...cause last time is call him sir de ma...hehe...XD....hehe...then half way...the V.P....COME~~~~omg....hais...he talk and talk...and u noe how he call my funny...hais....let him talk to us 4 so the time he ask us to sit down...the bell ring...hehe...we all laugh...XD...hehe.... next lesson...bell ring...whahaha... eng lesson start le...we never do anything then we go to the AVA rm...u noe wht...we watch the fair lady...i can said quite me lor...dunnoe wht the rest feel...hehe...hais... next...go home... but beforego me...hehe...we go bubble tea shop to buy food..i love it men...hehe...ten go home lor...hehe... reach home le... i reach home le...then i noe that my bro gonna hit by the teacher..omg..i am very very very can he hit my bro...i dun mind lor...but NOT the head....i canno stand that type of ppl...hais...i go complain with my mama and my bro lor...then actually my mama wanna me to help her said de..but the who ask me to wait outside...dun let me go in...i mean dun let me to be in side lor...i am so....fine lor...if he dare to hit my bro again...he will get it 4r me....hais..y teacher nowaday is like that de...haiyo...dun care lah...tml i will come home late lor...hais....but i will ask my bro to call me...hehe....dun he dare to do it again...whahaha... SsinyiI a gal that is still quite boring... a gal that is worry about her bro.... omg... i love bro that much... bb Sunday, January 28 @ 5:57 PM my aunt and uncle is watching at funny... nothing happen boring...haiyo....hehe...bleahXD... hihi... i am jux geting i listening to only can use the com 4 3 hour...boring men..hehe hais...nothing to said SsinyiI a gal that is still very boring... a gal that is still kissing u... i wanna to vomit...kiss u... omg... hehe bb Friday, January 26 @ 3:53 PM quite nice...hehe...mmmm....maybe not...haiyo... ok lor... huimin and jocelyn must sen dme TESTI hehe... oo... okok...1st period is eng....omg...u noe wht...compre test...i totally forgot about that...hehe...but nvm lor...i finish quite i start to feel slpy...understand wht i wrting..anyway i am writing my own diary....u understamd anot also not important too bad if u dun understand...hehe...okok...comtinue...i fall aslp lor...that it...the ltr miss koh walk past me....she still walk until so loud to wake up...ray also slp wht...y never call him bad de...the finish test le that lor...nothing special de...hehe the next period... today chinese 4 the 3nd period...nothing lor...nothing special de...still go to com lab 3...better then the rest of the class only...hehe...but gu still let us listen to fun...listen to all type of song.... then eating fav time..hehe...something bad happen...i dunnoe y yingying angry with me or wht...i scold sorry... D&T..... omg...actually i look 4ward 4 evey D&T de...but most can play com mark lee never come...then we go to the library...hehe....lots of mark lee come and find us at the library...omg...y he come...i wanna to watch the least let me watch finish le then take us away....haiyo...bad lor...hehe...he also dunnoe....and like that i go throught 3 period....haiyo... hurry.... i hurry back...i saw something when i am waiting 4 the bus...better dun said...(i saw jocelyn)hehe...(and karyin...and who...i dunnoe how to spell her name lah...thinl until le then tell u...okokk...)(oh ya....zheng yi...hehe...)we go home together...karyin go my house....cause i need to go home to tak emoney to buy the dic lor...hehe...chinese game bad...must out game wht....haiyo.... go down my go back to sch... amanda come and find us...hehe...[jocelyn yip...i understand y bevr said joke in front of amanda le...hehe...]she it herself too...hehe...and we went back to sch...and buy the dic lor... ater huimin.... at first said is said that go out with huimin afterward de...and u noe wht...they tell me that it is going to rain....where gt...nvm....never go also nvm de...i play com lor...hehe.... walking to bubble tea shop... when walking...i saw 1 of the sir....maybe now i quit npcc...he look me as i am a bad person in front of him...he look so...i nevr see him like that before...i feel so bad...i really feel very bad...i hope that we can be frenx...i really dun wanna like this....i feel so bad...make me feel so...wanna to cry...wht can i do...i have to quit 1 of the cca...but if u ask me y npcc...i dunnoe dun ask me y...maybe i have more interest in i learn it when i am young...i really dunnoe....u and 2cca...i dunnoe...hai...i hope they understand.... go home... nothing to write when go home lah...NEXT...oh ya...WAIT...i find $1 when i sit down....hehe...lucky hor... gt home... and now play....i jux got a call 4r my bro de teacher...i think something bad must be happening...i tonight must slp my mama not at home so never toks to my mama....but the teacher call my papa...more worst...haiyo...y must i tell the teacher that my papa is at the shop...haiyo...poor bro....ltr goona cane my papa....oo... gtg.... SsinyiI a gal that is happy... a gal that love her bro... hehe... and love u... jux kidding...i mean my diary... hehe oh ya... yi siong...plz... tell me ur blog... i will not tell ur mama wht u write de... plz... thanx... bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Thursday, January 25 @ 8:33 PM
