Tuesday, August 31 @ 11:52 PM
Went back to GuangYang today. Wooo. I think teachers would think I changed alot. HEHE. But Ahma and Huimin didn't go back. SIAN. LOL. This year celebration, I gave up and went downstair during the half of the celebration. HEHE. All I can say is that the school become warmer each time I went there. Not because of me, but seriously getting warmer. Went back home to get my passport and photo for the F1 training. LOL. OMG. I seriously have no idea of wine, beer or cocktail. LOL. That the most scary part of the job. Beside that, I should be ok. HEHE.I'm seriously very tired. Went back to school, then listen to training talk(only first part is boring). I seriously need some serious study from tml onward. SsinyiI Monday, August 30 @ 10:34 PM
WOW. I am actually blogging so early today. HEHE. Just Kidding. Stay at home the whole day. Tml is Pre-teachers' day celebration. Woohoo! Going back to secondary school !! Then afternoon got training for the F1. Busy day tml.SsinyiI @ 1:06 AM
I am blogging late again. LOL. Alway play too much game and off the blogging time. Now this post is not on the actually day le. :( Didn't study at all for today only. Brother is at home the whole day with me. So, I didn't study. It is FAMILY DAY. No Study. :) BEFORE COOK... AFTER COOK... This is 炸年糕! Dun really like to eat this. Because it is too sweet for me. WHAHAHA. So only ate 2 piece. Watch 泡沫之夏's ending today. OMG. Is darn nice. I cried. HEHE. As usual. P.S I am so going to study real hard tml. SsinyiI Saturday, August 28 @ 10:52 PM
Woke up at 2plus.pm. LOL. Yesterday night is very windy. Windy until very eerie. By right I wanna to watch video until 4pm but because of the wind, I dun dare watch. HAHAS. Went over to Xinyi house later. Then wait for her to watch AfterShock. Wait until I wanna sleep le. Then go over to her com and press. HAHAS. Finally finish watching the movie. And Xinyi actually have the book that I wanna. HAHAS. She gave it to me. HEHE. I MUST read finish it. HAHAS.And I would stay at home everyday till tue. To go back to study. HEHE. Already two day nvr study le. :( @ 12:35 AM
Went out with Xinyi today. By right, I'm suppose to meet her at 1pm. But I woke up and see my clock write 12.53pm. Then I fall back to sleep. LOL. Since I already late. Hahas. Just being me. The next time I work up is 1.50plus.pm. Then I faster jump out of my bed. LOL. Eat then faster go meet Xinyi. Then wait for her to bath finish. By the time we let to buy our stuff is already 5plus. LOL. Then we walk around and get our shoe. Saw quite a no. of familiar faces. One is Pat and friends. LOL. Another is Sabrina. HEHE. Then home sweet home at around 10pm. HEHE. SsinyiI Friday, August 27 @ 12:38 AM
By right is stay at home study. But went out eventually as I dun wanna to stay at home. HEHE. So went to meet Meixuan, Kaifeng, Chisun and Cheekuan. Yicong came later. After dinner, went to Chisun's house with CheeKuan and Kaifeng. HAHAS. Then home sweet home. :)My middle finger got injury so I type word very difficult. Cannot use middle finger. HEHE. SsinyiI Wednesday, August 25 @ 10:55 PM
OMG. I am so tired from the studying. HEHE. I haven been leaving my house for like 2 days. Is that counted long? Even thought I did go out with Amanda to have breakfast on monday but it certainly seem like I nvr really go anywhere. Tml will be another day for me to study but I might need to go and look for my twin. Hahas. SsinyiI Tuesday, August 24 @ 9:10 PM
Stay at home the whole day and study and watch video. HAHAS.I got myself a acc at 新浪微博? Btw, another version of twitter is 新浪. :) Just that is in chinese. Seriously not bad. HEHE. Hahas. At least that would be a place for me to write all my 心事. Hehe. People here just dun go to this website. This is more famous on 台湾 and 大陆. But I still see some people that live at singapore & malaysia using that. And lots of 明星S use that. I am quite a so-call "FAN" of their 微博. P.S Dun ever go there. Cause you may found out me saying bad thing about you. HAHAS. SsinyiI @ 1:51 PM
天气的晴朗只会让我想你是不是出门了。所以没有跟我聊天?天气的乌云只会让我想你是不是在家呢?但为何没有跟我聊天?欣仪说 Monday, August 23 @ 10:48 PM
把自己隐藏起来 有时用华文写blog也不错啊 !! SsinyiI @ 10:33 PM
Sunday, August 22 @ 11:11 PM
JIA YOU , SIN YI !! Stay at home the whole day again. At first, got go out but in the end nvr. Alida and mum come over my house today. The chicken rice's chili is DARN spicy. HEHE. :) I am so going to stay at home and study hard. But there so many distraction at home. I can watch movie, drama !!! OMG. I really need to resist from all this. HEHE. SsinyiI Saturday, August 21 @ 10:02 PM
