Sunday, October 31 @ 11:23 PM
As my day for today is very boring. Let me share photos. Yesterday photos. Taken with Oh~Oh~OH XINYI. Stayed at home the whole day. Relaxing. Watch videos. Hangout with Bro. Watch video. Listen to music. Editing photos. I just love such relaxing days. SsinyiI Saturday, October 30 @ 11:45 PM
![]() This may seem normal for many kids but for me, not at all. So, if anyone is to think that I'm over reacting, I dun care. But truly thank to Mum. She seems tired for accompanying me to shop. Good night Mum. :] I might not be the best child in the world as I’m still learning to be one. But I’m definitely one that loves you the most. I might be hurting lots, but I still love you lots. Went to Xinyi’s house. Brought a small cake up. Huimin, Jocelyn and Xinyi start to have ice fight while I enjoy my pizza. HAHAS! Next into Xinyi’s room for a small chat. Aircon ~ HOME SWEET HOME. I’m tired. LET SLEEP. SsinyiI Friday, October 29 @ 11:45 PM
Marketing module today. Faci use the whole meeting two just by talking to us. Everyone is like super tired and super don’t care about what she is talking. Class have lunch together today. J Yu Pian Mi Fen. LOL. Amanda recommend. Gerald’s birthday today. The class brought a cake for him. J Mango. Word of the class is WAHH! Because Gerald receive two rose from his ‘gf’. HAHAS Oh Xin Yi’s birthday too. Didn’t go out with them. Went to meet Rachel and TJM. Watched the movie Eat, Pray Love. I want to watch Jackass! Like nice lor! I WANT WATCH! Due Date. Megaming etc. Went to eat. Order stingray, lala, vegetables, oyster egg and prawn noodles. Super full. Then walk a distance as we think we ate too much. WAHAHAHA! Bus down to eat 豆花. Met TJM’s friends there. Then leave with Rachel as she go to look for her bf. Home sweet Home. Shopping tml J Thursday, October 28 @ 10:25 PM
Math today. Oh ! Math! AH! Math. Why can’t triangle just get out of my life? Even though, I do not hate math but seriously I would like to learn something more different. Vectors is coming back. But I got to be grateful that I do not have science. WAHAHAH! That the best man! No science. Because of science, I’m more willing to learn math. J Cause SEG has math and science. What a sad thing. To me, learn science is sad. Watched PA2 in class. What a complicated story. PA2 is not meant to be PA2. It happen before PA1. Seriously PA is a nice movie of making me freak out. Cause there is no way you can know when is going to happen till it really come out. Anw, nice movie done up. Went prawning after school. J Great night. I managed to catch my first ever prawn. The first prawn I caught is a baby prawn super small one. I will show it till Rachel send/upload the photos. J Went home straight. Super tired. I shall sleep now. My eye closing in process. SsinyiI Wednesday, October 27 @ 9:09 PM