hihiwanna to write jovin keep on toks to me hehe actually nvm jux toks lor.... hehe... okok... badminton... said now.. badminton the same lor...lose...hehe...nvm...i mean is see if we gt learn anything a not...tat is then the meaning....hehe...but quite a nice game lor...wanna to play badminton...i will look 4ward...hehe... ok... next still gt wht i also dunnoe mmm.... now wht u doing hihi i am lame cause nothing to write hai... mmmm..... oh ya jocelyn must... go go go okok... let do it... hehe bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb hehe hahas nothing to do so i play this lor bb bb bb bb bb bb whahahaha okok bb.... Wednesday, January 24 @ 7:48 PM
hihi...feeling better think it through...there is nothng...all player will have chance to go though the bad part...hehe...the bad part is...lose...hehe...but i will go on..with brave....i mean i will never think that i am that bad...i am always a winner to my bro long as he think that i am the best..hehe..anything is ok...i will continue to play badminton with the other sch....even is the best sch...i will try my best to do my best to win long as i believe and even the bad thing happen...i will also smile and go on with a smile-ing face...hehe...i will go onokok....tml no lit...okok...i dun think anything...hehe...but need to hurry again...haiyo...tml wear fav colour but this time black nicer...hehe...anything...hehe... from.... sinyi.... a gal think think it over.... a gal that deide to go on strong.... a gal that never give up.... she hope that jocelyn...huimin...never give up too.... she have nothing to said le... hehe.... lame... u very lame lor.... really... bb.... and nothing le...still looking at wht... oh ya... wait...give me 10 dallors.... u looking at my diary.... respect.... like wht mr fiz.... remember.... hehe.... ok lor.... i let uu off.... hehe.... gd bb.... XD.... gd luck to me and all my frenx..... Tuesday, January 23 @ 7:35 PM
hihi...actually dun wanna to talk much...i dun wanna to remember this eyes are heart is after this...i believe i will understand more about wht is badminton to me...actually i d gt lots to said...i hate being l***...i hate everything today...sorry huimin..maybe u not doing well is all because of me...cause i noe i am giving u stress...i noe all because of me...really sorry...i promise that i will not dod that again...sorry... ok dun wanna to chat bb a bad day... from some1 that l**** today... hehe...but happy too...dun tell u y...hehe... Sunday, January 21 @ 6:48 PM
hihi....nice day bro again very unfair....he can kill me in the game but not me...he kill me i gonna beaten by him...but he kill me i never...jux said taht so bad....he really very bad...hit me again...dun wanna to learn spelling....sit by my beside me....looking at wht i writing....he think i am scared of him...he sit beside me so i am scared...and will not said out his bad side...hehe...i still love my bro thing...nothing....hehe...AHH~~~~~~~ my bro kll me!!!help... hehe...really very pain lor...but nvm...nohing le...hehe...actully wanna to tell u all more about wht i think about my bro de...but i write le...he make me del no choice...cos...i write about he goona break off with his gf...hehe... love 4r sinyi... who love goong badminton xiao zhu and u... Friday, January 19 @ 6:29 PM
hihi....nothing nothing.....reading comic....omg nice...hehe....i love comic....okok.....i jux play badminton come back....oh not....let not said anout badminton any more...cause i am will get crazy!!!hehe...ok there is really nothing to said about...haiyo hehe...bbbb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb Thursday, January 18 @ 9:56 PM blod...nothing to do...oh ya...oh yaya....still gt eng!!!!nearly mama cook chicken!!!oh me...i love itt men...hehe...somemore is thing...nothing...need to do hw...very boring...haiyo...hehe...i am lame... bb Wednesday, January 17 @ 7:46 PM
hihi...back to sch...oh yaya...hehe...i miss goong...sorry...change the new blog skin....haiyo...cause i saw this blogskin i fell in love with it...hehe...cause i love shull too...but my blog also goong wht..i still love goong...oh ya....saw some ppl in my sch which is sec 1 also love i hope i can noe them..hehe...goong lover come to me...every1 that jux love goong..hehehehe...omg...i really dun noe wht to said boring..haiyo...finally can go to sch...oh ya....tml is badminton....oh ya...finally can go play badminton...nothing to said le.... bye... Tuesday, January 16 @ 11:35 AM