Stay at home the whole day. Tidy up my room. Study my school work. Slack. Watch video. SLACK. Days like this please stay with me. :)SsinyiI @ 1:36 AM
Friday, August 20 @ 10:23 PM
Went to Xinyi house and cook fried rice. First, we go to Shop & Save and get all the ingredients. Start cooking. TEEHEE. I'm mainly in charge of cutting the food. :) Xinyi mainly in charge of frying the stuff up. After getting all the food done, we start cleaning up the place. I, TEE SIN YI, first time in my life seriously mop up the place. LOL. I know is nothing to be proud of but is the first time I use a mop that can squeeze water out itself without using your hand to squeeze. I dunnoe how to explain. HEHE. Then we sit down at the table and enjoy. HAHAS The recipe of the fried Rice: 1. Rice (like of course) 2. Salted Egg. 3. "Chinese" Sausages (猎肠) 4. Fish Cake 5. luncheon Meat 6. Spring Onions 7. Garlic That all I think :) You don't need to put any seasoning like salt or soya sauce cause is salty enough. Because the salted egg is salty !!! Try at your own risk. The side dish is just simply Fried Potato Strip and Crispy Chicken and Fried Luncheon Meat Strip. And most importantly, remember to prepare lots and lots of DRINKS. Cause you will feel real thirsty. :) Another word, TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK. P.S World Peace :) SsinyiI Thursday, August 19 @ 10:56 PM
Meet Amanda for Klunch today. Nice singing session. TEEHEE.Went over to Xinyi house today. Slack at her house till 6.30pm. Then went home to eat. Darn hungry that we 幻味 !! Bak Kut Teh and Luncheon Meat. LOL. The television show that, we also smell the food. LOL. Brought a hot dog bun home to eat. Darn hungry. HEHE. :) ![]() Watched this movie that day. This movie is darn nice. Mini Intro about this movie: Based on the Tangshan Earthquake in 1976, Li Ni returns home only to find out that her 7- year-old twins are buried under the debris. She's left with a dilemma on deciding whom she chooses to save, her son, Fonda or her daughter, Fan Teng. She chooses to save her son in the end without knowing that Fan Teng overheard the decision being made. Miraculously, she manages to survive but suffers from the painful memory of her mother's decision. Later, a young couple adopts her but she remains traumatised by this childhood experience. Get this introduction from: http://movies.insing.com/movie/aftershock/id-7d010000 亲口听到自己的母亲说要弟弟而不要自己。那 是比万剑穿心还要痛的痛。如果是我的话,我 看我永远都不可能原谅我的母亲。但无论如何 是亲生父母或是领养的父母,这份亲情可能就 是全天下最美好的吧。 I promise this movie truly nice. Ok, I cry like there nobody business. HEHE. SsinyiI Wednesday, August 18 @ 11:25 PM
我只要你牵着我的手 ![]() 就算人会老,爱会少 ![]() Meet up with Amanda for breakfast today. :) Fun morning to start with. Have a mini chat with our life and of course with some Korean Pop Singing. LOL. Meet up with Xinyi and Jovin for F1 'Interview'. We manage to make people think that we are not the Xinyi. LOL. That person totally mix up me and Xinyi. LOL. That so kidding. With our similar-look, we shall continue with this cheating process. LOL. Oh. We got to know another Xinyi. LOL. I did say Hi. :) Finally got my sugar peanuts. HEHE. I better sleep early. :) P.S Feel like making my blog private. But is there a point. SsinyiI Tuesday, August 17 @ 10:34 PM
![]() 最幸福的事可以是很简单的事 Staying at home the whole day. Watch shows, Sing Song, Study, Rest and thinking about you.Wonderful life. :) SsinyiI Monday, August 16 @ 11:41 PM
![]() YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL. ROCK. ![]() JANG GEUN SUK ![]() LEE HONG KI. ONE CUTE, ONE MAN. LEEHONGKI is the cutest guy I ever see. REALLY. Across Taiwan, Korean, Japan. Totally attracted by him. Ok, I better stop saying about him. LOL. Went to school with Ck to study. We did study. I study finish one MODULE. I am so pro. LOL. SsinyiI Sunday, August 15 @ 10:06 PM
XINYI AND SINYI WE DO LOOK ALIKE RGHT !? Yesterday: Went out with Xinyi THE WHOLE DAY. But meet up with Huimin and Ahma and Ali in the morning. Walk around taka and Ion with Xinyi. I love books. LOL. Today: Suppose to go for NDP dinner. But in the end, nvr go. Due to my mother nagging. Luckily, I still got my BBQ to go with Alida and Bro. HAND-ON-BBQ. WOOHOO. Oh ya. I woke up at 10plus and study. I dun believe that I am so HARDWORKING. LOL. SsinyiI Friday, August 13 @ 10:54 PM
EVERYONE IS HOLIDAY LE. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy. Finally my holiday come. WOOHOO !! Science. A totally SLACKING day for me. I didn't study at all.. Just went to school to play and got hack in FACEBOOK. LOL. And see the guy playing TAU POK. :) WHAHAHAHAS! Went to Xinyi house today. Slack at her house. TEEHEE. My twins. SsinyiI Thursday, August 12 @ 11:02 PM
