Sunday, November 27 @ 12:22 AM
Another week passed. Biggest News this week would be Evaluation day for PHP. I'm trying not to be nervous. I guess I did my best. I didn't even realize that I didn't do finish the login page. My codes actually allow everyone to log in. I forget to compare it with the result. Eventually, the question given by faci is for me to fix the problem. I spent quite a long time inside trying to solve. Faci keeps coming toward me and say 'It is okay if you cant get it now. You can always email me your changed code and just explain in the email about the changes you did. But if you want to stay and try, you can do so.' I know faci doesn't want to stress me. But I want to show that I really did the codes myself. After doing lots of changes to it and still couldn't make it, I was on the plan to give up and just leave the room. Decided to try to run the code the last time and like pray hard in my heart. I'm like saying in my heart that 'OH DEAR CODE, WORK FOR THE GOD'S SAKE.' Miracle or whatever you call it, I'm able to get my codes. (Y)(Y) Freaking happy. :]
Went over to visit my cousins. I miss them. Even though, my plan is to get home and rest. I'm freaking tired. But I still went. I totally forget that Uncle rent one of his room out. So I as usual made a awkward moment out of my life again.
I was like playing with my cousins at the living room. And somehow not in a very good position and hair all over my face. The guy came out of the room. All the kids run over to him. And you know what? I'm left over on the sofa alone. The guy totally look at me and give me the what-is-she-doing-and-what-wrong-with-her-face look.. TOTAL AWKWARD.
Is already week 8 of this sem. Why suddenly time pass so fast without me knowing? How do I say that? I'm not really looking forward of working and all the pressure that eventually come when it come to the reality of working. I wasn't prepare. Although I always say that how nice to be able to work and got your own $ to spend, but I don't really want to work. As all the working experiences I had, I know working is a tough job of life. :/ Guess no one can escape from this job of life. Just hoping I doesn't need to change my job so fast to this.
I was given a order by dad to save $25 buck every months. Oh god. That for my phone bill. How nice is that? I know I need to be independent. FINE. I shall save. Who am I? Tee Sin Yi. I don't believe $25 a months would be that difficult for me. One day $1 also can. #jiayou Sinyi.
Thank to my lovely mum. She say she paying my first month for me. <3
SsinyiI Sunday, November 20 @ 8:01 PM
放下也许会痛,但会是往幸福的路。 曾经以为你是我的幸福,但惜乎是我搞错了。 这次我决定‘还是朋友’。 ‘以前’对我来说不止是‘回忆’而是‘过去’。 这样的我改变了简单的友情。 那时的我太单纯。把你的礼貌和友情当作关心和爱情。 那时的我太幼稚。把对你的逃避变成了无聊的捉迷藏。 现在的, 我会找回大笑的我。 无论在你或朋友面前,我会笑的灿烂。 我会是你的朋友。像以前一样。 因为友情似乎比较适合我们。 你,我不再在乎。 我,会更快乐。 你,不必担心。 再见到时,请不要被我吓到。 因为, 我比以前勇敢。 SsinyiI Thursday, November 17 @ 11:18 PM
回忆很凄美。因为太美而凄惨。你很想念回忆,却回不去。 你拥有回忆,却无法重来。 回忆像海浪,一波又一波的来袭。 回忆像海啸般无法抵挡。 我就像困住般,无法挣脱。 Monday, November 14 @ 9:29 PM
I love Monday ~ This my first Monday off.Finally I understand the happiness of having Monday off ! Able to stay up late on a sunday's night. No need to worry about waking up early on a Monday. That feeling is great. (Y) Woke up at 12plus. Spend my day watching all the drama that only out on Monday. On the past, I always have to find my time to catch them as I have school on Monday. But now, I just watch whenever I want on a Monday. HAHA. Will be watching 那些年,我们一起追的女孩 tmr with Amanda and Jiamei. Hopefullly, the 3 of us able to reach AMK in time to buy the ticket and then off for the movie. (Y) I heard is super nice? I guess this month, I am really have so many thing on plan... Hopefully, next month would be better. I want stay home and do nothing. LOL. This totally a UT month ! I need study for UT tmr. Some real hardcore study. I haven been starting on any study for any module yet. Am I a bad student?? MONDAY ~ SsinyiI Sunday, November 13 @ 10:27 PM
Another week ended. Did I mention that I need rest?? This week, I went out almost every single day again!!! I ate like Texas chicken twice this week, 炸鱼米粉 twice a day, shilling chickens + chicken rice same day, and today eat again!! I really ate a little io much this week!!! I really need to save $$ before I even start spending them all away. Oh Xinyi even come over my house for a sudden stay over on Saturday night. Okay, I not having enough sleep. And I know who to blame. Beside me silk got who? Okay, I guess I shall take a nap. Since my off-day is changed into Monday. No more Monday blues!? SsinyiI Saturday, November 5 @ 8:18 PM
i am bored too ! @ 8:18 PM
crazy thing?? ermmm... nothing crazy. ~ :( how boring is my life? Friday, November 4 @ 10:40 PM
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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