Sunday, October 30 @ 11:30 PM
What a busy week.Still didn't manage to have a good rest. :( Many parent choose to give birth to their children in this week ar. Got quite a number of friends having birthday in this week. Busy ~ Hopefully, I get to rest in this week. No more outing,please. [Cross Finger] I am really exhausted. I just want to stay on my bed and do nothing. I just want to think back. I just want to think of things that could never happen. Is not real and not going to happen but still, that my only way. I just need some time by my own. Alone. For me to think over. A serious thinking for me is needed. I guess there a period of time when people just feel like going back to the past. This what happening to me now. Life moving too fast. Or should I say no man wait for anyone. This shall be it. I will be fine,right? SsinyiI Tuesday, October 25 @ 10:55 PM
And of course, she went crazy with her present below. A videos of her unwrapping her present at my FB. And now is photos time. Just some photos. The rest is up in FB.
See the changes of us. I guess we didn't really change alot beside our hair. HAHAHHA. We know each other like around 4 years if start counting from secondary 3. All those precious memories in our mind and hearts. So much to say but no where to start. But I believe you will understand me. HAHAHHAHA.
SsinyiI Friday, October 21 @ 11:30 PM
As Depit say I haven been blogging lately, I am back to blog.
But if I am not wrong, I did blog on Tuesday !! LOL
Went for NDP Leadership Training on Thur. Surprising quite a small number of people come. total like 8 including me, dar, xiurong and angela?? LOL. Guess not much people check email.
I am checking my email often because my PD Proposal.
My supervisor still haven accept my PD Proposal !!! Is still under the word 'Submitted' !!! Holy ~ So worry about it.
Back to NDP Leader topic. Should I be leader?? Feel that I am not up to it. Like stress de ar... LOL Never been leader. Shall see about it again.
Now facing with a tough question. Should I sleep early tonight?? Need to woke up at latest 9.30am. Will be travelling down to Aunt house at Jurong. :/ I am still quite awake.
假设 好像变成了不错的习惯
假设 你
假设 还有机会
假设 你没变
假设 你在乎
假设 我不痛
假设 会让生活变的有希望吧。如果以这个出发点。
至少这次 我明白了。 假设,无论如何,始终还是 假设。从来都不可能会因我的 假设 变成 不再是 假设。
认清了事实 也不过如此。
接受了事实 也不过如此。
不变的还是 事实
永恒的还是 事实
现在的我 没有那么痛了吧。
Tuesday, October 18 @ 10:44 PM
YEAH~Been almost a week since I blogged. Back with good news. (=
I finally brought myself Iphone !!!
That explain why I didn't blog these few days. Beside that, next important would be PD Proposal. Submitted on Sunday. Please, Please don't ask me to add on or re-do. Accept my PD Proposal !!! MUST !! Wont be in Singapore during this weekend. Will be going in Malaysia for Grandma's 90th birthday. Is a Pre-Birthday. Her birthday not on that day. But that a better date. Now still considering if we are staying over at anyone's house. I want to stay but tired leh. I'm very tired these few days. I fallen asleep on my bed today !! And one hour gone !! When did I even get so tired these few days?? Too much shopping?? HAHA. Thank to Cherie. She made me went shopping with her on Monday!! LMAO New class. Not bad after all,although I felt quite :O at certain times. Could I say I get along quite well with my new classmates?? At least there's jokes going around the class. Almost all the modules are interesting and finally related to what my course is about. Digital Media and Animation !! Currently, my fav = Animation!! <3 Designing, ermm, not that much into drawing yet. We shall see. W.A.D. So far not good. Problem 2 faci, no mood whenever I talk about her. Forget it !! Her favorite sentence 'YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND'. =.= Anyway, life getting on. Whatever it comes, face it and deal with it. SsinyiI @ 8:50 PM
stayover at friends house. (Y) Party the whole night! @ 8:50 PM
shorts @ 8:50 PM
iphone products. @ 8:50 PM
Cookies Monster. Tuesday, October 11 @ 11:57 PM
Got all my groups. Know all my group members.