Went to study with Ck, Cs and Ahma. But fail. All because I study using computer. But the rest use worksheet to study. :( Went sing K with Xinyi at first. But Ck, Cs, Ahma and Jovin join use later. Went home straight after that.Alida come my house. Have a small chat. :) SsinyiI Wednesday, August 11 @ 10:14 PM
LAST MATH Today :)My fav sia. Last day of math. Not last day of the sem. Not going school tml. :) TEEHEE. SsinyiI Tuesday, August 10 @ 11:55 PM
Woke up. Feeling better. Meet up with Jocelyn, Xinyi, Jovin, Chisun, Cheekuan and 2 Jasmine for Badminton. Went for breakfast together with Lunch with Xinyi, Jovin, Chisun, Cheekuan and Jasmine. One of the Jasmine Left first. Then Cheekuan and Jovin and I went to Xinyi house. Mahjong and games. Laugh like siao again. Went prata house. They have their dinner there I have it at home. Stomach pain again. Due to overintake of sotong and prawns. Because Cheekuan and Chisun dun eat them so they gave it to me. LOL. Serve me right. Went up halfway through when my family go down to pray. Then went down again in my fastest speed of going toliet. Watched NDP 2010. Love it :) But such a pity, I'm not out with the rest for the cross segment. But is ok.I MUST GO SCHOOL FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK. :) SsinyiI Monday, August 9 @ 11:47 PM
HAPPY 45th BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE :) RP3 Mentor: Joshua LAST NDP, Singapore Birthday :) All the sat spent with the RP3 simply rock. :) All this have come to an end. I would bring the memories with me. Am I sounding like I wouldn't see them again. LOL. It is a great day. But the only thing that is imperfect for me is that I didn;t manage to do the CROSS with them. I was seriously not feeling well. I see DOUBLE of each person. LOL. Practice so much for this yet in the end unable to do it with all the other motivator :( But overall a great time spend :) Looking forward for the dinner :) I would join 2011 NDP next year :) SsinyiI Sunday, August 8 @ 11:39 PM
By right, I am suppose to stay at home today to get myself ready for NDP. But Chong Huimin called me and ask me pei her to buy some stuff for her trip tml. So being me, I accompany her. TEEHEE. Xiao Ba Wang is our choice again. We two really order alot as compared to other people. LOL. We almost order everything from the shop. TEEHEE.NDP TML. Happy Birthday Singapore. Is nice to be a motivator for You. :) SsinyiI @ 12:07 AM
No more programming. Not that I dun like programming, but is the first module that had officially ended. :) That mean HOLIDAY is on it way. How nice can holiday be? It just simply rock.Friday. Stay overnight at Chisun house again with Huimin, Wanqin, Cheekuan, Kaifeng, Jingzhi and Neo. Deguang and Toh Xinyi Left, didn't stay though the night. I didn't sleep much as compared as last time. TEEHEE. Slept the whole day. Woke up at 4plus then KO again . The next time I wake up is 9plus. :) SsinyiI Thursday, August 5 @ 9:57 PM
Didn't go to school today. I overslept. 10plus then wake up. LOL. Watch video the whole day. So nice to watch video alone. TEEHEE. One more week then holiday le. :) YEAH. Cant wait for the holiday to come man. :) Went out of the room, suddenly so grandmother outside. WHAT THE. I better rest early. If not I worry I later dun nid to sleep.GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE. SsinyiI Wednesday, August 4 @ 10:27 PM
Math Today :) As usual Brain juice used up. Sleeping early today. But in the end, I'm going to sleep like the time I sleep usually, 11pm. ARH. I really need to replenish my sleep ! If not I would fall asleep during one of the six P man. :)SsinyiI Tuesday, August 3 @ 10:56 PM
When I was young...... DID I CHANGE ALOT ??? Grab some old photos from Huimin. Everyone change alot sia. HEHE. Next time I shall do one past and present photo. TEEHEE. SsinyiI Monday, August 2 @ 10:42 PM
TWINS. I shuang er She Bao Tai LAOPOS !!! Ok I know it should be Stay-Home-Study-Day. But just being me, I went out to meet my LAOPOS and TWIN :) A Good Start End With A Wonderful Ending. I hope we will be able to go out again when there is MORE Time. Please. :) Last Sat. Last Training. I would really miss the great times spend together with all my team members especially with the girls. Wonderful time. The thing I look after for is NDP. But ending. This would be another happy memories in my life that I would rmb forever. :) Give Sun a miss. I was having headache all the way right after NDP. Due to that DARN HOT SUN. Lucky, I didn't faint like other people or vomit but just purely headache. Even though is already very terrible feel. SsinyiI |
Tee Sin Yi 19.02.93
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