Tuesday, May 31 @ 11:47 PM
I partial-ed today. Meet Lex and girl, Steven and James. After they finish eating, I decided to take 169 to go home. When on the bus, I totally feel giddy and feel like vomiting. Wonder what happen. GIDDY ~ Slept my way and even went pass my stop that is suppose to be at Thomson. So I sat all the way to AMK hub.Decided to go to visit my aunt. Taught my aunt english and accompany the children. Totally just sit there and teach. Giddiness follow me home. Vomit-ed when I reach home. And after Mum making me drink that stupid sugarcane water. =.= SIAN! Wonder if I will be able to wake up tml if My head still giddy. 漫长的车程,下着蒙蒙细雨,让我的思绪变的缓慢。 窗外的细雨仿佛替我流下了隐藏的泪水。乐观待人好像顺其自然的变成了我的保护色。 害怕了,委屈了,想要哭了,但怕没人给予安慰,更怕的是别人会对我有误解。当别人无法接受你的泪水,他们就会为你加入自己的想法。深怕他人的心也是如此的我宁愿是一个人忍着泪水。 忍着泪水虽然痛,但好比被别人误会来的好吧~ 如果可以选择笑着对人,何必哭呢? SsinyiI Monday, May 30 @ 11:30 PM
Is Monday~NDP was great. Fetch the girl dog from Tamp and brought her to NEX. The boy dog was kinda jealous when he saw that Tricia and I brought the girl dog. HAHHAS. Jealous sio ~ Technically, 2 More days of school and it will be Holiday. But I feel like giving Wed a miss. HAHHAAS. No harm not going anw. Is CST ~ I don't really feel like going. Is Holiday Mood for me. But tml Programming is a MUST to go. So, hope I can go though tml peacefully. =] Still thinking if I should give Wed a miss. I need some rest, you know. HAHAHAS. [Who don't need] Recently, this song has been in my replay list. <没那么爱他> I personally like this part of the lyrics. < 深呼吸抬头望 发现天空很宽广 这世界那么大 幸福总会在某个地方 > Kind of like sound encouraging to me. HAHAS. In English: Take a deep breath, Look at the sky. The sky is broad, the world is big. Happiness would definitely somewhere there. 我坚信幸福总会在某个角落等待我。 既然你不是,我不会强求。 谢谢你带给我美好的回忆。我会珍惜,我会感激。 分开的路也许困难, 但只要相信你会更好。 找到后,什么都变的不重要了。 SsinyiI Thursday, May 26 @ 1:34 AM
Ho Ho HoWed 25.05.11 Original Plan: Joslyn and I went to shopping first. Then meet Amanda for Lunch. Then pool while waiting for Tanjiamei to come. In the end, Joslyn cannot make it. So become pure pool day. But Tanjiamei cannot make it too, So become pure eat day for Amanda and I. Ate PizzaHut. Been a long time since I ever step into PizzaHut after I left Guangyang. Pizzahut use to be my hangout place with my GY-ians. All the foods there hold certain level of memories. Starry Munchies, Garlic Bread, Curry Bake Rice and Drumplets ! Today just like a go back memory lane for Amanda and me. Maybe find one day, I should gather some people and go back secondary school and eat the canteen food. Miss them lots. :) Spend my evening watch Secret Garden. But I stop and start my revision on Computer System Technology. Problem Two is a long one~ I took quite awhile to understand. Haven been feeling good for this few days. I'm down with Sore Throat. At first, it recovered. But eventually get worst after eating one bar of Mars. LOL. I know, I know is my fault for eating that. But I didn't know it will actually get that seriously. OPPS. LOL Bro was away from home. He went for Sec 2 Camp. 3 Days 2 Night. I miss him. The house seem so quiet without him around even thunder is here. Seriously, the thunder is SPECIALLY LOUD but don't seem any rain coming. :/ P.S 忍耐别人不代表你认同。只是懒得和别人一般见识。 SsinyiI Sunday, May 22 @ 1:01 AM