What can I say?? Not bad. I get to team with my sem1 classmates. Get along quite well with my new classmates. My classmates are kind of funny. I tend to laugh quite alot in class. HAHAHA. Better than a boring and dead class.
Gotten back my first grade. B !! Faci said is a moderate learning. Does that mean not very good?? I'm quiet on the first day. :) But she still gave me a B. Thankful for that. Good start, I guess.
First week might be over. But I'm still having the first day tiredness!!!
Every morning, I'm doing this.
I'm waking up later and later each morning. And that force me to set my alarm earlier and earlier each time. Guess by the end of the year, my alarm start ringing at 2am !!
Second week starting tmr!! Be good!!
SsinyiI Monday, October 10 @ 9:11 PM
First day of school.Feel so tired after a long day. Today, I was busy doing emoticons in class !! LOL. All those images make me LOL in class!! Luckily faci not really looking at me. (Y)
See how Zek Ark can I be? LOL. Just for Joy.
Amanda A rocker !!! LOL
DEPIT: Stop laughing!!
SsinyiI Sunday, October 9 @ 11:08 PM
因为睡觉时间还没到,我也没那么想睡。所以,我打算打博客来打发时间~ 我好闷哦!! 想说打华文,时间应该会过的快一点吧~ 今天下午的时候,约了Amanda。 因为我可爱的老妈把我的银行存折给弄不见了。那我呢唯有去一趟ATM。要不然啊,我就别指望可以花我的薪水了。 Amanda带我去喂鱼!! 我们一人买了一大包的面包。最后,还真的是买太多了! 最后,我们变成了分面包的女孩! 星期四约了朋友要去血拼!!! 血拼不管是男还是女,都是美好的事情~ 【重点:你必须有钱】。 我可爱的老妈不知是哪来的自信。她既然没问过我就答应了阿姨。还跟阿姨说我有空带外婆下阿姨的家。并不是我不想带外婆,而是我要让老妈子明白她不能不问就帮我们答应别人。她这样的行为已经不是第一次了。这次一定要让她明白! 让她学乖! 哈哈哈! 看她以后还敢不敢!!! 我好坏哦! 我越写,我就越累!! 这是这个学期的时间表~ 虽然只有四天,但我还是会累的!!! 好累哦! 看来我的身体已经习惯了11点就上床睡觉的。自然的睡在这个时段感觉到疲倦。 真的受不了我老弟。每天比我还晚回家。 一个中二的学生有必要那么晚回家吗? 就连周日也要出门?? 就那么一刻不想在家吗? 至少以前的我还是会避免周日出门。怎么说,周日也应该待在家吧。是与家人共处的一天吧。至少我是这样想的。真不明白他~ 对了,说到PD. 据说是要写一篇关于自己的文章。写些关于自己的理想,想要达成的目标,自己擅长的事。 说的好听就像自我介绍,难听就是用文笔的方式来销售自己。这大概是在出社会前,大家必须学会的第一样课程吧~ 这样的自我吹捧应该是我最不擅长的吧。毕竟我的优点没他人多,厉害之处更别说了。成功的设计也好像并没有~ 这样的我是要如何写我‘风管伟业’啊? 算了,我累了! SsinyiI @ 1:58 PM
with my friends, okay. but not with strangers. Saturday, October 8 @ 11:30 PM
Friday !!!
I was late for talk. Therefore, I end up rushing into the room. As always~
Went back home to pack my stuff and rush down to meet Amanda and Jiamei. Went down to office to collect salary. And as I thought, the salary is given to account cheque! =.=
Went over to stay over with Lmt. Ate at Aston. I love the food there. Cheap and Nice. (Y) And from the pictures, you can tell is a crazy night. Both of us playing with the ipad. DEPIT CHUA, WE FASHION,RIGHT?
Woke up 1pm. Went for lunch. Watched Lin Bei 11p, which is the final episode. Lin Bei really end very fast and quick. Then we watch a horror movie. From Korean. If not wrong, the movie name is 'White'. I freak out for a few moment !!