hihi...hehe...change new feeling better....actually yesterday night i am feeling very...i dream of something....i dream of ppl ask me to go away of my bed...i dun wanna....and ltr i wake up...i feel that my leg is like so tight...i am so scared....and i go to the toliet...when i go into the toliet...i try to....haiyo...and the more i try the more tight it go...i am very scared...i call 4 my mama....ltr i wanna to get up...i canno....omg....i am darm scared...then i rest 4 awhile...ltr everything get better...i stand up and get back to my room...actually i dun really dare to get back to my room....hehe...and after that i went back to my bed again....ltr i dream of that thing again....and leg is tight again...i went to the toliet again...and this time i did not tell my mama....and i slp in my mama room mama ask me to go back to my room to alp as she is scared that i may spead the germ to my bro...i dun wanna it to happen to my bro too...and i dun really wannna to go back there to slp...ltr nothing happen....and now i am feeeling better....but still dizzy....i miss badminton....omg...haiyo...badminton..i wanna to go...but my mama dun let me and my body dun let me also... and u can guess that i never go sch lor....hehe.... bb... written by...sinyi..the fatty and maybe abit siao saio de gal... written on 16.02.06 not 15...really very siao de time 4 the blog...haiyo... Monday, January 15 @ 6:22 PM blog de time abit siao and this blog is 15/1/07....this day write de...hehe....orh....i am sick...38.1 then 38.6...hehe....dunnoe wht is going to happen to me...hehe...i wanna to go to badminton..i dun wanna to miss badminton....hehe....nothing le...very boring....but if i very tired...dun write le.... bb Sunday, January 14 @ 1:49 PM
hihi...change a new skin...first time try myself...dunnoe how...not tag box!!!ahh!!!!hehe...but never mind...alida said she helping me...hehe...if she is wait to tag me...okok?now my bro beside me...looking at me...hehe...i dunnoe y he is angry with me...but i jux love him...hehe...cause he is my bro..whahaha...hehe....nothing to do at le....haiyo...i noe my math test sure fail de....haiyo....but lucky gt still can get better...i think lor....hehe...i love my bro... xinyi(i mean the sec 3 de...)u ask me go watch movie....i no money...hehe...sorry...neat time lor... now my mama is sick...very sad lor....y is her..not me....haiyo....*sight*hehe....i will go go go....and take care my mama...hehe... bro...hey u..i love u and mama....and also u papa... Friday, January 12 @ 10:27 PM
hihi....bad u noe feeling of he walking caring about u...he noe u...u noe he...he is like dunnoe me like that....he is gone...4eva...wht can i do....dun i like him...y dun i make him stay??i jux dun dare...hehe...the eeling is not something gd...hehe...bad...the feeling of me and he preten dnot frenx...not even frenx???maybe trying to pretend...make him think that i am not even thinking him as a frenx???wht to do???hahas...u think is is real...if u think not is not wht u thinl...i can tell u i do have some1 in my heart... @ 12:01 AM
hihi...long long time!!!!omg!!!HEHE!!!nothing...whahaha....hey...u....dun look around!!!it u!!!y are u looking into my diary?do u noe any about respect?hehe...jux kidding....hehe!i am jux lame...teacher said that 13 more day....4 wht...i dun tell u....compeition?omg!!!i dun wanna!!!but i dun mind...hehe....sec 1?haha....nothing....hehe....oh ya...wht can i do?nothing hard...yaya...i noe....hehe...gyss roxxx my world?i mean sch-ing roxxx my worl...i love to ho to sch...hehe...tnl is d&t!!!oh ya...i love that fav subject!!! my papa looking wht i writing...hehe....dun let him noe that i am writing about himmm....hehe....papa....u...y are u looking at my u noe any thing about respect?hehe....i will end my diary to slp....oh ya...any1 have this song in the com must send me!!!!(fly away)daren is in!!!!oh ya!!!! my world... byebye...see uu tml...i love u... so mushy!!! (vomiting while writing) Monday, January 8 @ 11:50 PM long le...long long time...i am so finallly can sit down to torch the com!!!!i am so happy...but at the same time i am sick!!!omg...i canno stand nose 4 the 1 side is block...something the left somrthing the right....i ams l dunnoe y???strange hor....hehe....yup....wht happen this few day....i alsod dunnoe...everything happen happen so fast...hehe....having 4r the nco?hehe....i really dunnoe....whahaha....nothing to do...hehe....omg...whahaha...i am getting mad....hehe.....Wednesday, January 3 @ 10:13 PM
hihi....nice day...and there is a new zixin!!!i think she is quite nice first she si before us...hehe...nvm....i believe we can be nothing lor...but something!!!NO geography!!!hehe...and more D&T!!!!yeah!!!hheee....Tuesday, January 2 @ 10:21 PM
hihi...tml is sch time again...i love sch time...better then stay at home...hehe...but hw...nvm...whahaha....i miss badminton...oh the old coach look like???mmmm....really dunnoe...faster...i wanna to see the coach look like wht....hehe...old...friendly...nice....mmm....maybe it is old enough to be my grandpa???really dunnnoe....hehe...oh have more song now...thanx...hehe...i love to listen to song...hehe...i canno think of days without song...hehe....o...tml can be ow fun....i reaally look forward 4 sch!!!hehe... sch time...roxxx!!!hehee... whahaa...time to go to slp...if not tml canno wake up tml night!!!! |
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