School today. Super tired. I dunnoe why I this week so tired. ANW, I want to sleep early. OMG.Now 9pm le. I at first want to sleep at 8 but now already 9am. Arrr. :)Finallly got my calender. SIAN. YAWN! SsinyiI Tuesday, October 26 @ 9:46 PM
PRAWN-ing. Kway Chap :) Amanda's 17th Birthday =D @ 9:41 PM
Stomach pain and stay at home. The worst night ever. Totally cant stand the pain. OUCH~Stay at home the whole. Quietly sit at my table. Amanda's Birthday Photos: 1. 2. 3. Prawn-ing Kway Chap I doubt you all can see it. LOL. My friend's facebook are all private. :) For my own references. I will upload some in here. SsinyiI Sunday, October 24 @ 12:13 AM
Meet Amanda at the morning. Went to Marina Barrage. Rachel and I tell Amanda that Jiamei not coming for her birthday celebration. Jiamei suddenly appear at barrage. Amanda surprise. Brought kite. Fly kite. Blow cake. Cake Mash! I got cream all over my body. HAHAS! Went to sing K at Party World. J Amanda leave first. Rachel and Jiamei and I continue to sing K. Then down Amanda house eat. Pass Amanda her present. Then home sweet home. J Super sleepy. Yawn. I want to sleep soon. School tml. Feel like skipping school. SsinyiI Saturday, October 23 @ 1:41 AM
I have really bad quarrel with my mum today. The problem: I always want to do shopping because I am certainly lack of clothes for school. And Dad buys stuff for brother while I'm the one in need. Mum promise me as Dad didn't buy for me. And today she say cannot go because bro's friend coming out house. And she the one that promise bro's friend can come even though she already promises me at the first place. So here comes the problem. She says she going to tell bro's friends not to come because I seem angry. This is totally the problem. You shouldn't have promise other people even if you think you feel bad for rejecting people. Cause You PROMISE at the VERY FIRST PLACE! So, she asked me if I still want to go shopping. I get angry and seriously say sentence like: 我不稀罕你对我的实施. I know is very hurting for her to hear that. But I seriously having my BIGGEST angry toward my mum. Is really not a nice feeling for getting cheated by your own parent for not the very first time, which is ALOT of times. Rain is big today. I went downstair for a walk. Cry under the rain. Sit at stone chair. Stare to the sky. Cool down. Went out again. [ Mission] Say next time. HOME SWEET HOME. I’m tired as today is a bad day. The worst is over, the better is here to come. Friday, October 22 @ 11:45 PM
