Sunday, June 26 @ 12:49 AM
National Day Parade Combined Rehearsal 2 !!!DANCE and DANCE. I just love dancing! HAHAHA. The hosts is here today. Everyone was shouting for them. but guess still quite awkward without audiences. Red Lions might not be those young handsome guys, but girls still crazy for them. They are handsome for their skill. Super Cool. :) Total 5 songs, we learn the rest today. Still a bit confused about certain dance steps. But we able to do it. : ) Bubbles! You will know it when the times is right. :) I'm sleepy and tired and my leg hurts! I'm getting tan from NDP. HAHA. That for sure. This last saturday NDP: Short update, SsinyiI Thursday, June 23 @ 10:58 PM
UT One come to an end . FOR NOW ! LOLProgramming UT One. One face is enough to explain what I feel. :/ Just nice and take the bus home with the Girls. I always grateful for the same timing of release. I'm rather tired. Fully booked till Sunday. Next wed might also be going out. *Yawn* I'm always looking for Saturday whenever is Thursday or Friday. When is Monday or Tuesday, I look forward for Wednesday. I guess that just keep my life goes on. This make me feel like the week pass a lot faster. I'M SLEEPING EARLY TONIGHT. Not going to stay over 12noon. P.S I changed to blogger template. :) SsinyiI @ 12:16 AM
不知怎么了。现在的我是变的不同了吗? 是更清楚自己要的是什么,追求的是什么吗? 还是更明白 ‘朋友’ 这两个字代表着什么,意味着什么? 我只懂在我还没搞懂这两个字之前,我应该无法好好的面对我目前所谓的 ‘朋友’ 我很清楚我的行为也许会伤了某些人。但我更怕在我面对而无法控制的时候,做出的事会比这些行为更可怕而伤人的更多更多。 在我理解和明白之前,我会先让自己离开这个圈圈。 有朋友对问我说,我是否有尝试接受。如果我说我尝试了,但还是没找到我要的答案? 那又如何? 我又能怎么办? 等待答案的到来吗? 我没有胆量向任何人要求。现在的我只想有独自漂泊的勇气。 离开也许不是最好的解药,但未成不是一个不错的防腐剂。 冻结友情,冻结所有关于我们的关系。让一切先缓缓的进入冬眠。希望在觉醒的那一天,会有一个更好的明白。 写的时候,听着 《阿福- 良人》 欣仪 Sunday, June 19 @ 11:55 PM
Okay let me see.This week been rather slack for me. Beside the programming day. Totally madness for me. I can feel Butterflies flying in my stomach. Lucky is over. Drawing Field Trip too. Walk around with Xuelin and end up at Mac drawing. Now I'm reconsidering whether I should redraw my drawing. But I already spending so much time in it. :/ I learn to cherish friendship more. But for those that is not true, i learn not to waste my time too. First time at floating platform. This time the holding area is truly a bit too far. LOL. Oh, my team got chosen as Dancer. But we didn't really dance much. :/ Actually, we hope to dance more. But it get really shy when the cam film us. LOL. And somehow my team came out with a new cheer. 今天炸鸡排 炸! 明天炸鸡排 炸! 后天炸鸡排 炸! 一起炸鸡排 炸! LOL! This get really ridiculous. But I like! We kept waving to strangers. Another funny part. AND I got to run for the formation! Isn't that far away as I think. So not bad! I never fail to look forward for sat training. Beside NDP never fail to make me feeling happy. :) Yisiong told me he is saying Happy Birthday from Beijing to Singapore. LOL. That mean he might appear at the video showcase. That cool ! Been meeting Dennis and Min Hao for like 3 times this week! LOL. Stay at the playground and CHILLL! LOL Tml will be the start of another week. BE GOOD. SsinyiI Friday, June 10 @ 2:36 AM
今天又要说些什么呢?最近,我爱上了 林俊杰 《爱笑的眼睛》。 这首歌在我脑里重复着。。。 轻快的旋律,搭配着歌词,应该唱出了很多人的心声吧。包括我的。。。 歌曲中的大部分歌词,我听了,超有感触的! 《哈哈》 *我还不肯相信 没有你我的笑更美丽* 决定离去的时候,以为我的脸上不再出现笑容。 但时间也许真的让我康复了吧。想起以前的自己,真的太傻了吧! 哈哈! *折好了伤心明天起只和快乐出去* 套《醉后》一句话 【在感情上我是输了,但至少在未来的日子里,我有选择的权利】既然选择了放手,就能笑着的祝福吧 *离开你我才发现自己 那爱笑的眼睛 流过泪 像躲不过的暴风雨 淋湿的昨天删去(忘记)* 无法阻止的泪水就让它流吧。泪水就像暴风雨,哭过就好了。就让泪水删去过往的回忆。*离开你我才找回自己 那爱笑的眼睛 再见爱情 我一定让自己 让自己决定* 从新获得自由的笑容。再见了我曾经的爱。我会让自己过的更好。没了你,我还行。*再见到你 我一定让自己假装很坚定* 至少如果有一天我们再碰面,我能够笑着对你说: 好久不见郑欣仪 Thursday, June 9 @ 2:26 AM
本来没想要写博客的。但突然有感触。。。当经历了太多次的离别。而使我太习惯 离别的感觉 或是太适应 遗弃的失落?? 我好像渐渐的不再敢 给予的太多 和 要求的太多。 怕给的多,变的多余 怕要的多,变的烦人 这一次我想再一次的相信 《我值得》 当你认为你给的多,你要求的也变的多。。。 因此,也许,是我太看得起自己了。。。 毕竟我没有那么完美。。。我只是我。。。 我应该警惕自己。 其实我没那么重要。。。也没那么被需要。。。 但我能不能不勇敢。。。 因为要从心底认为自己不重要。。。 好难。。。好痛。。。 郑欣以 Monday, June 6 @ 11:48 PM
愛喔愛 主唱:廖語晴 Linda 我不要這種冷漠 卻只有你 依賴 你隨時對我關愛 全都被你 主宰 因為被愛所以存在是上個世紀的對白 我要淘汰你的姿態純白的心不能夠壞 我不怕愛 陰天裡的眼光沒有放棄的期待綻放的精彩愛愛愛 I see a sign 勇敢地拼命愛讓太陽曬曬愛懂了才遇到愛 Oh baby, 愛喔愛喔愛喔愛喔愛fly fly fly 該愛了就愛 愛 喔愛 oh cry oh smile oh try ~ all life 全都是愛沒有倖免沒有重來我該愛就愛愛實現了愛 愛喔愛當愛走來喔愛我愛 (I can fly) Recently, not many nice song come out. This is one of it that I found really nice. Most of the song[chinese] tend to be 'copying' / following the Korean style. So finally one song that totally and completely different from the Korean style. The song is also very nice. Now totally on my replay mode. (Y)(Y)(Y) LISTEN TO IT MAN ! SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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