Thursday, April 28 @ 10:00 PM
Okay this going to be a long post. 1. Rachel Birthday 2. Home Sweet Home with Amanda 3. ♥ Gay, embarrassing, retarded yet funny with Tanjiamei & Amanda HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY RACHEL ANG MY BIG FAT ELEPHANT !! Home Sweet Home with AMANDA. She likes to take photo recently. LOL Suppose to be a movie trip but in the end, we change to our past time fav KIM SAM LING ~ chicken rice. I wonder if I spell it correctly. KOI as the ending. Rachel ang was sick. So she is cannot make it here with us with the heaty food ~ I'm sleepy. I love drawing lesson although get too bored at times. SsinyiI Monday, April 25 @ 11:45 PM
Holy ~~ Finally got to see all my faci and all the module.Today module is Computer System Technology. Guess what, I think programming is so much better and TOTALLY easier than THIS MODULE ~ Poor Year 1 for 2012, they might be getting this for their year1. I'm like learning motherboard? Holy shit, what the hell is that? I didn't even have any sense or brain cell for this ~ First time hearing of this, First time researching for this. I know I might be idiot not knowing what the freaking is motherboard but even if I know it now, it is still killing me. Guess I need to like work double hard on this module as compare to others. Total computer's part NOOB ~ That the worst that I ever think I would need to learn for my modules in RP's SIT ~ Who ask me to be in the school of IT ~ PROGRAMMING I LOVE YOU MUCH MORE THAN I LOVE COMPUTER SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY ~ [ THAT FOR SURE] Sort of complaining for today post. LOL. Forgive me for that. Ohh ~ I joining NDP. AGAIN~ HAHAHAS. I just love the feeling of having fun every sat ~ BLESS ME FOR HAVING GOOD HIGH TEAMMATES~ SsinyiI Saturday, April 23 @ 11:16 PM
Went to Rachel's Birthday Chalet on 21 April till 23 April. BBQ for 2 night.How heaty is that. LOL. Lucky I didn't get any sore throat. I would upload the photos once the other upload-ed it. I would let the photos do the talking. UGH. Haven do the drawing's homework. How slack can I be. LOL SsinyiI Wednesday, April 20 @ 11:45 PM
Haven been blogging since Mon.Been busy this few days. Getting home late and sleep late. Drawing module. Not bad. Is like ending of the week yet I'm just had only see my classmate for like 2 days? LOL To be exact is like only a less than a day if count by hour. Taken on like Sunday? LOL. Taken yesterday with TJM at mac. LOL. Enjoying MacFlurry. I love it. Taken today at Mac with Amanda. TJM took it for us. It would be like programming tml. I seriously, scare of programming. My programming, I guess everyone know, totally SUCK in it. That would be even worst than the other module like Computer system technology. Hope someone can help me with it. UGH. Been sleeping late recently. Would be going to Rachel Birthday Chalet Party tml. Happy Birthday in advance. I tend to forget how happy am I with him around. Letting go is the only way of forgetting. The more u try the more u cant let go. Since you cant, why not just let nature take its place? SsinyiI Monday, April 18 @ 9:01 PM
New Class. New Classmate. Team with Wanni today. Module was great. Videos. But I'm still quite nervous during ppt. I wasn't suppose to do ppt, so I'm actually watching videos. But last min add my part in. LOL.Tml will be drawing. I somehow look forward to it. Wonder how would it be like. SsinyiI Saturday, April 16 @ 11:25 PM
Woke up quite late today. Second last day of holiday. Hmm...I would miss it. Holiday, suddenly I feel that I need you. LOL Love this. HEHE. But I prefer sour. I shall refill with sour skittles after I finish this. Out tmr for awhile. SsinyiI Friday, April 15 @ 11:40 PM
Went to 5th Aunt house. Mum want to ask Granny and Aunt to come over and stay over. But in the end, they didn't follow us back. Granny is sick. If I'm not wrong, they going back at sat. So that Granny can visit the doctor. Yihong went to NYP. YH and me like totally opp. I went to his side to study, he came over to my side to study. ZiKang is in sg. I didn't even know if I didn't go today. I heard he is here for work and also studies. I wonder if he is home yet. Didn't get to see him today. Yisiong still in beijing. His work seem to be very slack. He can still chat to me even though he is working. How slack can he be. And he 'suan' me. I threaten him that I would dig for his secret since his bro and him is not at home. But was able to guess that I wont really go do it. HAHA. He even tell me how nice is the food there. How cheap and how big the serving can it be. I tell him say he going to be SO FAT when he come back. And he so going to wear XL shirt !!!! Or even XXXXXXLLLLL !! HAHAHAS My Heart. 我的心事 这个假期会是我最难忘的吧!这个期间想了很多。多的让我有点应付不来。最近的我迷恋上了在晚上听疗伤歌曲。 我不懂为何我会突然那么喜欢夜晚的宁静。是因为夜晚的宁静给我安全感吗?还是因为夜晚里,我是一个人的?一个人去静静的聆听自己心里真真的想法与感觉? 很都时候,因为太忙碌或是世界的诱惑太多,我们很常会忘了自己真真想要得到和真真能让自己快乐的是什么。 唯有从新了解自己与聆听自己的心声,你才能找回那个真真的自己。 爱情又是无奈的人生考题。 往往伤我们最深的却又让我们笑得最开心的就是它。 其实我们未必一定要拥有爱,我们才会能感觉到那种爱的感觉。很多时候,成全也可以很幸福。 能够看到他的幸福也是一种满足。 无论如何,从新开始。 I would be me. That is it. SsinyiI Thursday, April 14 @ 11:45 PM
Got the time table after like how long ... ...Went to buy my sketchbook alone. Rain came when I reach woodland. What a nice rain. I sure I love rain. :) Sketchbook look kinda cute. Haha. At least, I love the design. Went home, eat and bathe. Before I leave to meet the girls, I check LEO. And timetable is out. What a nice timing. School start at 9.15am. My drawing only 4hours. But it start at 12.30. What is this !! LOL. No school on wed !!! THAT not bad. LOL Oh, and Xue Lin same class with me. I didn't know she is same diploma with me. At least one person that I know. :) Meet Rachel&Jiamei. Walk around with them. Walk around in the bus [ Inner secret ]. I went home first while they went to eat ice cream. I tired. I shall sleep at 1.30 [latest] today. Going to 5th aunt house tml morning to fetch Granny and Aunt. Then might be meeting Amanda for movie. :) I would have a nice day... without you there. SsinyiI Wednesday, April 13 @ 11:45 PM
Went for haircut today. Xinyi accompany-ed me.Cheekuan came later for lunch and mahjong at Xinyi's house. Huimin came too for mahjong. So, we play mahjong till like 9plus?? LOL But we still didn't finish all the 风, we only did till 西风 and first 北风. LOL. Because the rest of them are hungry. TSK. So my hair. I found my fringe quite short. LOL Okay. This time round, Mum say there not much changes. But actually 2 inch of my hair is CUT away !! That painful for a girl to endure. LOL I feel my hair so short now. :( Going down to school tml to get my sketchbook. Suddenly, feel like 'I'M ART STUDENT'. HAHHAS. How nice to be a art student. TEEHEE SsinyiI |
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