Marketing today. The module that I got my A. Today really confirm cannot get A le. Cause I today really didn't do much, talk much and think much. During break, I still went for CE talk even though I got my Diploma-Related Points. Class ordered Pizza today. Super funny when Ricky called the person to order. Sorry is Republic Polytechnic not Republic Polyclinic. Classic ! My faci for Marketing. Super Naggy. I believe the whole class will agree with me. Class outing coming up soon. I did not go for any class outing for my last class. Hope I would be free for this time round. Meet TJM after school. Then Rachel. Went out. Done our stuff. For the topic on what stuff, I would say again next time. BTW, TJM’s dog, Lucky, love lying on my legs sia. He can just fall asleep there. SERIOUSLY, I must have a dog next time. I just love dogs too much. What is more cute than dogs? LOL. SsinyiI Thursday, October 21 @ 9:50 PM
![]() I am really impressed with myself for reaching school on time and even reach at 8am. Even though, I seem to be arriving at school at the same time. I reach MRT very early every day. I'm supposed to meet TJM at 7.20plus. But I always reach there early like 7.02? Thought today will be a tough day for me. The impression Math left for me at last week is not really good. LOL. But luckily, David and YinChang is here. So, no more Two-Man show. If any module is Two-man show, I’m sure that I can’t endure over that day and partial. Anw, my new class is not bad. At least class convo and class fb group was made. The class is chatting together almost every day at class. From the start of the day till school end. Everyone in the class seem to be able to take up jokes. I got myself a new name. Tee Shirt? LOL. Seri gave it to me. LOL. And I should always be grateful that I got this class. J Ok. I’m feeling tired now. But is only 9plus. Not even 10 yet. Should I sleep? Let me see if I got any more drama to watch before I decide I close for the night. J Wednesday, October 20 @ 11:45 PM
Due to my school start, I need to use English to blog again. Because I still type need quite some time to type Chinese and recheck a lot of time before I even publish it. So, I will reuse back English first. If I got time or stuff I want to type using Chinese, I will use Chinese. One C. LOL. That first day of school. If I can get B, then something wrong. Even me myself thinks that I did very bad for that day. LOL. So forget it. ![]() 想要学会伪装,说谎,拒绝或是了解痛的感觉吗? 最快的方法就是爱情。但如果你愿意尝试,就千万不要跟爱情过不去。因为是你自己让爱情接近你的。没有人逼你。是你愿意的。 SsinyiI Tuesday, October 19 @ 11:32 PM