Cherie came over in the evening. And with the 3 of us and LMT's mum at home, that would mean MAHJONG!
First time I actually won some real money instead of losing my butt off. I wasn't that bad in mahjong, isn't I??
Grandma would be coming over to stay with us on Tuesday? Not a confirm plan yet, due to my aunt got some event on for her. So, I shall wait for my mum's call at Tuesday. If a yes, I would go ahead and pick her up at Aunt's house.
Hopefully, I would be able to spend my money... Not more delay please!!
Thursday, October 6 @ 11:30 PM
There is no school on Friday for me. So YEAH~
But the sad thing about this week is that I need to be back in school on Friday. 12.30 !! For the PD/PP talk. =.= Why cant my first Friday be a good and nice one ?
And would be staying over at LMT's house on friday to saturday. Heart to Heart section (Y) Doesn't all girls just love chatting the night away??
TIRED MAX. For the first week. Is only the first week~~
Steve Jobs passed away.
He is a legend. I always love apple's product. And he is the one that create Apple what it is today. RIP. Steve Jobs.
Wednesday, October 5 @ 11:24 PM
HOLY SHIT. First day of school.One word: Awkward Max. Although I team with people from last previous sem, I still feel kinda awkward facing the new classmates. I don't know why I'm freaking tired.
I'm draggggggggggingggggg my feet when I'm going home. Waking up for my stop. Super tired. Dragging my feet to bathe, to do my RJ and stuff.
The fastest speed I have for the whole day is when eat and nap.
Please SCHOOL, At least not that tiring.
Tuesday, October 4 @ 11:37 PM
I know is late. Tmr is school.I'm not tired yet. UGH. How can I fall asleep when I'm not at all tired? I will try. Is not really about school starting tmr. Is more of worry for the classmate that I'm going to have for this 15 weeks. What type of person would they be? How am I going to talk to them?? Should I talk to them first??? What if they don't like me??? That would be the most important question. RP students really got strong heart. RP students just have to go though this process every single semester. I have strong heart ! Okay, as I blog, I start to get tired and sleepy eye. Sleepy eye stay on ~ Busy days ahead. SsinyiI @ 2:59 AM
erm...rui qi. at my work place. Monday, October 3 @ 12:07 AM
Finally bring my body out of the house at Saturday, after 7days of staying-home.Went out to meet Huimin and Jocelyn Yow. Xinyi is suppose to be at Bishan too, but rain stopped her from leaving house. [That totally her] Both of the girls are not feeling well. So chicken rice, Koi and home sweet home for both of them. Some pictures that Jocelyn and I took while waiting for Huimin to go toliet.
Special photo!!! Only avaible in my blog.
Being me, I wont go home so early since I'm all dressed up and already left house. Went to Xinyi's house to look her up,since she didn't come over to meet me. Finally got chance to see her baby niece in person. She is really cute. And she really grows up in a family of love. :) Both of us got really bored and start to see if anything for us to eat. Fruits, noodles and eventually alcohol! LOL. But we only try one cup each.
I dont really like it. LOL. Milk and whiskey is too harsh for me. HAHAHA. 17%, I not sure if it is high.... I put quite a loads of ice. And still very bitter for me to drink. Although is added together with milk, the smell of the alcohol is still very strong for me to take it.
Monday's outing with the girls is cancelled. Amanda is down with throat inflection. Hope she would recover asap. Yet nothing I can do. :/
Amanda, Remember our movie,okay!
Before I left house, I took some photo. Recently, I have the uge to change my hairstyle to middle. But I guess doesn't seem right. LOL
![]() Hmmm? LMT say very old school. lol
I cant imagine school starting on wed. I guess still holiday mood !
Sunday, October 2 @ 8:06 PM
no. didn't got the chance. parent the big problem. Saturday, October 1 @ 1:45 AM
彩虹气泡! @ 1:43 AM
that a tough question for me. because who hate food?? |
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