Monday, December 26 @ 4:08 AM
One week passed. Christmas passed. I'm still not done with my designs and storyboard. I need to start real soon. As for Christmas this year: Went to Gay's house on Christmas Eve. :) Short meet up with sec friends. Not many came. Jocelyn Yow not even there. :/ Christmas head over to Xinyi's house. Went for KFC with her and Huimin[joined later]. Guess the most common topic for girls after a long meet up is 'BGR'. Congrat for those that not ending 2011 single. As for singles like me, just have to end this year alone~ HAHAHA. Sound sad, right? Guess the time is not right, still... Holiday seriously passing real fast. :/ I need a longer holiday. I applied for IEP. [attachment]. If I got the attachment, that meant I wont be having any holiday. But I really feel like having holiday. But why would they even choose me to be attached to any company. Confidant is lacking on me. This week please be slow and steady. I need to get a sketchbook. Or can I just use back my old one?? :/ ‘从新开始’ 好像也变得有点难。 单方面的 ‘和好’ 好像还是比不了单方的‘倔强’。 SsinyiI Saturday, December 17 @ 12:03 AM
Amanda going oversea. :)
So GIF from jos and me.
Wednesday, December 14 @ 9:25 PM
刚刚跟老弟吵架。为了买书的事。事情发生的太快。就连我也忘了自己说了那些气话。好后悔。不应该吵架的。 原来就连我,他也打得的下手。原来我对他没什么大不了。原来‘姐姐’对他是那么的不重要。原来他真的不喜欢我。我真的很没用。 常常有人说我太爱我弟。可是我已经不知道怎么爱了。我做的每件事好像都没有在帮他。 我真的不知道这是大家所谓的‘变'? 还是我的‘宠坏’? 可是照我看,他也并不是这样的。他以前好好哦。弟弟好爱我。现在怎么好像是我不认识的人。 如果我没有退,他是不是真的会打我? 他不会吧。我没勇气想象。 如果他打我,我真的会。。。 他对妈说‘都听她的,她最好。’ 这句话好伤。我真的不想做‘好的’。 是我让他这样的吗?我觉得他没有变。 只是想法多了。表达方式变了。可是我还是好痛哦。 我尝试冷静的说,可是对他只是我的伪装。 我真的好累。 我错了吧。弟弟还是弟弟的。 Monday, December 12 @ 11:40 PM
Holiday IS HERE
in 3 days
Cant wait for holiday to be here. I wanna my sleep.
Nevertheless, I still need to do my sketches & skeleton for my PD. :/
At least I got some time to spare for myself and sleep. I shall try not to go out in any way. I must finish these 2 work before I can give myself a true rest.
Recently, I feel like spending more time with my family. Accompany my bro because he is having holiday now. He said that wanna go prawning on his birthday. He bring his friends, I bring my friends. But like awkward max ar? And I don't know who can I bring. LOL. Guess not much people can can ton over night. :/ Shall think about it again.
最近看了两部电影 【那些年,我们追的女孩】和 【一泡而红】。
两部都很好笑,特别是【那些年】。里面一些黄色幽默让每个人笑到肚子痛!哈哈哈! 而 【一泡而红】对我来说很有熟悉感。因为我本身是马来西亚人。两部的演员都演的很好。
【那些年】 能拥有共同的回忆,看你幸福的离去,我也能笑着的祝福你。
【一泡而红】 无论怎么了,你还是我生命最佳女主角。支持你所要的,陪伴你的追寻。
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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