Monday, August 27 @ 11:51 PM
Let start with something happy.
NDP Appreciation Dinner. 國慶慶典感謝會
The only day when all motivators are all dressed up nicely and no sweat with no KFC or Pizzahut.
Photo time!
And I'm proud to be a MOTIVATORS!
Last time of me getting the Cert.
All the Year Three Motivators.
Joakim is here!
He is my first mentor on Year One. Is really nice knowing him. :)
Tong Xiang, Li Bin.
One of the joy to know someone that click well with you.
One of my greatest joy to know someone in NDP.
My Year2&3 Mentor.
Another good nice guy in NDP. Always passing me the water to drink.
Wa. All the little memories start coming back. I met really nice people within this 3 year of NDP. Of course, there's little regret or disagreement between here and there. But it doesn't affect me much. Is mostly what happen to my other NDP friends. Nevertheless, I would cherish these one-in-a-year-friendship.
If possible, I would love to join back as whatever role. Hopefully, most of the nice guys/girls will be there too.
Gonna have my first UT3 starting on Tuesday 830AM !! 830 really a bad timing, isn't it? Is hard for me to sleep early tonight. But I need to wake up at 5.30am. -.- And you got to understand. This semester I have 8am lesson and I mostly late or end up not going. So 8.30am UT really great challenges.
Oh well. After settling tmr paper, I gonna work hard on my Human Resource Management module. The whole day would be for that module.
All the best for student like me doing their exam this month. WE WILL DO WELL!!!
Wednesday, August 22 @ 11:30 PM
Is End Of Semester One !This semester seriously passed fast. Erm, I don't really know what happened for this semester. HAHA. Anyway, only one module got class photo taken. Gonna have a few days of Study Break before UT start. Gonna start revision on Thursday. Only three day of UT for 4 module. I'm still considering should I go for UT Clinic. 2pm to 4pm. Since I got nothing to do, I should just go,right? But I have a feeling I wont be able to wake up, as I'm still awake now. HAHA. Holiday going to start and my voice is gone. This time round is really ridiculous. Literally, my voice really gone. Slowly from off tune to no voice. This the 5th day. And finally, my voice is back a little. Hopefully by 25th, where my 'gay' friends outing, will recover. I need to find jobs for this holiday. Time to earn some bucks. Life been great. I'm just starting to enjoy the moment of hide and seek. T.sinyi Sunday, August 12 @ 1:08 AM
Great News!
FYP is officially over!!! Like
A Finally!!
All the stress is finally
gone! Now, I’m left with DAV finally assignment & UT3. The stress level of
these two is so much lesser than FYP! Oh well, is over. Now left with semester
two’s FYP. Hopefully, it would be good. :D
And National Day Parade 2012
is over too. L
This weekend is my first
Saturday. Suddenly feel so lost. It was great that I get to really rest at home
and dream my day away. But I missed the fun I had during the training.
I joined three year in NDP. It
was really a great experience for me. Met so many different people and get to
know a bunch of friends. Every single us might not even crossed path but thanks
to NDP, we had a reason to come together. I do really meet nice peoples. These three
years was really fantastic. I will miss the times.
Hopefully (crossed fingers), I
will be able join again. Might not be as Motivators. Let see.
Friday, August 3 @ 1:50 AM
You, such an unknown to me.
This week was quite unknown
week for me. Or should I say I don’t really know what I been though this week. This
week passed real fast. And me end up with a ‘blank’ face.
Okay, back to my daily
FYP submission is on 6th
Aug. I’m having Art Management outing on that day. So, I won’t be there on
submission. But, who cares. I’m left with eventually two days to finish this,
as I got NDP on Saturday. Final Report and User guide! I MUST FINISH THESE TWO BY FRIDAY. So, I can enjoy my weekend. J
So, I guess I will be really
enjoying and partying hard after the final presentation! I already can foresee
my holiday, baby!
So, people ask me out and I
will (try) be there!
And of course, I know. There
are still UT3. But that can wait! At least, let me enjoy myself for like a few
days before I start my study for UT3. J
And, I got a bad news. At
least, it is bad for me. HAHA
As much as you know me, I love
fun and gathering. Remember I once say there will be two upcoming weddings from
my big family, two on the same day. And I can only go for the one in Singapore.
:/ I still wanted to go to both. And hey, food is only a part of the reason!
Whatever it is, I gonna have
fun catching up with my cousins. Should snap some photos with them. Bring the
camwhore sinyi there! (I hope)
All the FYP and UT3 will end
at around end of August. So August, please be kind to me. J Hopefully, something good will pop me up on this busy
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Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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