Thursday, September 30 @ 10:38 PM
和Jocelyn去办我的卡。可是当我剪好头发和拍好照后,才发现钱不够啊! 天啊~ 只好改天再去办了。可是,我们想好了一件事情。就是想到如何去准备一件事。 哈哈。保定收到的人会绝的很惊喜。哈~ 想让大家看一点提示。有没有? 有感觉吗? 哈哈。我觉得就算是我来猜,也未必猜的到。 介于时间未成熟,无法揭晓。 欣仪 @ 1:58 AM
今天都忘了写博客了! 哈哈! 我说过的我从今天开始要用话华语写我的博客! 我言出必行。 可是,好像今天写的太迟了。都过了时间。明天。不应该是今天早上要和Jocelyn出去办我的ezlink card。 我终于要出门去办我的卡了! 哈哈,我托好久了。我好想忘了是几时不见得了。幸好我有些博客!好了,我要去睡了。要不然啊,明天我保定,一定起不来。要调好闹钟【必】 大家晚安和早安! 欣仪上 Tuesday, September 28 @ 11:52 PM
I thought I would be staying at home the whole day. But in the end, dad called and say want to go out to eat. So being me, I took abit of my own sweet time in preparing myself. HAHAS. In the end, he was a bit angry or maybe angry about it. So, he start nagging all the way from his shop to J8. And plus walking very fast again. He alway walk very fast when he is angry. Just LOOK at his speed. HAHAS.My dinner. HAHAS. Chicken Wing Rice. KO! Guess who? SsinyiI Monday, September 27 @ 10:47 PM
As usual, I am listen to songs again. WHAHAH. This time round. Is a new singer bah. Not very sure. TEEHEE. But anw, what important is the songs,right. Who care Who sing it !? Bii! 21 years old. Chinese-Korean blood. I know him through the drama 钟无艳. Really like the songs. :) I got his songs up at my blog. Listen :) SsinyiI @ 10:39 PM
@ 10:00 PM
Sunday, September 26 @ 10:37 PM
宅女 P.S If someone need someone to accompany you to somewhere, maybe you can ask me. [with term&conditions] SsinyiI Saturday, September 25 @ 11:12 PM
@ 11:10 PM
YEAH!.This time is 李玖哲 new album 好玖 !!! Favourite song from this album is 最后的那一天 :) Very Nice. Go Support it ! :) ![]() SsinyiI Friday, September 24 @ 10:26 PM
Blogging early today. :)Grandma is still here. I thought she going back today. But dun think so cause is already so late. :/ Anw, I spend my day watching videos again. While I watching 综艺大国民, I found out that 張信哲 got new album. :) NICE OH! I got post his songs onto my blog. LISTEN IT! Very Nice :) 張信哲 初.专辑 SsinyiI @ 10:25 PM
@ 10:25 PM
@ 5:02 PM
[Photo update]中秋节 on 22/09.10 Rahel. JiaMei &I Nice Melting of the Candles. 'ROUND' Me with my friend 'ROUND' Chair. Rachel!!! CANDLES ! CANDLES! AS USUAL... ... Our hand :) WE ARE NOT PLAYING WITH FIRE !!! CANDLES !! BEFORE & AFTER of CANDLES!!! JiaMei & I Rachel. JiaMei &I MY MAN-MADE LIGHT STICK! US! Rachel Heart? US again ! Our Lantern .:) JiaMei's Smile?? THIS IS MY PIG !!! SsinyiI Thursday, September 23 @ 10:55 PM
Sty at home the whole day again. Watch Video the whole day. TEEHEE. Should I go badminton tml?? Hmmm.... ..... I should go exercise? Should I ?Grandma is here. :) SsinyiI @ 9:22 PM
@ 1:39 AM
I blog late tonight because I went down to look for Rachel and Jiamei. Bro comes down together with me. Walk to the temple and hoping that the celebration is still on. But we are late cause by the time we reach the temple is about 9?? So we walk back to my house downstairs with our lantern lighted up. :) TEEHEE. Then we start playing with candles and make different shapes. Photos will be upload later when Rachel upload them :) Should be uploading soon bah. Although is abit late but still... ...中秋节快乐. And Happy Birthday to 蝴蝶姐姐. :) SsinyiI Tuesday, September 21 @ 10:16 PM
Finally... ... I wake up at 12am. That so early for me. HAHAS. Dun think I would be getting any more job cause I am so tired. And I plan to stay at home everyday. Might not be going out with anyone unless anything special. HAHAS. Plan to go for a run today. But fall asleep while reading comic on bed.My back is super pain. I got sun burnt when I went swimming with Amanda. OUCH. Can You see the different in colour? One red One my normal skin colour. Seriously. VERY PAINFUL. My favurite Fruit: Passion Fruit :) 百香果! TEEHEE SsinyiI Monday, September 20 @ 9:53 PM
10am, Amanda morning call me. Went to swimming with her. I Just Love Swimming. I shall go swimming more often. :) Receive a call from Mum telling me that we are going down to DaYi's house. Then receive a call that we are not going. Then receive a call that we are going. LOL. Went back home and down DaYi's house. I Just Love Dogs! DaYi got 2 small little doggy. AHAHAS. I so looking forward to play with the dogs. TEEHEE. I so wanna to have dogs next time. :) Fine I was unable to make the picture stay side by side while they are bigger in size. Forget it then. :) I'm super tired. I need / must sleep early tonight for a better life tml. :) P.S I love to eat duck rice :) SsinyiI Sunday, September 19 @ 9:41 PM
[Photo Update]Work on 18/09/10 I know only three photo. HAHAS. Cause we go to work not for play. HAHAS. Super Tiring. Xinyi being a bully again. Our uniform. Speechless. :) Twins' shoe :) Which one is me ? Which one is her? Cant tell. @ 9:33 PM
[Photos Update]Sentosa Trip on 15/09/10 |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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