![]() 放学后,和Jiamei去Lawn买waffles。边吃边做RJ。 TJM吃两个!!! 也太会吃了吧! 冲下YCK找Amanda。 陪她们买东西。Huimin来了。Jocelyn来了。 聊天~ 今天的照片! 欣仪 Monday, October 18 @ 9:34 PM
上课咯~ 今天的组还不错。我喜欢。但我不喜欢各自做自己的作业。 今天的课程是学习关于博客和媒体。我喜欢! 哈哈! 终于有学到比较相关和我爱的了。 累了。大家要早睡哦。 明天约了Huimin&Jocelyn。 会做些什么呢? 我也不懂。 啊~~ 吃太饱了。 欣仪 Sunday, October 17 @ 10:44 PM
本想在家里的。但Huimin叫我去她的家。晚上就到她家去了。 和平常一样聊天,玩闹。 现在也是在Huimin家写的博客。 好了,我要回家去了。 欣仪 Saturday, October 16 @ 9:21 PM
@ 9:20 PM
@ 9:19 PM
@ 9:18 PM
好不容易的假日啊~ 就这样吃饱,玩电脑,睡觉。我想以后出社会做工了,一有假日,我就会这样的过吧! 今天听到了很多 永邦 的歌。 好听! 我会 upload 一些在我的博客。 听听看吧! 欣仪 @ 4:14 AM
死神少女「渡」,永遠的19歲,奈何橋的守護者,非生非死,無善無惡。 所有「過不去」而呼喚死亡的聲音,都可能召喚她── 渡總是笑著說:「我最喜歡”過不去”的靈魂了,來變成一顆石頭,幫我支撐奈何橋吧。」 面對生存困境、生死抉擇, 如果你選擇「渡過」,她就會消失, 如果你還是「渡不過」,她會幫助你完成願望, 但你, 將會變成「奈何橋」下的一顆石頭, 永遠忍受地獄之河的沖刷,支撐別人安然渡過。 死神少女「渡」 - 房思瑜具有靈異體質的少年沈奇,是唯一一個可以看見死神少女的人;透過目睹一則則的校故事,明白「渡」並非劊子手,而是渡者。 漸漸愛上死神少女。 但醫生卻說:沈奇腦中長了一顆腦瘤,故而產生幻覺。 隨著腦瘤越長越大,沈奇的性命危在旦夕;但若割除腦瘤,他將再也見不到死神少女。 究竟,他會成為一般凡人而活下去?或是,為愛而死,永遠與死神少女在一起? 沈奇 - 炎亚纶死神少女將以貫穿者的角色出現,每集將發生不同的校園案件,透過少女的神秘、魔幻,逐步揭露人性的奧秘,考驗青少年如何「渡過」的智慧。 死神少女官方网站: [以上资料来源]Friday, October 15 @ 11:23 PM
一个礼拜的学习终于结束了。连续4天,第一个做presentation. 我看我已经所向无敌了吧。累死我了。 回到家就睡着了。 我就是那么的累啊~ 晚安! 欣仪 Thursday, October 14 @ 12:53 AM
昨晚一大早就睡了。今天起床完全没有问题。哈哈。 今天真的不知道怎么了。我觉得今天的组。。。无言。 今天真的是two-man show。哈哈 今天的PPT是我最烂的。惨~念! 课玩后,去NDP. NDP后,Prawing !!! 晚安! 欣仪 Wednesday, October 13 @ 8:46 PM
今天一整天,我都好累哦。连续几天都晚回,迟睡。这样真的让我承受不了。今天的我真的决定早睡。哈哈 说说我的班吧。 今天和一个男的,一个女的一组。感觉还不错。毕竟是第一天。大家对对方都很有礼貌吧。 我今天才知道我班里的人加加减减,有5/6的不同国家的人。 但我只能说,有一两个的音真的会让我听不懂。他们家乡的口音太重了。但我觉得这应该是很下的问题吧。我去睡了。晚安。 欣仪 Tuesday, October 12 @ 10:59 PM
第一天的重返学校。目前为止,对着个新的班,我还是保持无意间。因为我还不是真的认识每个人。毕竟今天只是上学地一天罢了。放学后,去吃饭。 回家。 找Rachel。陪她买东西,做隐形眼睛,吃饭,来我家,送她回家。 做我的RJ。 我好累。 我要睡了 欣仪 Monday, October 11 @ 11:25 PM
![]() 明天要上学了哦! 早上去拿我的薪水!愉快! 虽然很少,但我还是很开心。毕竟还是有钱啊 和‘双胞胎’去SHOPPING‘ 本来应该是我要买东西的。但到了最后,是她在买。 买了$140多的鞋子和书包。那不是我要买的吗? 哈哈。 买了两瓶Ribena Sprakling。一个柠檬,一个原味。 我的最爱了! 晚上和Rachel&Jiamei吃饭。心情: 愉快 照片等Rachel吧。 我看我明天应该起的来吧。 约了Jiamei 7点在Bishan Mrt。 欣仪 Sunday, October 10 @ 11:45 PM
今天的行程就是:早上:跟‘双胞胎’出门,要去拿薪水。但是失败了。星期天,公司没有开! 心情: 低落 下午:和Alida出门。 去了一趟Bugis。 吃喝玩乐。拍了neoprint。误闯进别人的neoprint.超好笑!那人应该气炸了。 玩小孩的arcade. 大吃 心情: 愉快 晚上: 去了Chisun的家。有Kaifeng, TohXinyi, WanQian. 麻将和聊天 心情: 爆笑 欣仪 照片: Alida Alida neoprint ! 超像鬼的! 怀念的游戏 ![]() Alida 特别的心给特别的人 我们坐的好远哦 第二个neoprint Alida 有是一个值得怀念的游戏 玩完后的战利品! Saturday, October 9 @ 10:15 PM