Yes, my frequency of blogging went down a lot. Didn't find it a point to blog everyday. Not like something big happen everyday.Allow me to rewind back my life. My memory getting worse. Thursday 19.05.11 By right, it just a normal school day for me. The difference is that Tan Jia Mei and I left school at around the peek hour [5pm]. So eventually, we reach MRT at around 6pm. Being lazy, we decide to sit down to Jurong and sit back to Bishan. Sitting to the last stop would allow us to have seat to sit on the way back to Bishan. Finally, we reach Jurong. Queue up outside the MRT's door. Got our seat happily. After sitting for like 2-3 stop, we realize that this train service stop at YEW TEE !!! So we got down the train. Planned to wait for the next train. The next train arrived. SUPER MANY PEOPLE. So, we decided to sit back to Jurong and back to Bishan. This eventually took us 1.5hour before we even can reach Bishan. 0.0 Friday 20.05.11 I didn't go to school on that day. Not really feeling good. All thank to my dad. But as promise, I meet up the girls after school. Dinner and buy drinks and photos spam-ed. This time round, Tan Jia Mei recommend us to try Gong Cha. Gong Cha's Milk Tea not really my type. I wont compare with other's. But if you are a tea-lover, I guess you would love Gong Cha. Their taste of their tea is really strong. P.S Not uploading all. As I had uploaded into FB. Saturday 21.05.11 Today suppose to be the last day of the world. But eventually, you can see I'm still here blogging at this hour. I'm not DEAD !!! Went for NDP. Today learn about the 4 8-counts dance steps. Not bad. Quite HipHop. I was quite worried that they might teach us those quite [not-my-type] dance step. HEHE. Went to Ochard with Tricia to have our lunch. Back to NEX to bring BABY to go eat. DOG CAFE ~ Baby was ask-ed to be participating in a competition. For his beauty! LOL Upcoming Events For Me: I need to start studying for my UT !!! I will start studying on Monday 23.05.11 !!! [trying my best for it] 02 June - 03 June: Eileen Birthday Stay-over @Gerald's house. 03 June - 05 June: Wedding. (Y) Going Malaysia beforehand ! P.S I'm having a busy life. But I'm enjoying it. : ] P.S What a long post!!! SsinyiI Wednesday, May 18 @ 2:24 AM
AMANDA (Y) <3 @ 12:20 AM
最近,有朋友向我说她的朋友的事。我觉得啊~很多时候,我们可以认识 很多人 但真正能被称为 朋友 的就很少。 有时候啊~ 是少的可怜 没有人是不自私的。同样的我,也是这样。 自己的朋友可以很轻易的被你自己当成笑柄,但当你听到别人对你的朋友 有意或无意 的 中伤时,你就会自动的对此人 产生恶意。 现在的我就是这样。 但放心,为了我的朋友,我不会对你怎样。 但请相信我,如果你再有任何 无理取闹 或是 寧我朋友不堪的 事, 我不会保持我的笑脸。 我的笑脸 只是为了那些懂的 基本尊重的人 和 什么是善待他人的 人存在的。 利用他人的忍耐来当跳板的人 迟早会以为他人忍耐到了极限 而 摔得遍体鳞伤 对于这样的人, 我对你只有一句话 请在他人失去耐心之前,好好的珍惜那份残留在你们之间 所剩无几的友情。 亲爱的朋友: 无需为 不懂的珍惜友情的人 而感到无助。 你曾经为她打开你的心扉,接受她的人。现在不懂的珍惜的人也是她。 这种人只不过是在贱踏他人对她仅有的信任。 没有人必须承受不公的对待。每个人都有权利享有值得尊重的友情。 还有你对你自己要有多一点信心 !! 每个人都有能够完成他人完成不到的事情。 无需为现在你无法完成的事而感到 伤心或无助 只要你付出了你应该付出的努力,对的起你自己。 因为当你付出了,就没有人有权利去质疑你, 唯独你自己。 人的自信来之于他给自己努力过而相信自己是值得的。 没有人没有卑微的想法。只不过相信自己已经努力过,而对自己能呈现的已经是最好的。 如果还是有人无法接受,就让他们怨恨到死吧~ 无法接受他人是因为他们没有为了自己努力过。 就是因为没有为自己努力过,他们才能轻易的说出伤人的话~ 希望你能够永远的大声的笑~ 如果你累了,我会借你我的床 如果你哭了,我会把我的Tissue给你,就不用还了! 如果伤心了,我会逗你笑~ 《这我可在行了》 如果发生什么事, 随时call我,tweet我,sms我! 24小时,为你! SsinyiI Monday, May 16 @ 12:26 AM
Best ! I love this man! This 2 kid is genius! Thursday, May 12 @ 11:59 PM
超就没转贴歌曲了。 阿妹新专辑:你在看我吗? @ 11:23 PM
