Sunday, February 27 @ 10:57 PM
Went to buy chalet's stuff with Meiting and Gerald...I miss my nap today. I think I need to sleep early tonight. LOL. Granny and Aunt is here. :) They are noisy and cute. LOL. SsinyiI Saturday, February 26 @ 10:57 PM
Been slacking recently. Staying at home doing nothing. Lying on my bed. Isn't that the best? Having nap whenever I want. I seriously love taking nap.Think of what going through your mind before you get tired of thinking and fall asleep. That the best. :) Sometime, we just need a few min in life to think over what we been getting to so far in life. No matter what the topic is about, some important decision would eventually settle during that few minutes. At least that work for me. Been going though a lot in my mind. Regardless is about school or other stupid matters, I decided to follow my heart. Continue to believe in what I'm been holding so long. Sometime, you do not have the choice in deciding everything in life. For example, you cant decide what people thinks, what people like. All you can do is to get though it and continue in life looking for the right one. SsinyiI Tuesday, February 22 @ 11:09 PM
UT is over... What a nice thing to say to other polys' students. Hahahas. I just went around telling everyone that is not RP... HAHAHAS.19.02.11 My 18th birthday. Happiest one and Most 'NOISY' one. Early in the morning receive my first birthday cake from Mum !!! What a surprise. Seriously didn't even think of her buying me one. Thank, Mum. :) Huimin and Jocelyn came over my house to 'surprise' me. HAHAS. Thank Girls :) Head over to Gerald's house. MeiTing, Amanda, Cherie, Eileen, David, Ricky, Gerald and Depit was there. Surprise me with a cake. But totally have no idea what would be happening. Steamboat :) RockBand W47A !! Ghost movie as usual. And lastly, Drinking again :) As usual, the second day, I got rashes.... 20.02.11 Went to meet Huimn, Pat, Wanqin, Cheekuan, Kaifeng and Ryan for lunch at Astons. :) We waited too long that everyone eat super fast. Cheekuan, Kaifeng and me went to look for Chisun. 21.02.11 Accompany Kaifeng, Cheekuan, Chisun&friend to study in TPY library. I helped Cheekuan make the twitter until I want vomit blood. LOL. Toh Xinyi came later and off we went to Chisun house again at the night.... Today [ 22.02.11 ] Went for lesson.!! NETWORKING :/ Can be interesting at times. But I just simply cannot take lecture way of teaching. Abit boring.... Went to meet Kaifeng. Accompany him for dinner then walk around. Home Sweet Home.... YAWN YAWN !!! SsinyiI Wednesday, February 16 @ 8:54 PM
WEDNESDAY!!I found out one of my post disappear! Forget it then. :/ Tired recently. Haven been doing much. :/ UT! Two more days and all shall come to an end. :) 不容易的平静。我会努力的维持。不让自己在轻易的失控。 SsinyiI Monday, February 14 @ 12:28 AM
15个礼拜过了。W47A学习的日子已来到了尾声。在这些日子里拥有的是快乐的大笑,幼稚的打闹和了解彼此的默契。这一切的一切,唯有感谢和感激大家。 我相信这也许是我们一起学习的终点。但这绝对不是友情的终点。这只是老天给我们的机会。证明时间不会冲淡友情,而是让我们更加珍惜对方,更想,更期待拥有对方陪伴的日子。 未来的日子里,我们还有很多机会能够一起相处。Chalet, Birthday等等。 只要相信我们的友情不简单。 SsinyiIWednesday, February 9 @ 10:34 PM
I queue for the sakae yusheng and he say meaningless. Seriously, he just making me piss off at times. I planned to talk to him today. And now he say such thing to me. Do I really deserve it? Mum told me today is the day of yusheng. I go and queue for it. I paid for it with my OWN SALARY. And now he say such thing? :/ Seriously don't understand.Enough of him. Valentine on 5 more days. I'm alone the same. As usual. Such days just make me wonder how is he. Life is getting better without him. : / SsinyiI Monday, February 7 @ 10:56 PM
Been working hard for so long.Went to work after school. Everyday. Been wanting that stuff for very long. Hoping and thinking of it. I know you cant afford for me. I know is impossible for you to get for me. That why I tried to get it myself. I tried to work hard for myself. But just because one sentence from you: "NO". I cant continue. I cant have it. What I done is all useless. Not even if I ask you face to face. All you say is useless. No matter how long I wait, no matter how much I did. You just don't allow. Not even I beg you. I wont beg you anymore. I wont work hard for anything anymore. I hate you. I wont forgive you. I would remember how strong are you to me. I would remember how you reject me. SsinyiI Thursday, February 3 @ 10:43 PM
Currently in Malaysia House. Woohoo. First night is over. I spend my day sleeping away. I was super tired. I cant imagine when I get back to Singapore, I would be thinking what to buy and stuff. I HAVE to make sure I don't spend all the money away. I shall save $$ for rainy days.Firecracker ! We play-ed 3 firecracker and other fireworks. I would upload the videos and stuff when I get back in Singapore. Update more tml. :) SsinyiI Wednesday, February 2 @ 10:34 AM
Blogging in school. :)Ronald's birthday today. That why I came to school. LOL. After school going to take salary! Woohoo. :) Cant wait for it. How much could I get?? Malaysia trip later. =] Cant wait for it. TEEHEE !!! SALARY SALARY SALARY ! SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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