我并不是一个很会对家人表达的人。于是,我特别为了我的外婆多写了一篇博客。 今天,外婆又在电话里为我打气。外婆每次都很开心的说要我好好的读书。每次外婆都会在电话的那一头为我说声加油。她每一句的加油都会在我脑海里来回的盘旋着。外婆每次都很开心,很热情的对我说一定要加油。 从小就是外婆带大的我。所以对外婆我总觉得很感谢。我一向都觉得外婆是很伟大,很厉害的女人。我从来都没有看到她不难过过,除了外公去世的时候。 每当我听到她那样的鼓励我的时候,我总觉得自己并没有做的很好。我都会觉得自己好像有让她失望了。每一次,泪水都会不自觉的流下。我每一次都觉得自己真的好对不起外婆。 今天,妈妈问听完电话后我会哭。妈妈说是不是感动。我觉得那已经不单单只有感动。那更是多了一份难以用说或写的失落。不单因为觉得自己让她老人家失望,而是那种无法陪伴在身边的失落与遗憾。 每一次从马来西亚遇到外婆到要回新加坡的时候,我都好恨离别的时刻哦。我真的好恨哦。我恨自己无法长期待在马来西亚陪她。每次的回新都让我觉得自己好像做错了什么事。 感觉就像无情的孩子狠狠的把年老的家人留下,然后不顾一切的往前飞。 无论是新年或节日时,大家都会回到老家。大家热热闹闹的聚集在一起。外婆就会忙东忙西。当新年过了,节日过了,假期过了,大家有从新的回到属于自己的家。我常常会觉得空空的大房子,就剩外婆一个人。 现在外公走了。我更加痛恨离别的时刻。每当离别时,外婆还是会很热情的鼓励着我。我记得有一次是在外公百天纪念日。在外公的照片前。那时的我忍着眼泪把外婆的话听完。那时的我强忍着泪水,一点都不敢直视外婆的眼睛。因为深怕一对到眼,眼泪就会被外婆发现而她会更伤心。 如果能够选择,我还是会选择做你的外孙。 Labels: 我的外婆 @ 9:21 PM
![]() 我只能说小孩长的很快。只不过一两个月没见就长那么大了。我老了啊~ 去了一趟Alida的家。用电脑。 ![]() 我要早睡啊。明天会是忙碌的一天。哈哈 每天拿了薪水。要和Alida出门去。终于啊! 欣仪 Friday, October 8 @ 9:42 PM
现在才9点。我还以为和晚了。![]() 回到家,我就累垮了。洗完澡后,就没在动过。 哈哈 我就要开学了。相约的机会应该会变少吧。但友情不变。 欣仪 Thursday, October 7 @ 11:25 PM
本来今天我也没有什么好说的。又是一整天呆在家。但我觉得我有事情要说。最近啊,我周围的朋友啊。有好多都为情所困。让我来说说他们是为了哪些爱情的事情。。。 第一: 他/她们说: 我配不上那个人。 在这世上也许有你配不配穿的衣服,但绝对没有配不配的人。没有人是为了配得上另外一个人而存在的。 第二: 把爱情看的太重。 我相信每个人都渴望爱情。我也是啊。但有句话说的好【爱情是勉强不了的】。我们不能掌握爱情来到的时间。但我们可以让自己在爱情还没来之前想办法让自己活的快乐和充实啊。把用来应付无爱情的精力在更有意义的事情上不是更好吗? 大家一起幸福吧。 欣仪 Wednesday, October 6 @ 11:33 PM
一大早就起身了。但吃玩早餐后,我又累的回去睡了。哈哈。睡到2点多才起床。准备准备就下choa chu kang. 办了办我的ezlink card 就回来了。买kfc吃。 但我的cheese fries被我老妈吃掉了!算了。晚餐又是丰盛的一餐! 哈哈! 我最爱的【煮酒】的食物和药材汤。但愉快的假日就要过了。无言。我看我还是尽量的享受这剩余的美好时光吧。 最后的几天,约了几位朋友一起去门去。愉快!幸福!美好! 欣仪 Tuesday, October 5 @ 11:20 PM
简简单单的生活是那么的愉快。没有人会打扰你。没有烦人的琐事。就这样每天想做什么就做什么。但我只剩的最后7天了。啊~ 欢乐的时间终是过的很快嘛。 幸好我想看的戏和节目都看完了。哈哈。欣仪 Monday, October 4 @ 10:22 PM
我又是一整天呆在家里头。那里都没有去。就这样的呆着。 我还没有去办我的卡呢。要快点去办了。我无话可说。我的人生目前是遇到瓶颈了。 哈哈。我是双鱼座。我不爱和人说我的心事。 我很常和一个人说看看我的博客吧。不是要炫耀什么。而是希望你能知道我近来的状况和发生的事。 但你每次都只是敷衍我罢了。 当我决定去关心一个人,我会尽我的全力。去看你的Facebook也好,博客也好。就算是没有空交谈,至少我很能懂或明白你的近况。可是你呢?不要把忙当借口。我不信你又空看别人的,没空看看我。 我不信你有空写写甜言蜜语给别人,没空写些给我。 但我也要谢谢你。如果你有在看的话,我也不可能有办法写那么多。 还有,我不是备胎或是当你需要的时候才用,不用的时候丢的便利贴。别以为我真的是‘陈欣仪’ 我不懂你看不看的到。但我只能说谢谢你让我懂的,和让我明白别人说的你是真的。 以上是写给我曾经的朋友 欣仪 Sunday, October 3 @ 11:50 PM
去马来西亚。啊~ 我剪坏了我的头发。 我的妈啊。 超级无敌讨厌我的头发。 我真的觉得我为什么那么的傻? 做人应该安分一点,不要轻易的尝试新的发型。因为你不知道你会变成怎么样。我的天啊~ 欣仪 Saturday, October 2 @ 11:28 PM
今天和妈妈去买去野餐的食物。买了,但没有去了。因为有几位小姐突然说不能去了。无奈啊。为什么要临时说不能去呢? 那对你的人格有着很不好的影响哦... ... Anyway, 我把我买来的Tuna开来吃了。哈哈! 因为肚子饿了。妈妈今天煮的比较晚。所以,我明天会和爸爸妈妈去马来西亚。有户~黑皮~ 但明天有权买东西的人不是我,是弟弟。但凭我的三寸不烂之舌,我坚信我一定能够至少说服我爸买一点东西给我的。 哇哈哈哈哈。今天早早睡,明天早早起。今天要乖乖,明天买多多。 哈哈! 欣仪 Friday, October 1 @ 11:17 PM
想了好久。这个假期对我来说... .... 应该可以说很特别吧。无论是对友情,爱情或是做人,我都有了不同的想法。也许,或许每个人都应该有几天是自己呆在家。这样,你可以从新整理你的思绪。 如果受伤了,也可以是养病的时期吧。为了不要再受伤,应该再绝情一点,残忍一点,无情一点。应该这样吗? 不要说是我变了,是我怕了。 p.s 我又犯了错 欣仪 |
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