Friday, December 28 @ 11:54 AM
I'm back to blog.
Let's talk about camp.
Camp was 'ridiculous' ?
Why? Because we planned for like 30 to 50 student to come but end up only year three student and only 10 students came. So there's like 18 students in total but 8 were helpers.
That really tragic.
But what's fun was that because we were all year three students and we know each other. So, basically we lepak ourselves.
[The distance from water bottle and where I land]
I'm number 8. Li is number 8 from the other team. And we ran. And I flied!
He totally bang me away~ At the split second, I thought I saw my whole life flashed past me . Total hilarious.
We also played running man style of hide and seek. That marked the climax of the camp. I was seeker for both round. I don't think I can hide. :/ Although hide and seek is a child's game but I guess nobody didn't enjoyed the game during the camp. Everyone collapsed right away after the two round of running and shouting. Ended up canceling the night walk.
Second day was just video filming. This done by my team. This done by the other team. And also a three photos we took during the photo hunt: ![]() ![]() ![]() And group photo: ![]() ![]()
That marked the end of the camp. :)
And christmas!
I went to aunt's workplace christmas. Okay, is rather boring. Just sit there. And got teach the how to play alcohol game. -,- I wasn't given much attention. But still thanks for the lollipop and present.
I didn't just end my christmas that way. I went over the tanjiamei's house with rachel.
Thank ang for the present. :)
But the Donald duck dropped down thanks to tan.
And... ...
I decided to stop translating my blog into chinese. I will starting another chinese blog somewhere else. for other purpose?
So this blog just be using for updating my daily life. :)
Thursday, December 20 @ 12:44 AM
WHAT'S UP !Just here for a short blog up. 上来小博客一下下。 School finally ended. HOLIDAY is here!! 假期来了! Monday was the last day of school. But I'm back everyday for the printing workshop and also camp preparation. Eventually, I was back in school today too. 星期一就算正式放假了。但我还是每天回校。为了去印刷工厂和准备Camp的事情。于是,今天也不例外。 The camp is mostly settled since Thursday is the camp date. It's going to be only a two day one night camp. Regarding what's on for the camp, I can't say it now. Wait till the camp is over then I fill you guys up. :D Camp的事情大致上也已经准备好了。毕竟camp是明天的事。至于camp的行程是怎样,我下次才告诉大家了。目前极度机密。 I need to reach school before 9am. And I'm still freaking awake. 明天9点前要到学校。而我还是夜猫子一个。 Left with less than 8hours to sleep. #faint 剩不到8小时的睡眠时间。晕! Okay Bye Guys. I'll be back. 好了。下次再聊。拜! tsy. Saturday, December 8 @ 11:41 PM
Life been so busy for me.After my last post date and now, I had been rushing for my animation assignment, exam and FYP mid sem evaluation. And thankfully, everything is over. 最近的我还真忙啊。 之上一次发到现在,我都在忙动漫的作业,考试和FYP评价日。 幸好,都过了。 Is already December Christmas is coming. 2012 is ending. 2013 is coming. And that freaking mean soon you gonna see me graduating. 都已经12月了啊!圣诞节也要来了。2012快结束了吧。2013快来了。那么我不是不久就要毕业了吗? To be honest, I wasn't really know what's up on my life. Where should I be going after graduation ? Continue to study? Or out to the world to work?? I need to think over all these real soon. :) 说真的,我还真的不知道我的人生要如何的过。毕业后,何去何从?读书还是上班?这一切都要好好的想一下下了。
Monday 03/12/12 was Dad's 60th Lunar Birthday.
But guess what, the surprise failed totally. Dad knew it when he least expected it. All because he open the fridge way before we even get the cake out. #facepalm I didn't see it ending like this. 如果够了解我家的话,应该懂我家真的不把生日当一回事。平常也只有我会比较HIGH一下。但这次特别了。怎么说人的一生也没几个60年吧。老妈还是一样煮了面线,而生日蛋糕惊喜当然是我的工作了! 但是呢,失败了。失败的很失败!老爸既然去开冰箱!蛋糕还在里面啊!真的是失败! And I'm still glad to be your daughter. :D 但还是很高兴做你的女儿! And I still don't know how am I going to celebrate Christmas. :/ 圣诞节怎么过呢? Oh, there'll be a DIDM camp. Let have fun. :D 应该很快要有camp了吧~ tsy. |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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