First NDP meet up at Tue. Location: SiMei Ite. Hopefully, they don't change my team. HEHE. Ah Ah Sio ~As usual, my Wednesday spend with the girls at grassroot club playing pool. I wonder would it continue for like every week. As for today, Home based learning. :) Totally, slacking. HAHAHAS. This timetable of mine seriously just one word to describe: SLACK !! 这些日子都过的好好哦~ 哈哈! 感觉上好像很忙,但是我却能忙里偷闲。 太闲的日子,对我来说又太无情。 太忙的日子,我又怕喘不过气。 这样的感觉真好~ 充实的生活~ SsinyiI Sunday, May 8 @ 9:11 PM
我 真的 很想知道 她心里 到底在想什么。我常常在想,如果不是她,我们的生活 也许 会更好。 人 不能去 选择 我们的 父母 同样的 也不能去 埋怨 我们的 祖先 你留下来的 是 无数的家产? 还是 还不清 和 搞不清 的 金钱纠纷? 说这些 也毫无意义。 老爸 要完成 你的遗愿, 可是如果你的愿望将是 建立在我们的痛苦之上呢? 我不明白。 这是自私 还是 孝道? 生活 本不是个问题, 但却因为你,我们现在过的 从来未有的 生活。 我好想快点 长大。 脱离 这一切。 就因为我还小,你们就完全不考虑我们的看法。 一致认为你们是对的。 终有一天, 我一定可一过上我要的生活。 一个需要 我的生活。 我不会怨恨,我会感激。 感激你们让我了解,和更珍惜一切。 撑过夏天的炎热, 挨过冬天的冰冷, 忍受秋天的寒风, 你才会那样 相望 春天的温暖。 SsinyiI Wednesday, May 4 @ 11:50 PM
Haven been blogging often.Today is Wednesday. Another day of me and my no-school-day. Went out with dears again. Mac and pool. (Y). I totally fall in love with pool. At first, I tot I would never fall in love with it. [If I'm not wrong, _ don't like too] But I don't care about _ anymore. What else is in the week? Mon = no school. Went to Uncle house to visit him. He got in hosptial. But he is okay now. Tue= Pool with the girls too. I been playing pool for like continuous 2 day!? Photo Ig tml. Hope is a good start for me. :) To get busy with some serious matters. NDP. I'm going to miss the meeting. :( Two meeting happening in the same time. Got to chose one only. SsinyiI Sunday, May 1 @ 11:45 PM
Hmmmm....What happen recently? Meet up with my babe, JOSLYN, on friday, together with Amanda and Zhengyi. You wont know how I haven been meeting Joslyn. That like super long. Guess since like almost a year. Know Joslyn since primary school. So you guess how long is that. 8 years?? If I just start counted from we got same clas sin Pri 5? Whatever is it, we got good times spend on fri. :) Saturday I stay-ed at home. Went down for community party again. The party atart at 8am!! Like darm early. Went down till 10plus. When I reach back home, I slept all the way till 3m. Super tired. Sundary Went to malaysia with dad and mum. Bro stay-ed home. Go dentist. Seriously, cannot stand dad. He alway like to walk super fast and left mum and I at the back. So eventually, mum and I lost our way and couldn't find dad. And when we found him or he found us, he started nagging. Kept saying ' You know now what time anot? You all forever so slow'. I was so angry that I say ' I was trap at the passport there and all u know is keep walking and never look back and see if we did follow up.' When we finally reach the dentist, he smile to me and say ' there 2 dentist, which one u want?' I'm like WHAT ! We are suppose to be in cold war !? Then I whisper to my mum ' he must let me scold then he happy?' But eventually, I cant stop laughing at my parent for their lost teeth. So happy ending. :) Back home. Would be going to uncle's house tml. Heard he got an operation and now resting in his house. So going to visit him. And I shall play with his dogs. LOL SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
Random girl from random street.
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