Wednesday, October 25 @ 9:11 PM sad..i am so afriad that i may go to 2n1...i dun wanna to go..i really dun wanna to go...wht must i do...then i then dun need to go to normal...i dun wanna...y mr mark tell us the marks which is not the real 1...make me happy 4 nothing...wht can i do...i dun wanna to go to normal...i am scared...i am really scared...i am scared to let my ma noe about this...wht if she get to noe about this....i am mr nark tell us that there is more faliures than the earlier 1...and that smile he...i am really scared to see that...i am afriad about that smile..when i saw that smile....i am really scared....wht can i do....and y??some1 in my class....which my ma noe.....y u tell ur ma how did i do 4 my exam...u...i have nothing to said... i think that my ma noe about my marks..i think that mr mark call my ma...did he call??and if he really call...y my ma did not scold me...y??i am really curious..she for sure to scold me i i did really bad mark...if i really did that...she will sure cane 4 sure...y??i noe that i did really badly in this time this something to be happy about??or...i dun really noe..i..have nothing to the camp is this type o mood..i do not really have the moond...unless i am only sure about that i can go to 2e2....if not even the xin and cai jing is hee to my housei will not also be very happy...i will still not have the mood... today..the goong...goong...i...not really the mood to said...only...y he still did not call the cai jing??it is really so diffcult to said that to ur loves ones...i also do not have the courage to do so...wht right ihave to said ppl?? i hope that i will able to go to 2e2 nevt year..i swear to work hard...i noe the action is bigger than words... |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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